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Archive for March, 2010

Sarah Palin Slams Impotent And Anti-Semitic Barack Obama Over His Incoherent Iran Policy And Jihad Against Israel

Posted by Gary P Jackson on March 31, 2010

Let’s cut to the chase here: Barack Obama, and most of the Marxist-democrat party have little or no use for Israel or the Jewish people. Since Jimmy Carter, another terrorist sympathizer, and well known anti-Semite, the democrat party has been hostile toward Israel and the Jewish people, but they tried to hide it from American Jews.

With the election of Barack Obama, who has marinated in hatred for America and Israel since childhood, the mask has come off the Marxist-democrat party. As anyone who was paying attention knows, Barack Obama attended the “church” of Reverend Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright for over 20 years. Wright is a well known anti-Semite and supporter of the terrorist group Hamas.

Since taking office, Obama has been on a real crusade to alienate all of our friends worldwide, and coddle our enemies. Great Britain now says that they, and America, no longer have a “special relationship.” But no where is Obama’s ass-backwards foreign policy more apparent than with his policies towards both Iran and Israel.

Israel has been an ally and friend, of the United States since her founding. The one true friend in the Middle East. Obama has done everything in his power to alienate Israel and the Jewish people. This culminated last week when Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was treated like an outcast at the White House, with Obama refusing to be photographed with him, and rudely ending their meeting to go have dinner with the First Lady. A major case of jackassery. . .

I guess we should all be thankful he wasn’t kicked out the back door and forced to walk past the garbage like the Dalai Lama!

On the other hand, Iran is our sworn enemy. To them, we are “The Great Satan.” They have “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” rallies on a pretty regular basis to keep their oppressed people occupied.

In a manner that would make Neville Chamberlain blush, Obama has sought has to appease this fanatical regime. Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terror and has been supplying weapons that have killed American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Most would consider this casus belli for war, but Barack Obama can’t even bring himself to talk about meaningful sanctions against the terrorist nation.

Even more disturbing, when the Iranian people, most who are not fanatics, tried to rise up and overthrow the Iranian government, Obama was no where to be found. As Iranians were slaughtered in the streets and looked to America for support, Obama sat silent.

That told everyone who was watching all they needed to know about Obama and the kind of “man” he is.

Sarah Palin has been a consistent friend to Israel, and has been hitting Obama on his stance for some time, but it’s pretty easy to see that she has become impatient with his inability to lead our nation, protect us, or our allies. As Sarah put it earlier, this situation “needs a commander-in-chief, not a Harvard law professor. ”

With that said:

Peace Not Possible if Iran Escapes Real Sanctions

This is a meaningful week for so many of us. As millions of Christians and Jews celebrate this Holy Week, it’s appropriate to reflect on developments in the Holy Land. Israel faces a nuclear threat from Iran that grows every day. Today we learned that the CIA has concluded that Iran already has the capability and the know-how to build nuclear weapons. While President Obama once said a nuclear-armed Iran would be “unacceptable,” after more than a year in office it’s sobering to have to acknowledge that his administration has made no progress in implementing “crippling” sanctions on Iran, let alone halting Iran’s nuclear program.

Even the rhetoric moved in the wrong direction – recently the administration downgraded their call for “crippling” sanctions to sanctions that “bite.” Shockingly, as we learned last week, these “biting” sanctions will no longer include actions that could actually change Iran’s behavior, including limiting Iran’s access to international capital markets and banking services or closing air space and waters to Iran’s national air and shipping lines.

So the issue is not when the so-called sanctions will come (President Obama promised them in “weeks” today) but whether they will even “nibble.” And while the Obama administration was more than willing to use every parliamentary trick in the book to ram its government health care takeover through Congress, conversely, it has worked hard to stall bipartisan efforts to pass the Iran Sanctions Act.

Many, many Americans and our allies know that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the consequences will be catastrophic for our interests in the Middle East, and we want our government to do everything in its power to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes.

We foresee a regional nuclear arms race beginning as other countries seek their own nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Iran. Nuclear non-proliferation efforts would be over. The U.S. and our allies in the international community would be shown to be impotent – after long claiming that Iranian nuclear weapons could not and would not be tolerated. And Israel would face the gravest threat since its creation.

Iran’s leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and with nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, the mullahs would be in a position to launch a Second Holocaust.

Iran continues to develop long range missiles. Its missiles can reach Israel and Europe right now and in time they will be able to reach US territory.

This issue is the most serious security challenge facing the U.S. in the region. Yet just as the Obama administration inexplicably gives up on imposing crippling sanctions on Iran, it’s taken an uncompromising hard line against one country in the Middle East: Israel. On his recent visit to Washington, the Israeli Prime Minister was treated like an unwelcome guest, as shown by White House actions such as refusing to be photographed with Israel’s Prime Minister.

Public demands for concessions have been made of the Israelis while the Palestinians add ever more conditions to their participation in peace talks, and those in the administration that dare to argue for looking at these policies through the lens of Israel’s security needs are subject to slanderous attacks from “senior administration officials.” The Obama administration has their priorities exactly backwards; we should be working with our friend and democratic ally to stop Iran’s nuclear program, not throwing in the towel on sanctions while treating Israel like an enemy.

In a week when events in the Holy Land thousands of years ago are on the minds of millions, we would all do well to include Israel’s security in our prayers as we encourage our government to do all it can to ensure there is never a nuclear Iran able to threaten our interests or our allies.

– Sarah Palin

Jimmy Carter put the world in peril with his appeasement mentality. He is very much responsible for the fact there is a radical Iran. This Obama guy though is Carter on steroids, and 2010 is a lot more dangerous than the late 1970’s. Iran has sought to form alliances with other enemies of America such as Venezuela and Cuba.

We all remember the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviets placed nuclear weapons on the island nation. That’s as close as the world ever came to total Armageddon. The only thing that saved the world was the fact that one nation was scared and the other was glad of it. While the Soviets wanted some bargaining leverage, they weren’t all that keen on actually touching off total worldwide destruction, which is basically what the doctrine of “mutually assured destruction” promised had they launched a nuclear weapon at the United States.

On the other hand, Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders, aren’t as squeamish about the prospects of touching off a world wide nuclear war and the total destruction of all mankind.

Many nations have nuclear weapons now, and one can most certainly debate whether that is good or bad. The thing is though, these nations are not looking to use them as much as they are looking to send the message “mess with us, and we’ll mess back.” It’s definitely a deterrent for sober nations.

There has been much written about Obama’s jihad on Israel, and ludicrous foreign policy. Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) has written some of the best.

These are must reads:

Obama blocks delivery of bunker to Israel, embargos weapons for Jewish defense.

The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel.

Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases.

This was a political decision,” an official said.

In 2008, the United States approved an Israeli request for bunker-busters capable of destroying underground facilities, including Iranian nuclear weapons sites. Officials said delivery of the weapons was held up by the administration of President Barack Obama.

Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems. Officials said this included proposed Israeli procurement of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, refueling systems, advanced munitions and data on a stealth variant of the F-15E.

All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010,” a congressional source familiar with the Israeli military requests said. “This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly.”

Pamela goes into greater detail and you can read much more here.

In Switching Sides, commentary she wrote for the American Thinker, Pamela gives us a bit of a history lesson to go with thoughts on Obama’s betrayals of the Jewish people:

In a stunning and historic reversal of American foreign policy, the United States is now backing one of the same horses it fought during World War II. Instead of fighting against Nazism and racism, Obama has effectively joined the jihad waged during World War II by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.

Hamas has called for a new intifada against the Jewish people. This is the fruit of Obama’s pro-jihad policies. The American-Israeli relationship has suffered its deepest rift in decades: a dispute over new Jewish homes that are being built in northern Jerusalem, just north of the Sanhedria neighborhood. This is not Arab “East Jerusalem,” as the mainstream media keeps saying. And as Palestinians threw stones at Israeli soldiers at checkpoints and Muslims rioted throughout Jerusalem, an increasingly pathetic Hillary Clinton said that Israel “must prove it is committed to peace ‘with actions.'”

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a statement saying, “With regard to commitments to peace, the government of Israel has proven over the last year that it is committed to peace, both in words and actions.” According to Haaretz, “The statement cited as examples Netanyahu’s inaugural foreign policy speech made at Bar Ilan University, the removal of hundreds of roadblocks across the West Bank, and its decision to freeze temporarily construction in West Bank settlements. The latter, said the statement, was even called by Clinton an ‘unprecedented’ move.”

The Muslims are free to live in Israel, but Jews cannot live among Muslims or in Muslim lands. This is what America is standing up for?

Read much more of Pamela’s sobering commentary here.

Pamela wrote Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel for Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism, stunningly blunt words that are a must read:

Obama is not a passive, weak or naive player in the Muslim/Jewish conflict. He was wet-nursed on Jew-hatred. He grew up in a Muslim country and studied the Koran. He knows what is prescribed for the Jews in Islam. He knows that the Koran says that the Jews are the Muslims’ worst enemies (5:82) and that “ignominy shall be their portion wheresoever they are found” (3:112).

He knows that Islamic tradition records Muhammad saying:

The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

He must know all this, and yet has never renounced it. On the contrary, he embraces it, calling upon us to “respect” Islam.

I am staggered by the speed with which Obama has sought to undermine the Jewish people. But knowing what I know of him after my three years of investigation for the book I wrote with Robert Spencer, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, I expected nothing different. In the summer of 2008, I trekked to Florida to warn the alter cockers who were seduced by the idea of Obama, but to no avail: my voice and the voices of those like me are kept neatly tucked away in the blog box.

But now here we are. Jews may then have tried to avoid Obama’s anti-Semitism, but they cannot now avoid the consequences of avoiding Obama’s anti-Semitism. He has unleashed an evil in this world the extent of which we are only now beginning to see. He has made the world safe for haters and killers. The post-World War II peace was no accident; it was a direct result of American hegemony. But now he is following the European lead and unraveling it.

Europe learned the wrong lessons from the war and the Holocaust. The lesson that Europe decided to take from Auschwitz was that everything was caused by nationalism. European leaders decided that therefore what they really needed was a European Union that would obviate their need for nationalism and prevent another Auschwitz.

One simply must take time to read the rest here.

The frightening part of this all is, while Jimmy Carter showed massive weakness in the face of danger, Obama is showing both weakness, and complicity, an incredibly dangerous combination. On has to wonder what sort of psychosis this mad man suffers.

Not only is he putting the world in peril with his foreign policy and his reluctance, and inability to lead, (along with his hatred for Israel) domestically, he is dividing and destroying the United States, with his war on capitalism, the Constitution, the rule of law, and the American people..

All things considered, Barack Obama may be the most dangerous man in the world.

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Presidential Poll Shows Sarah Palin Ahead in South and West

Posted by Dr. Fay on March 31, 2010

A recent Harris Interactive poll showed Governor Palin with a narrow lead in the South and West when cast as a third party candidate.  However, Governor Palin has expressed no interest in running as a third party candidate.  In fact, she has urged the Tea Party to choose a party to support to make an even greater impacet.

A regional poll with Governor Palin running as a Republican would be more meaningful.

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 2,344 adults surveyed online between March 10 and 12, 2010 by Harris Interactive of which 438 indicated they would vote for a Tea Party candidacy of Sarah Palin in the 2012 presidential election.

One other interesting highlight of these group’s characteristics comes from a regional examination. Regionally these Tea Party followers live more in the South than the other regions. In the Northeast they come to 18% of the total compared to a larger 22% of the overall populations. In the Midwest, Tea Party supporters make up 22% of the total, compared to 23% of the overall population who live in this region. In the West, 24% of Tea Partyers make this region their home compared with 23% of the general population. But 36% of all Tea Party supporters can be found in the South, compared with 33% of the population as a whole. This means that if they become a political party this year or in 2012, Tea Party advocates can have a greater impact in the South than in the other regions.

To sum it all up, the outlook for the Tea Party venture into politics must be viewed as well set-up to succeed. Above all else, they can make hay with their denunciation of the Washington crowd. That remains a very substantial target at which to shoot. Very important, they have a highly charismatic possible leader and potential candidate in Sarah Palin. And they have already shown their willingness to trek long distances to rallies and other party gatherings to be an activated movement, and they might just get enough money to finance some strong TV campaigns.

Above all, a potential of two out of every ten voters cannot be ignored by both the Democrats and Republicans. The Tea Party may prove to be the marginal difference in determining who will occupy the White House in 2013 or who will control the House of Representatives in 2011.


Base: All U.S. adults
    Total   2012 Vote
    Obama   Romney   Palin
  %   %   %   %
Northeast   22   26   20   18
Midwest   23   21   25   22
South   33   31   35   36
West   23   22   21   24
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding

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Sarah Palin: Obama Administration’s Priorities Backwards Concerning Israel and Iran

Posted by Dr. Fay on March 31, 2010

Complete transcript of Governor Palin’s Facebook Note:

Peace Not Possible if Iran Escapes Real Sanctions

 Yesterday at 9:05pm

This is a meaningful week for so many of us. As millions of Christians and Jews celebrate this Holy Week, it’s appropriate to reflect on developments in the Holy Land. Israel faces a nuclear threat from Iran that grows every day. Today we learned that the CIA has concluded that Iran already has the capability and the know-how to build nuclear weapons. While President Obama once said a nuclear-armed Iran would be “unacceptable,” after more than a year in office it’s sobering to have to acknowledge that his administration has made no progress in implementing “crippling” sanctions on Iran, let alone halting Iran’s nuclear program. Even the rhetoric moved in the wrong direction – recently the administration downgraded their call for “crippling” sanctions to sanctions that “bite.” Shockingly, as we learned last week, these “biting” sanctions will no longer include actions that could actually change Iran’s behavior, including limiting Iran’s access to international capital markets and banking services or closing air space and waters to Iran’s national air and shipping lines. So the issue is not when the so-called sanctions will come (President Obama promised them in “weeks” today) but whether they will even “nibble.” And while the Obama administration was more than willing to use every parliamentary trick in the book to ram its government health care takeover through Congress, conversely, it has worked hard to stall bipartisan efforts to pass the Iran Sanctions Act.

Many, many Americans and our allies know that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the consequences will be catastrophic for our interests in the Middle East, and we want our government to do everything in its power to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes. We foresee a regional nuclear arms race beginning as other countries seek their own nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Iran. Nuclear non-proliferation efforts would be over. The U.S. and our allies in the international community would be shown to be impotent – after long claiming that Iranian nuclear weapons could not and would not be tolerated. And Israel would face the gravest threat since its creation. Iran’s leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and with nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, the mullahs would be in a position to launch a Second Holocaust.

Iran continues to develop long range missiles. Its missiles can reach Israel and Europe right now and in time they will be able to reach US territory.

This issue is the most serious security challenge facing the U.S. in the region. Yet just as the Obama administration inexplicably gives up on imposing crippling sanctions on Iran, it’s taken an uncompromising hard line against one country in the Middle East: Israel. On his recent visit to Washington, the Israeli Prime Minister was treated like an unwelcome guest, as shown by White House actions such as refusing to be photographed with Israel’s Prime Minister.

Public demands for concessions have been made of the Israelis while the Palestinians add ever more conditions to their participation in peace talks, and those in the administration that dare to argue for looking at these policies through the lens of Israel’s security needs are subject to slanderous attacks from “senior administration officials.” The Obama administration has their priorities exactly backwards; we should be working with our friend and democratic ally to stop Iran’s nuclear program, not throwing in the towel on sanctions while treating Israel like an enemy.

In a week when events in the Holy Land thousands of years ago are on the minds of millions, we would all do well to include Israel’s security in our prayers as we encourage our government to do all it can to ensure there is never a nuclear Iran able to threaten our interests or our allies.

– Sarah Palin

Posted in Governor Sarah Palin, iran, Israel, nuclear weapons, sanctions | 3 Comments »

Palin’s Real American Stories Promo

Posted by Adrienne Ross on March 30, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

Here’s the promo for the debut of Governor Palin’s Real American Stories which will air Thursday night at 10:00 p.m. on Fox. I am already inspired by the lives of these everyday Americans. I’m already even prouder to be an American.

(H/T C4P)

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Sarah Palin Endorses Lt Col Allen West And American Heroes Running For Congress Nationwide

Posted by Gary P Jackson on March 30, 2010

In one of the more anticipated moves of this early mid-term election season, Sarah Palin endorsed Florida’s Lt Col Allen West for Congress. Sarah also took the time to highlight all of the heroic Americans who have left military life and now wish to serve our great nation in the capacity of lawmaker.

Along with Lt.Col West, one of the most popular candidates for office this season, Sarah also highlighted the campaigns of Major Vaughn Ward and Captain Adam Kinzinger:

American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve in Congress

America, if you love your freedom, thank a vet! And if you’re looking for leaders who believe in integrity, service, and country first, look to our veterans.

Last week I campaigned for a true American hero, John McCain, and this week I’d ask you to join me in supporting a new generation of heroes who are heeding their country’s call for leadership in Washington.

There are a number of great veteran candidates running for office this year, and there are some excellent organizations dedicated to helping them, including: Iraq Vets for Congress and Combat Veterans for Congress (please click on the links to visit their websites).

There are three veterans in particular I’ll be supporting this week.

The first is Major Vaughn Ward, a fourth-generation Idaho native who grew up on his family’s farm in Shoshone and is running in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District. Coming from a family with a proud military tradition, Vaughn joined the Marine Corps after college and was finishing up his service when the September 11th attacks occurred.

He put his life on hold and heeded his country’s call – serving first as a CIA Operations Officer and later volunteering with the Marine Corps for a combat tour in Iraq, during which he was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat V. After returning from Iraq, Vaughn went to work for the McCain/Palin campaign. I was grateful for his support then, and I’m happy to support him now because I know that he believes in the same commonsense conservative ideals that we cherish. Vaughn knows that real job growth comes from the private sector, not government.

He believes in free market reforms, tax relief for families and small businesses, and a return to a constitutionally limited government that lives within its means. He’ll carry the conservative banner to Washington and will rein in the reckless growth of government to get it back on our side. And remember, a vote for Vaughn is a vote to remove the gavel from Nancy Pelosi’s grip. Please visit Vaughn’s website here to make a donation to his campaign, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

The second veteran is Captain Adam Kinzinger, a decorated special-operations pilot who flew combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Adam is running for Illinois’ 11th Congressional District against a freshman incumbent congresswoman who seemed to pull a bait and switch on voters to get elected.

She sounded like a blue dog on the campaign trail, but didn’t vote like one in Washington. Instead, she voted in lockstep with the Pelosi agenda – on Obamacare, the stimulus, cap-and-tax – and the list goes on. She’s part of the reason for Congress’ 11% approval rating.

Adam is a strong fiscal conservative with a proven track record as a reformer from his years serving on his local county board. Adam started out in local office, and, like many of us, believes in making government more accountable to the people. When you serve in local office, your constituents truly are your neighbors. Adam understands this, and I know that he will listen to his constituents and work for us, not against us, in Washington. Please visit Adam’s website here to make a donation to his campaign, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

The third veteran is Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, a decorated war hero who’s served with distinction in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of you may have heard of Allen from a speech he gave last year that became a viral video on YouTube with over 2 million viewers.

Allen’s personal story is a testament to the commonsense conservative belief that our nation’s greatness is rooted in freedom, because with freedom comes equal opportunity, and that, coupled with hard work, leads to success. Allen is a small government fiscal conservative running against a leftwing ideologue who’s marched to the beat of Nancy Pelosi on every issue from cap-and-tax to the stimulus, TARP, and, of course, Obamacare. It’s time to send Allen to Washington in his place. Please visit Allen’s website here to donate to his campaign, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

I believe that these great veterans will fight for us in D.C. to uphold and defend our constitution as courageously in the halls of Congress as they did on the field of battle. I’m so honored to offer my support to these American heroes, and I hope you’ll join me in helping them so that they can serve us all in Washington.

– Sarah Palin

Here is the awesome video of Lt Col West speaking that Sarah was talking about. This man is a true patriot and a real leader. He will be a welcome voice of sanity in D.C.

All throughout our nation’s history, in times of peril, real American heroes have stepped forth to serve. We salute all of the brave men and women who sacrifice ever single day so we can be safe and free. These brave heroes that Sarah highlights are a special breed. They answered the call to defend the nation against foreign enemies, and now that great enemies have emerged from within, enemies of freedom, liberty, and the American way, they have once again answered the call of duty.

These are strong leaders who seek to protect the greatest nation on earth, a nation men like them have fought and died for since her founding. They deserve our appreciation, our admiration, and most importantly, our support.

Artwork by the lovely and talented Karen Allen.

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Sarah Palin: Best Wishes for a Blessed Passover

Posted by Dr. Fay on March 29, 2010

Complete transcript of Governor Palin’s Facebook Note:

Best Wishes for a Blessed Passover

 Today at 6:52pm

Tonight Jewish families all over the world will gather to celebrate Passover, the story of Exodus and the freedom of the Jewish people from bondage. This holiday reminds us of the sacrifices that are still being made for freedom – the U.S. troops who are away from their families so that we can be with ours, and the Israeli people, who struggle for peace with their neighbors even as they face the threat of war.

“Next year in Jerusalem” will be the refrain echoed by Jewish families as they finish their Seders tonight. It is a stark reminder that whatever the threats the Jewish people have faced, whatever the struggles, their connection to Jerusalem is ancient and unshakable. On this Passover holiday, our family sends our best wishes to all who are celebrating. Chag kasher V’Sameach. Happy Passover. And next year in Jerusalem.

– Sarah Palin

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The Left May Not Be Playing Stupid

Posted by Adrienne Ross on March 29, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

When I know I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it. I have no problem whatsoever doing that. Sometimes, however, I’m stuck, and I’m just not sure. Today is one of those days, so help me out. The other day I wrote:

And though I often wonder about the brain power of anybody who would embrace a liberal worldview, the saddest part of this whole nonsense today is that this time they are playing stupid.

I have since come to wonder if perhaps I gave these people more credit than they deserve. Is it possible they are not acting at all? Is this genuine stupidity?

Could the people on the Left and their lamestream media friends really be of the mind that Governor Palin is inciting violence when she discusses reloading? No matter how many times she has stated, even before this current nonsense, that violence is not the answer, they refuse to let it go, insisting that she is responsible for any thuggish behavior on the part of anyone. Could it be that they really believe that people have risen up to fight–literally–because Governor Palin wrote on her Facebook page that conservatives need to reload and target various Liberals come November?

Again, anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that she was referring to the voting booth. Do these people really lack that common sense? This does seem to be the case, for I am observing them still marching down this ridiculous road. They are looking more and more stupid everyday.

The headquarters of the Alaska Democratic Party was vandalized this weekend. Despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Governor Palin had anything to do with this situation, Patti Higgins, state chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, blames her for it.

Joshua Saul of the Alaska Dispatch writes:

The headquarters of the Alaska Democratic Party were vandalized this weekend, an act the party’s leader thinks is due in part to violent feelings being stoked by Alaska’s former governor.

“There has become this inflammatory rhetoric, and Sarah Palin is leading the charge,” Patti Higgins, state chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, said. “In the beginning I didn’t think she knew what she was doing, but now I think she does.”

Stupid or just acting?

You know what, Higgins? I don’t know about all your buddies because, like I said, I’m still trying to figure it out, but I have a feeling you do know what you’re doing. You know Governor Parnell is poised to destroy whichever soul you put up against him, and you’re willing to use anything to ruin his chances, even if it means putting forth completely unsubstantiated claims about the former Republican governor of Alaska. So in all fairness to you, maybe you’re neither stupid nor acting. Maybe you’re just desperate.

Higgins’ comments remind me of what I hear everyday at the junior high school where I teach. “It’s his fault.” “She stole my pencil.” “They don’t like me because of what she said.” When asked for evidence, the response is a childish, “I just know.” This type of immaturity can be better tolerated from twelve and thirteen year old children. However, when adults who ought to know better point fingers and accuse a person of being responsible for a deplorable act, offering no proof at all, it really is inexcusable.

The article continues:

Democratic Party headquarters had been receiving “threatening and menacing phone calls” during the week prior, according to statewide party organizer Dave Metheny, who handled most of the angry calls. Over the past week, Metheny said, he’s fielded about a call a day from various screaming, swearing callers, along with calls from Alaskans who are angry with the party but express it more calmly and rationally. The focus of the anger is, unsurprisingly, the health care reform bill that passed Congress last weekend. When health care reform passed the Senate on Christmas Eve, Democratic Sen. Mark Begich voted in favor of the bill.


“It was a message,” Higgins said. “Random acts of violence are a form of domestic terrorism and they need to knock it off.”

Read the rest here.

One thing that truly sickens me is how readily the Left wants to blame Governor Palin for abetting “terrorism.” Higgins is doing it. Rep. James Clyburn is doing it. However, when the time comes to deal with true terrorism, Liberals somehow cannot bring themselves to call it for what it is. Bill Ayers can’t be called a domestic terrorist, President Obama struggles to call the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist, and when we do acknowledge one, the Obama Justice Department wants to mirandize him. Instead of the Left being outraged by this insanity, they want to play stupid–or not–and focus their attention on a Facebook note Governor Palin wrote encouraging the American people to vote these loons out of office. As she has so aptly expressed, “Our vote is our arms.”

Like Governor Palin, I do not condone vandalism or violence. It’s despicable, and there’s a better way to voice one’s disapproval. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the Democrats were themselves responsible for this vandalism. People are angry and tempers are flaring, for sure. One might say we’re in a bit of a crisis, and we know how Democrats feel about wasting a good crisis. According to White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, that would be unthinkable. Isn’t this a great opportunity to further smear Governor Palin? Perhaps they decided headquarters just had to take one for the team.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time Governor Palin was “targeted” by Alaskans. Since she is so concerned about terrorism, as we all should be, perhaps Ms. Higgins should have a talk with some of the Alaskans in her own party who regularly write incendiary things about the governor that would rile people up, things to encourage others to take action against her and her family. Did she ever tell people like Linda Biegel, who was the official Alaska blogger at the DNC, to “knock it off”? Will she touch base with her fellow Alaskan who is even now tweeting Palin hate speech? What about the Twitter death threats C4P reported yesterday? Threats against the governor have escalated since this nonsense surfaced accusing her of inciting violence. Can we get a “knock it off” memo sent to any of these miscreants?

While we’re at it, can we get the Left to cry foul about the brick thrown through the GOP office in Michigan over the weekend? How about the bricks thrown through windows at GOP headquarters Thursday in Virginia? Does this matter, or do only Democrats’ headquarters matter? Once again, selective outrage prevails. Just in case you need more examples of the extreme violence of the Left that gets buried by the lamestream media, click here for the egg-throwing that took place this past weekend at the peaceful tea party in Nevada, where Governor Palin peacefully spoke about peacefully taking back our country!

Finally, a good teacher is always willing to learn from others. As I fancy myself a good teacher, I will pass on some information I have recently learned. Perhaps the Left, so fond of accusing people of inciting violence, so prone to pointing out cross-hairs, should take a few notes as Devonia Smith of teaches the difference between a survey symbol and a cross-hair:

This is a surveyor’s symbol

This is a cross-hair

She then writes:

What was actually on Sarah’s site, was a map with district markers (surveyor symbols were used). There was noooooooo “gun imagery” at all. These surveyor symbols were used on the map to indicate the districts of Democrats who had voted “Yes” on the Healthcare reform; apropriately used. Being the weiner that many Democrats are, all Weiner saw was “the cross” and he went into meltdown over it. It appears that, afterall, Weiner missed the bulls-eye and now finds himself in the cross-hair of public ridicule.

Interesting…In light of this, does the Left really want to go round for round–because two can play the game.

We live in a very dangerous time. The threat of violence by radicals who hate our country looms. Our soldiers are daily risking their lives for the sake of freedom and safety. Focusing attention on the governor’s use of metaphor and wrongfully accusing her of inciting violence is particularly insulting and unethical in light of this. If it’s being done willfully by lying Liberals playing stupid, “knock it off.” If it is true stupidity and not an act at all, get a clue.

(Assistance provided by C4P editors and contributors and Tracey. Thank you.)

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Sarah Palin: American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve in Congress

Posted by Dr. Fay on March 29, 2010

Complete Transcript of Governor Palin’s Facebook Note:

American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve in Congress

 Today at 1:29pm

America, if you love your freedom, thank a vet! And if you’re looking for leaders who believe in integrity, service, and country first, look to our veterans.

Last week I campaigned for a true American hero, John McCain, and this week I’d ask you to join me in supporting a new generation of heroes who are heeding their country’s call for leadership in Washington.

There are a number of great veteran candidates running for office this year, and there are some excellent organizations dedicated to helping them, including: Iraq Vets for Congress and Combat Veterans for Congress (please click on the links to visit their websites).

There are three veterans in particular I’ll be supporting this week.

The first is Major Vaughn Ward, a fourth-generation Idaho native who grew up on his family’s farm in Shoshone and is running in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District. Coming from a family with a proud military tradition, Vaughn joined the Marine Corps after college and was finishing up his service when the September 11th attacks occurred. He put his life on hold and heeded his country’s call – serving first as a CIA Operations Officer and later volunteering with the Marine Corps for a combat tour in Iraq, during which he was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat V. After returning from Iraq, Vaughn went to work for the McCain/Palin campaign. I was grateful for his support then, and I’m happy to support him now because I know that he believes in the same commonsense conservative ideals that we cherish. Vaughn knows that real job growth comes from the private sector, not government. He believes in free market reforms, tax relief for families and small businesses, and a return to a constitutionally limited government that lives within its means. He’ll carry the conservative banner to Washington and will rein in the reckless growth of government to get it back on our side. And remember, a vote for Vaughn is a vote to remove the gavel from Nancy Pelosi’s grip. Please visit Vaughn’s website here to make a donation to his campaign, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

The second veteran is Captain Adam Kinzinger, a decorated special-operations pilot who flew combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Adam is running for Illinois’ 11th Congressional District against a freshman incumbent congresswoman who seemed to pull a bait and switch on voters to get elected. She sounded like a blue dog on the campaign trail, but didn’t vote like one in Washington. Instead, she voted in lockstep with the Pelosi agenda – on Obamacare, the stimulus, cap-and-tax – and the list goes on. She’s part of the reason for Congress’ 11% approval rating. Adam is a strong fiscal conservative with a proven track record as a reformer from his years serving on his local county board. Adam started out in local office, and, like many of us, believes in making government more accountable to the people. When you serve in local office, your constituents truly are your neighbors. Adam understands this, and I know that he will listen to his constituents and work for us, not against us, in Washington. Please visit Adam’s website here to make a donation to his campaign, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

The third veteran is Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, a decorated war hero who’s served with distinction in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of you may have heard of Allen from a speech he gave last year that became a viral video on YouTube with over 2 million viewers. Allen’s personal story is a testament to the commonsense conservative belief that our nation’s greatness is rooted in freedom, because with freedom comes equal opportunity, and that, coupled with hard work, leads to success. Allen is a small government fiscal conservative running against a leftwing ideologue who’s marched to the beat of Nancy Pelosi on every issue from cap-and-tax to the stimulus, TARP, and, of course, Obamacare. It’s time to send Allen to Washington in his place. Please visit Allen’s website here to donate to his campaign, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

I believe that these great veterans will fight for us in D.C. to uphold and defend our constitution as courageously in the halls of Congress as they did on the field of battle. I’m so honored to offer my support to these American heroes, and I hope you’ll join me in helping them so that they can serve us all in Washington.

– Sarah Palin


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Alaska Democrats Trying to Silence Palin

Posted by Dr. Fay on March 29, 2010

The Democrats are at it again.  They just keep making up stuff – trying to blame Sarah Palin for anything and everything they can dream up.  Why?  It’s simple.  She is the single greatest threat to their and Obama’s agenda to transform this free nation into a socialist state. Sarah Palin is the one Republican who can defeat Obama in the 2012 presidential election.  So they want to take her down.  

And they’ve tried every hook and crook, every smear and lie, they can dream up to discredit Sarah Palin.  Their poison barbs go out over the Internet on a daily basis.  Some are outright lies; some border on the ridiculous. 

In Governor Palin’s home state of Alaska, the news media and a tightknit group of bloggers/Democrat operatives have launched many of the attacks.  One of these bloggers, Shannyn Moore, writes for the Huffington Post, which slanders and denigrates Sarah Palin on a regular basis.  Moore described  the group of Alaska bloggers (sometimes referred to as the Alaska Mafia) this way: 

Feeling like an endangered species, Alaska progressives are tight. The Alaska Bloggers are tighter. Right after the nomination of Sarah Palin for VP, Wasilla blogger, musician, professor, and all around renaissance man, Phil Munger, threw a party at his home-the first of many. Secrecies were sworn; we were not alone in front of our computers-we had each other; Mudflats, Immoral Minority, Writing Raven, Celtic Diva, Progressive Alaska, Alaska Report, What Do I Know, and myself, Just a Girl From Homer. Documentary crews interviewed us and protected anonymous identities at the time.

 Add to that list The Alaska Dispatch.  If you run a search for articles about Governor Palin there, you will see regular and blatant attacks against the Governor.  One such attack occurred today in the form of a story by Joshua Saul about an isolated incident that the Alaska Democratic Party is trying to fan into an accusation that Governor Palin incited it.  (Joshua Saul can be reached at jsaul(at) for comment, by the way.) Saul’s article links to another biased article on the blog. 

It is quite obvious what is going on.  Obama and the Democratic Party want to shut Sarah Palin up  The Democratic Party poured a disproportionate amount of funds into Alaska during the 2008 election.  And Governor Palin’s home state remains one of the targeted areas for the attacks against her. The first indication of something that didn’t smell just right was Obama’s direct involvement in Troopergate.  Then just recently, his power grab at the Alaska Pipeline, Governor Palin’s signature achievement. 

 If you want to know who is behind all the lies and distortions about Sarah Palin, follow the money.  Authors at A Time for Choosing, Conservatives for Palin, Texas4Palin, and elsewhere have done just that, and have come up with some rather stunning revelations.  I’ve put together a mini-bibliography of articles that reveal the coordinated attacks on Governor Palin by the liberal media, Alaska bloggers, the Democratic Party, George Soros (self-proclaimed “owner” of the Democratic Party), and Barack Hussein Obama. Those that follow the money trail are marked appropriately:  $$$.  Also included are articles that describe threats against Governor Palin and the Tea Party. 

It all adds up.  Sarah Palin is the one vocal political figure who calls it like she sees it and has the backbone to stand tall and oppose the socialist agenda that Pelosi’s Democrats and Obama are trying to force upon the American people against their will.  And Sarah Palin is the one political figure who has the integrity, charisma, and popular support to defeat Obama in 2012.  May God grant that it be so!


Alaska Democrats Prove Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt Sarah Palin’s Resignation Was A Genius Move…UPDATED

Are Democrat operatives attempting to bankrupt Palin?   

Anonymice Trash Palin 

AP Digs for Dirt in Palin Autobiography; News wire assigns 11 reporters to fac..

As Accusations of ‘Violence’ Flow, Let’s Take a Look At the Record

Astroturfing created the caricature of Sarah Palin that she is still working hard today to set straight

Barack Obama’s Alaska Mafia Is On The Run And Angry The Spotlight Is On Them  

Barack Obama Sends Out Union Thugs To Attack Sarah Palin


Book Says Media Wanted to Destroy Sarah Palin

Democrats blame Palin for death threats

Destroying Palin Through Laughter, Derision, and Death of Innocence

The Face Of Democrat Insanity

$$$ Following Up On Soros, CREW, Palin, and Obama

Get your facts straight about Palin

Gibson: Palin Is Target of ‘Swiftboating’ Left

$$$ George Soros Behind Ethics Complaint Against Gov. Palin

$$$ George Soros Group Attacking Sarah Palin Again  

$$$ Get Palin! Is anyone following the money? 

$$$ THE GRYPHEN FILES: Did Anti-Palin Blogger Get Paid For No-Show Job?

Gunning for Sarah Palin (great read)

Has Andree McLeod taken her Palin vendetta into a bizarre netherworld?

How the Left fakes the hate: A primer (Michelle Malkin)

Huffington Post implies Sarah Palin wants pro-Obamacare Democrats assassinated (good read)

Death threats to palin and family on Twitter

Left wing extremist issues death threats against Sarah Palin, Tea Party members and Eric Cantor on Twitter

Liberals use Hamas tactics to teach kids to hate Sarah Palin

Liberal Threatens Sarah Palin

Look, Just Scream ‘I Hate Sarah Palin!’ and Get It Over With

The Long Knives for Governor Palin 

$$$ Lynda Resnick, Levi and Diana – Pomegranates, Pistachios and a Princess

The Media Attacks on Gov. Palin: When Will They Stop? (On the Record)

Media is focused on destroying Sarah Palin

The Media is Threatened and Scared to Death of Sarah Palin! 

The media vs. Sarah Palin

Mika Brzezinski: Media Elite wanted to “Bring Palin Down”

‘Mommy, Why Does My Kindergarten Teacher Lie About Sarah Palin?’

$$$ The money man behind attacks on Palin

$$$ Money-Grubbing Smear Merchants Rex Butler and Tank Jones Target Governor Palin  

$$$ More Soros Money Used to Attack Governor Sarah Palin 

Mudflatters Stalking Sarah Palin

Nets Lead with ‘Ugly’ and ‘Menacing’ ObamaCare Opponents Fueled by Palin’s ‘Violent Words and Imagery’ (Newsbusters)

Not Content To Just Attack Women, Liberals Now Go After Small Children. Nothing Is Sacred When It Comes To Hating Sarah Palin. 

$$$ The Obama backers behind Levi Johnston

$$$ Obama puts heat on Palin as she boosts GOP ticket

Obama rewards Troopergate Chairman 

Obama pay for play – Obama nominates former Palin aide (vocal critic of Palin) to pipeline job

Obama’s Favorite Blogger Is Still Discussing the Trig Palin Conspiracy

Obama’s Pay for Play Palin Plunder 

Obama wants to bail his Palin-smearing dogs out of the pound

The Ongoing Attacks On Sarah Palin

On Sarah Palin and the Left’s Climate of Hate

Op-Ed: Attacks on Sarah Palin Can’t Inflict Damage (contains background on Alaska bloggers) 

Palin: Anti-HCR Violence Stories Are ‘Ginned Up’

Palin blasts Alaska blogger over Trig photo (no excuses, Linda Biegel!)

Palin blames Obama admin for resignation

Palin Bullies: Exposed And Whining

Palin Ethics Complaints’ Winning Percentage Remains Well Below Even the Washington Nationals

Palin had welfare of Alaska in mind when she quit

Palin: Media ‘lies’ about links between tea parties, violence

Palin ’s biggest opponent: media bias

The Palin Wars: Part LXII 

The Pathology of the Palin-Haters

Raking Muck: The Endless Drudgery of the Liberal Alaska Blogosphere

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Bedwetter) Accuses Sarah Palin of Inviting People to Shoot Dems…

*Reporter: ‘We Took Sides, Straight and Simple’ Against Palin

Review: Ziegler’s ‘Media Malpractice’ an Absolute Must-see 

Sarah Palin Fights Back Against More ‘Bull Crap’ Ethics Violations

*Sarah Palin 14…Ankle Biters O

Sarah Palin Hating Liberal Trolls Invade Tea Pary Nation

Sarah Palin [issues statement responding to Levi Johnston’s Lies]

The Slander Network (must read by J. R. Dunn)

So, Now You Tell Us?! (John Ziegler)

Stan Gudmundson: Columns unfairly disparaged Palin

Tea Party Threats By Liberals Alarm Conservatives (must read)

$$$ Surprise! George Soros Behind Ethics Complaint Against Governor Sarah Palin

Tea Party Threats By Liberals Alarm Conservatives (must read)

What’s with this Palin hatred?

Why did the press ignore the firebombing of Sarah Palin’s church?

Why is the left so afraid of Sarah Palin?

Why the Palin “Hate Affair” Will Backfire

Why They Hate Sarah Palin  

Links to additional articles can be found here, here, and here.


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The understudy is now the STAR! – Update

Posted by Denise Spencer on March 29, 2010

I have to say that Obama’s administration has affected me in more ways then I ever could have imagined. I am having to work three jobs at this point just to make ends meet and each day that is becoming more and more difficult. What keeps me going is watching what Sarah Palin has been able to do in Washington D.C. She has the main stream media and the Democrats running scared and she likes it! I have not been able to blog in awhile but I ran across an article today that I just had to write about.

In today’s Washington Post, Dan Balz wrote a great article entitled “McCain understudy Sarah Palin is now the star”. You can read the entire article here. I was surprised and excited to read this article because it really demonstrates how far Sarah Palin has come since the 2008 election. Mr. Balz writes:

John McCain and Sarah Palin were back together again Friday. His presidential campaign was floundering when he first reached out to her. Now, facing a challenge from within his party as he seeks reelection to the Senate, McCain has turned to her again to help bail him out. But what a difference.

Their national campaign together ended badly for both, topped by a flurry of leaks dumping on the former Alaska governor and, since then, nasty accusations between the senator’s camp and hers over the conduct of it. Whatever happens now, the reappearance of McCain and Palin on the same stage illustrates how much things have changed since 2008.

Just think back to all the that Sarah has done in two short years: she secured a gas pipeline for the state of Alaska; wrote a best selling novel; spoke out against the health care reform bill and cause Congress to make changes merely by voicing her concerns on her Facebook page. Most of all, Sarah has given millions of Americans a voice and this is what Mr. Balz was able to portray.

For starters, the understudy is now the star. A majority of Americans may think Palin is not qualified to be president, but the GOP faithful love her, as does cable television. Cable news was fixed on Palin as she delivered her introduction of McCain at a rally in Tucson on Friday afternoon. Minutes after McCain took the microphone, they cut away from the rally for other news. …[she described the current atmosphere in D.C. created by the media] in describing as “B.S. coming from the mainstream media lately about us inciting violence.”

“Don’t let the conversation be diverted,” she told the crowd. “Don’t let a distraction like that get you off track.”

Well done Mr. Balz, well done.


This was the weekend of praise for Sarah Palin from some of her usual critics. David Catanese of Politico wrote a nice artile entitled “Palin top draw in reunion with McCain”. In this article Mr. Catanese admits:

No losing vice presidential candidate in recent memory has eclipsed the popularity of their running mate so rapidly. And even though the rally attendees may help send McCain back to the Senate for another six years, for many of them, Palin is the vessel who carries their hopes for the future.

Cindy McCain even subtly acknowledged the proverbial elephant in the room at Friday’s rally in Tucson. “You have come today, I know, most of all to see my husband,” she said, seemingly trying to convince herself and the audience of her own statement. “But I know you’ve also come to see Sarah as well,” she went on, triggering sustained applause.

You can read the entire article here.

Finally, everything Sarah supporters have known is rising to the surface for all to see!

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