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Archive for September 23rd, 2011

Palin’s Brother, Chuck Heath, Jr, Addresses McGinniss’s Lies

Posted by Adrienne Ross on September 23, 2011

By Adrienne Ross –

It’s not been a good week for Joe McGinniss. Even the left-obsessed media has condemned, doubted, and blown off his anti-Palin book. Yesterday, it became public knowledge, via his own email, that he had no proof to support the claims he made in the book. Today, Chuck Heath, Jr., Governor Palin’s brother, issued a statement. Big Journalism reports:

The McGinniss book is filled with one lie after another. The final straw for me was when I learned that he used me as a source for his lies about my sister and brother-in-law’s marriage. He included in his book comments falsely attributed to me by one of his unnamed sources. Neither McGinniss nor Crown/Random House reached out to me to verify, or even comment on, this alleged hearsay from an unnamed source. They just ran with it, and as a consequence, the tabloids picked it up and used it to fuel false rumors about my sister getting a divorce. All of this is a total lie, and I’m sick of seeing my sister, her family, and our extended family being trashed by smear-merchants like Joe McGinniss and his publisher.

(h/t Josh Painter)

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Bachmann/Perry Done.Next Anti-Palin Up;”Christie To Decide To Run In Days”

Posted by M.Joseph Sheppard At Palin4President2016 on September 23, 2011

Here’s NEWSMAX pushing Chris Christie as the next great Beltway hope as they equivocate over Romney, and Perry bites the dust. Perry has been utterly savaged from all quarters over his debate performances (three strikes and you’re out”) and he was drifting down in the most recent polls which should accelerate now.

Bachmann was of course a media puff up, not a Beltway creation, and only got to that point after her team bought the Ames straw poll.She was the anti-Palin for a while, which served the Beltway “anyone but Palin” theme  (she’s irrelevant and has been supplanted by a younger (sic) version etc) but her ridiculous statements served to make her ludicrous campaign a disaster.

Perhaps the GOP establishment is trying to force Christie’s hand and ego with these enticements to run. The utter hypocrisy of this move makes even the cynical seem naive. For Christie to announce a run he would have to justify all his previous statements where he categorically ruled out he would do so-the ultimate in flip flopping.

No amount of statements such as “I will do it for the sake of the GOP/country-my personal wishes are overruled by the needs of America” etc would serve as a cover for the blatant reversal of position and obvious self-serving.

If he did announce a run with the Beltway/media blessing, the utter hypocrisy of their current them that Palin has left it too late to announce a run, has no team on the ground, has not participated in the debates, has left the voters in Iowa and New Hampshire in the lurch etc. The mere fact that the establishment is pressing Christie to run has already exposed the hollowness and cynicism of their arguments.

Should, despite all this blatant posturing, Christie run then he too, like Bachmann and Perry before him, be exposed to the blowtorch of vetting. of course the satirists will have a field day with his girth so the chances of his statements getting coverage from behind the fog of ridicule will be low.

The race, if Palin chooses to enter, will be between the rank and file,Tea party activists, and the establishment whether represented by Romney or Perry or Christie. All the Palin negativity has to be seen in that light and coming from those quarters. The true battle is between the people and the status quo.


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Bristol Palin Shows True Grit After Unprovoked Attack On Sarah. The Family Has Reagan’s Fighting Spirit.

Posted by M.Joseph Sheppard At Palin4President2016 on September 23, 2011

After a jerk does a foul-mouthed, unprovoked personal attack on Bristol Palin’s mother,  Bristol confronts him, and, as a typical leftie hater, he can’t justify anything he says.

This illustrates the depths of the Palin Derangement Syndrome, which stems from some inner torment, and the fighting spirit of the Palin family, which is reminiscent of Reagan’s “I paid for this microphone,” which showed he would fight for himself and America.

Good for you Bristol!


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Post Debate; “Perry’s done. Palin is the only person who can save us from Romney now.”

Posted by M.Joseph Sheppard At Palin4President2016 on September 23, 2011

The consensus (READ COMMENT AFTER COMMENT HERE) at the Republican activists site “Free Republic” is overwhelmingly underwhelmed by Perry’s performance in the debate.

Michelle Malkin hits his debate performance him hard
” Perry’s most cringe-worthy debate moment”

Those who had been Perry flavor of the month supporters who boosted an unvetted, unknown, to the wider voting public as a new candidate, and raised him to near 40% at one time, and overwhelming favorite at the Hot Air on line poll, are dumping him.

The “three strikes and you’re out” meme, after Perry failed to ignite the passion that the media created in their pages for him, has taken over. After a similar meteoric rise and fall by previous media darling Bachmann the activists are, once again looking hopefully towards Sarah Palin as the only one who can avert a Romney RINO disaster.

Actually the RINO’s and Beltway backers are keeping Huntsman in reserve in case their first choice stumbles as has been noticed by “Huntsman on the rise in New Hampshire” reporting (from the L.A. Times as they try and pick the GOP nominee for them-no thanks) they must think the GOP rank and file are idiots but one thing is certain they will not be able to force Huntsman down their throats.

By staying out of the debates and delivering outstanding policy speeches like in Indianola, Palin is proving a tactical genius. After each new “star” rises, the media says “Palin has left it too late, Palin is irrelevant” and etc. Then after vetting and in conjunction with the flavor of the months own gaffes they fall out of favor.

In the meantime, despite the continued barrage of criticism of her by the media, and the seeming-less bottomless pit of trash books and movies from the bottom of the pit thrown at her, Palin increases steadily in the polls to where she is now just outside the margin or error versus President Obama.

Only one prospective candidate, including Romney who never had front runner status, has been totally vetted and can start a campaign at any time free from such diversions and that is Palin. 

The comment from Free Republic that only Palin can save the GOP from Romney is spot on-she must get into the campaign to give voters a genuine choice between politics as they are now, or politics as they can be.

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Andrew Breitbart Drops a Smart Bomb on Joe McGuiness

Posted by joshpainter on September 23, 2011

– by Josh Painter
Andrew Breitbart dropped a smart bomb Friday morning which threatens to utterly destroy Joe McGinniss and his anti-Palin book The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin. But Breitbart’s precision-guided weapon may have also caused some collateral damage to the reputation of McGinness’ publisher, Random House. Also caught up in the explosion is disgraced anti-Palin blogger Jesse Griffin.

As Breitbart points out, even the establishment media, which is not kindly disposed toward Gov. Palin, has overwhelmingly greeted the McGinness book with scathing reviews and condemnation. McGinniss aapears to have knowingly submitted a book to his publisher that was filled with little more than unproven “tawdry gossip” and rumors that lacked “factual evidence, says Breitbart, and now faces “the fight of his literary life.”

In the email below, sent in January of 2011, McGinniss reveals that his manuscript, then under legal review at Crown/Random House, could not prove its most headline-grabbing allegations. And yet, many of these “salacious stories” that lacked “proof” (in McGinniss’s own words) ended up in the book, and on televisions everywhere during the author’s current media tour … without proper sourcing, and without any apparent new evidence to support them.

McGinniss’s panicked state is evidenced by the identity of the recipient to whom he sent his email of distress. Jesse Griffin was the author of an obscure, low-rent, and now-defunct anti-Palin blog that obsessed over Trig Palin’s maternity–claiming, without any evidence, that Sarah Palin was not Trig’s mother.

Was Random House aware that its prized author was making a desperate overtime bid to save face? And if so, why did it allow him to come forth with most of those tawdry accusations without proof or proper sourcing?

This would not be the first time McGinniss has found himself in trouble over accusations of unethical journalism. In 1987, McGinniss agreed to pay $325,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by the convicted murderer who was the subject of McGinniss’s book Fatal Vision. He has also admitted to having surreptitiously distributed a competitor’s manuscript about Palin that was handed to him by his own publisher. The leak allegedly damaged the commercial viability of that book.

In 2003, Random House released a larger-than-life, massive bestseller by James Frey entitled A Million Little Pieces. Later, it was revealed that the book was a fantastical literary hoax that made its way past some of the highest-paid and most respected editors and lawyers in the literary world. Doubleday/Random House felt compelled to offer full refunds to those who had bought the book.

Has history repeated itself?

Mr. McGinniss has not responded to multiple requests for comment.


From: Joe McGinniss
To: Jesse Griffin
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: I have to ask you for help


Legal review of my manuscript is underway and here’s my problem: no one has ever offered documentation of any of the lurid stories about the Palins. Shailey Tripp is the latest example.

APD and Sarah have denied that Todd had any involvement with her. To my knowledge, no one has provided any evidence that he did. TheEnquirer cites AlaskaWTF, which in turn cites the Enquirer: what good is that? I’m also told that the Enquirer is preparing to back off this story and save face by denouncing Ms. Tripp as an unreliable source who promised documentation she couldn’t provide.

She may be mentally unstable and prone to fabrication, delusion, or both. Her joint may be called Blue Hands Massage (brrrrr!), but she’s no Monica Lewinsky with a blue dress with a semen stain, that’s for sure.

Do you believe that Todd paid her for sex? If so, why do you believe that, other than that you wish it were true?

A lurid, sensational, defamatory story about Todd, based only on the account of a woman charged with prostitution, who is no doubt desperate for money, and who sold her story to the Enquirer, is a gift from heaven for Sarah.

Jesse, you can ridicule Sarah for calling in to the execrable Bob & Mark, but the fact is that as far as this story goes, there’s no there there. And rumors about what might come in weeks ahead are not facts. In fact, they’re garbage.

I’ve neither seen nor heard anything that indicates that Ms. Tripp’s story has any basis in fact. None of the endless crap Patrick posted about her before getting the boot from offers any substantiation.

And even you write frequently that you know things you can’t yet post, but that soon “all will be revealed.” This has been going on since I first became aware of your blog, but as far as I know you haven’t substantiated a single claim or provided verification for a single rumor that you’ve posted about Sarah’s personal life, or the personal lives of any Palin family members. Thus, she gets to denounce what she calls “lies.”

Neither from you, the Enquirer, AlaskaWTF, or anyone else, have I seen a credible, identified source backing any of the salacious stories about the Palin family.

Thus–as Random House lawyers are already pointing out to me–nothing I can cite other than my own reporting rises above the level of tawdry gossip. The proof is always just around the corner, but that’s a corner nobody has been able to turn. Maybe Jeff Dunn has, in which case I’ll be the first to congratulate him. But frankly, at this point, I’m tired of it, and I’ve run out of time.

No one has ever provided factual evidence that:

a) Todd had sex with a hooker, or with anyone else outside his marriage.

b) Sarah had an affair with Brad Hanson, or anyone else.

c) Track was a druggie who enlisted in the army to avoid a jail term. Or that he vandalized Wasilla school buses.

d) Willow was involved in the vandalism of the empty house in Meadow Lakes. Or that Sarah rushed back from Hawaii to put the lid on that.

e) Trig is not Sarah’s natural born child.

f) Bristol was promiscuous as a high schooler and drank and used drugs, or became pregnant again after Tripp’s birth.

Jesse, you were going on and on about Bristol being pregnant while doing Dancing With The Stars. And, if I recall correctly, at the time of her brief glossy-magazine-payday “reunion” with Levi, you surmised that she was pregnant by Ben Barber, or at least by someone who wasn’t Levi. You’ve recently suggested she’s had an abortion, publishing photographs that show her chubby then and thin now. But doesn’t that seem a little “thin” to you, based on nothing besides magazine pictures?

So much has bubbled at the salacious rumor stage for more than two years, but no one has been able to take even one story further.

Jesse, if you can put me in touch with people who are willing and able to substantiate any of the above, now is the time to do so. Otherwise, I hope you won’t complain that there are no startling new revelations in my book. My publisher and I think it’s damning enough without airing the family’s dirty laundry, but because Sarah’s hypocrisy about her family is one of the things that galls me most, I’d like to be able to publish facts in regard to a) through f) above, but I emphasize facts.

Not malicious speculation or third-hand rumors relayed by those who hold a grudge.

For any or all of those who’ve told you they’ll speak out, but not yet, now is the time. My book represents the last best chance to put the truth about Sarah in front of the American people in a documented, verifiable way. But I need facts that I can rely on. I didn’t live this long and work this hard over so many decades to wind up as AlaskaWTF between hard covers.

as always, and looking forward to seeing you in spring or summer,



Cross-posted from Texans for Sarah Palin

– JP

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The Smear Campaign Against Sarah Palin Ends Not With a Bang But a Whimper

Posted by reagantman on September 23, 2011

from Patrick’s World USA

One who lives by the rhetorical sword of hatred dies by the rhetorical sword of hatred.

The moment GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin stepped off the stage in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after speaking at the Republican National Convention, there was this horrifying fear and panic that immediately shot up the spines of those in the progressive movement and the media establishment. They flew into a frenzy of lies, smears and innuendo against her, fully knowing that there was little time to get this genie back into the bottle before election day rolled around. Mark that day as the beginning of the smear campaign against Sarah Palin. Mark today as the end of it.

Don’t mistake this as the end of opposition to Sarah Palin. That still exists in the mainstream media and is rearing its head more and more in the Republican establishment. But opposition requires legitimate tactics and intellectually honest debate to succeed. The smear campaign is over. Stopping Sarah Palin means having to take her head on now rather than slithering through the weeds and hiding behind unsubstantiated “anonymous sources” to spread gossip and toss out rhetorical garbage that the ignorant and uninformed will feed into.

That’s right. The Palin haters in the media think you’re stupid. They thought you’d actually believe their nonsense. For those who have bought into their nonsense, you have been had. Those who work hard and don’t have the time to do all the research relied on the mainstream media for their information and they were given misleading information intentionally.

This writer commends Team Sarah, Conservatives4Palin, Ron Devito, Gary P. Jackson, Stacy Drake, William Jacobsen, Adrienne Ross, Josh Painter, William Collier, Pamela Geller, Dr. Gina Loudon, Tammy Bruce, Jedediah Bila, Andrew Breitbart, Dan Riehl, Robert Stacy McCain, Whitney Pitcher, Rachelle Friberg, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and the thousands of others who collectively stood up for Sarah Palin and ended the smear campaign that was started up in the Mudflats of Alaska, a Celtic Diva’s garden, a girl from Homer’s microphone and an Immoral Minority’s own personal hell.

The Immoral Minority website is now defunct. Patrick has been kicked off Shannyn Moore struggles to further her career now that Keith Olbermann is no longer on MSNBC (a Google search on her name shows August of 2010 as her last first page accomplishment). Jeanne Devon earns blood money by collaborating on hit books about Sarah Palin.

The journalistic and pop culture worlds are littered with boats that have wrecked on the rocks of their own Palin hatred. Well known people like Kathy Griffin, David Letterman, Bill Maher, Martha Stewart, Peggy Noonan, Joe Klein, Norah O’Donnell, Mike Tyson, Madonna and others like them have all lost varying shades of respect from the public at large. Their hatred consumed them and it hurt their brands in one way or another.

If negativity is like a cancer that eats away at one’s soul, it also eats away at one’s reputation. Those who responded to the most existential threat to the progressive movement to ever walk the planet since Ronald Reagan have learned one universal truth: hate damages the hater more than the hated.

We can trace the smear campaign against Sarah Palin from the 2008 presidential campaign, through the frivolous ethics complaints that resulted in her strategically brilliant resignation, through her book tours and speaking engagements all the way up to today where the final last gasp is symbolized by a book by Joe McGinniss which is being torn to pieces by both the left and the right for its lack of substance and documentation.

Conservatives4Palin and Andrew Breitbart reports that it’s even worse than the Palin haters thought. The McGinnis Book is a fraud and a hoax. “Now that there is evidence available to the public that shows there isn’t an ounce of proof to back up the claims made by McGinniss in his book, [Random House Publishing] should move to do the right thing and pull it from shelves,” Stacy Drake writes in the Conservatives4Palin piece.

If the smear campaign against Sarah Palin was a fireworks show, the closing displays would be duds. Those trying to destroy Sarah Palin thought the McGinniss book was the final nail in Palin’s coffin. Instead, it became the final nail in the coffin of the smear movement against Governor Palin.

The death of the smear campaign against Palin parallels the death of the media’s ability to keep us from paying attention to “that man behind the curtain.” The “One,” who would stop the rising of the seas and whose voice boomed hypnotically from the speakers at campaign rallies where people fainted and cried for being in his presence, has had the shroud of mythology pulled away from him by the hard working people in the new media who have taken to the blogosphere and Twitter to present a truth the mainstream media desperately tried to hide for the last three years.

The media’s agenda to protect and promote Barack Obama was the motivating force behind their smear campaign against Sarah Palin. They saw her as so viable and electable in 2012 that, even after she lost in 2008, they continued the campaign to destroy her knowing that she’d be back to possibly take down their beloved Barack. To this day, there are still people, even on Fox News and in the Republican Party, who have unknowingly allowed these media tricksters and subliminal manipulators to succeed in getting them to believe that Palin can’t win in 2012. They underestimate Palin at their own peril.

Despite this mind crime, Palin’s numbers remain strong. Her army continues to grow. Just look at how Organize4Palin continues to expand its scope throughout the country. She is polling in the top tier of Republican candidates even though she has not yet announced if she’s running for president. SarahPac is saying she is on the verge of announcing. She was supposed to be living in a trailer park with curlers in her hair if you believed what was being written about her two years ago.

Had the smear campaign succeeded, Palin would have been destroyed by now. Had the trembling tigers – the weak minded amongst the more conservative punditry and within the Republican ranks – stood up for her and took on the media lies, Palin would probably be the front runner right now. These weaklings don’t have the guts to articulate that it was the media that was damaging Palin and not her reality show, not “blood libel,” not her supporters (Ann!) and not her book tours.

Yet, here she stands viable and electable. And, she hasn’t even shown her stuff yet on the campaign trail.

It’s becoming obvious to many that the media has lied to us. The failing Obama presidency was easily foreseeable had those in the media just done their jobs and reported accurately on his ideology, his associations, his false assumptions and his lack of experience. At the same time, they tried to destroy the one among us who had the real abilities to be president (vice president at that time) by lying about her.

The media may itself be no longer able to stomach the lies as talk begins to circulate that they may be ready to turn on Obama.

Monty Pelerin at American Thinker writes:

Barack Obama won the Democrat nomination because the mainstream media adopted him and went out of their way to ensure that he, rather than Hillary Clinton, won. As expressed by the Rex Murphy:

American journalism will have to look back at the period starting with Barrack Obama’s rise, his assumption of the presidency and his conduct in it to the present, and ask itself how it came to cast aside so many of its vital functions. In the main, the establishment American media abandoned its critical faculties during the Obama campaign and it hasn’t reclaimed them since.

As a result, the press gave the great American republic an untried, unknown, and, it is becoming more and more frighteningly clear, incompetent figure as president. Under Obama, America’s foreign policies are a mixture of confusion and costly impotence. They are increasingly bypassed or derided; the great approach to the Muslim world, symbolized by the Cairo speech, is in tatters. America’s debt and deficits are a weight on the entire global economy. And the office of presidency is less and less a symbol of strength.

To the degree the press neglected its function as watchdog and turned cupbearer to a styrofoam demigod, it is a partner in the flaws and failures of what is turning out to be one of the most miserable performances in the modern history of the American presidency.

A tipping point appears to have been reached in the last month or so. The myth of Obama has ended. There is now open talk from the media that Obama cannot win in 2012.

Just as Democrats don’t want a pariah at the top of the ticket, many in the media do not want to continue plugging what is obviously a failed candidate. The protective shield that existed is being dismantled. The press is more interested in saving what credibility they have left, rather than justifying an increasingly indefensible and broken presidency.

The media malpractice that got Obama elected and Palin targeted is a failure. The slobbering love affair is over.

The American people are busy, prone to bad information when they expect truth from an institution that failed them. But, they are not stupid. “Snake oil is never purchased a second time,” Pelerin writes. “Instead of the brilliant problem-solving uniter much of the nation believed they were buying, they got an incompetent, small, and not likeable mountebank.”

Conversely, if the media was completely out of its mind for running cover for Obama, then it makes sense that the media was completely out of its mind for participating in the smearing of Sarah Palin. Obviously, if they were wrong about Obama, they were wrong about Palin. The haters relied on the established media to push their memes. The gravy train is no more. Turn out the lights. The party’s over.

The Palin haters have emptied their arsenals. Their relentless attacks for three years made her stronger. It challenged her to think outside the box about her resignation strategy. It gave her the opportunity to extricate herself from a potentially bankrupting experience at the hands of miserable sacks with miserable lives who’s only answer to their own unhappiness was to spend their time and efforts trying to destroy her. She became more successful because of it, not less.

They have fed the beast they so wrongfully tried to destroy. Because of their efforts, Governor Palin is the most vetted candidate ever. Should she run, the “October surprise” will be impossible to conjure. Should she run, impaling her on her record, her character and her work ethic will be a futile attempt. Yes, the Democrats will come after her. They will smear any candidate who wins the GOP nomination. But with Palin, you get a tried and tested product. There will be no surprises. We have the failed smear campaign against her to thank for that.

Though this smear campaign is over, it doesn’t mean they will stop trying to stop her. A new door is about to open. New challenges lie ahead for Governor Palin if she runs and gets the nomination. For the Palin army, the fight goes on. For her detractors, trying to defeat her now is going to be even more difficult. The Caribou Barbie days are over. It doesn’t stick anymore.

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