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Archive for April, 2013

Sarah Palin Appalled by Extravagance and Tomfoolery of #WHCD #Nerdprom

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 28, 2013

Last night Governor Palin posted the following tweet, in response to which the haters came out of the woodwork.  Supporters responded, and Twitter fire was exchanged both ways, documented here and  here by Twitchy.


She also posted this comment on Facebook:

Sarah Palin · 3,539,508 like this

11 hours ago ·

Yuk it up media and pols. While America is buried in taxes and a fight for our rights, the permanent political class in DC dresses up and has a prom to make fun of themselves.  No need for that, we get the real joke.

Tony Lee at wrote:

Palin Slams DC ‘Assclowns’ for Throwing ‘Pathetic’ ‘#nerdprom’

by   Tony Lee    27 Apr 2013   643

Former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who has fiercely fought crony capitalism and the permanent political class, absolutely blistered the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday, tweeting that the dinner was “pathetic” and that “DC assclowns” were throwing “themselves a #nerdprom” while “the rest of America is out there working our assess off.”


In recent years, Washington veterans have expressed similar concerns. Tom Brokaw has compared Washington to “Versailles,” Ron Fournier has said the dinner represents a Washington that is “out of touch” with the rest of the country, and New York Times writer Mark Leibovich has said Washington’s permanent political class–and especially the press corps–does not realize how much the rest of the country disdains them.

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Gov. Palin keynotes pro-life event in southern Nevada

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 27, 2013

Last night, Governor Palin was the keynote speaker at a pro-life banquet and silent auction hosted by the Womens Medical Resources Center at the Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

This website has posted some photos of Governor Palin speaking:

Sarah Palin - Women's Resource Medical Centers of...

More photos here.

A description of the event can be found at the event website and here, here, and here.

Ron Devito has posted additional photos here at Palin Promotions.

Retrieved from Tory Killam / h/tp Ron Devito

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Tea Party wants Governor Palin to run for Senate in 2014

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 26, 2013

The Tea Party Leadership Fund sent this e-mail out this afternoon.  The letter is signed by Todd Cefaratti.  We don’t know if it fits with Governor Palin’s plans, but it certainly could be a path to the White House.


Dear Friend,

Do the words “Senator Sarah Palin” excite you?

If we do our job, they could become reality.

You see, recent polling in the 2014 Alaska U.S. Senate Race shows incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Begich with less than 50% of the vote, and a clear path for Sarah to win. This means the only thing that is standing in her way is deciding to run, and that’s why we’re launching a petition today to draft her for the Republican nomination.

You and I both know that Sarah Palin is a fighter who will stand up to Harry Reid and his pals in the Senate to protect our Constitution on issues like amnesty, gun control, and our nation’s crushing debt. We know that, with Sarah in the Senate, conservatives across America can rest a little easier at night knowing that she’s at the watch.

That’s why it’s so important that you join with me in signing our petition to draft Sarah Palin for Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat.

As Karl Rove and the “Republican” campaign establishment prepare to spend hundreds of millions defeating the Tea Party in primaries next fall, campaign insiders know what they’re really afraid of–they’re not afraid of gaffes, they’re not afraid of weak candidates, and they’re not afraid of losing.

They’re afraid of those who stand up for our liberties;

of those who stand up when everyone else sits down;

of those who refuse to water down our Constitution with the “Democrat lite” message currently curried by the establishment.

Basically, they’re afraid of Sarah Palin.

At this year’s CPAC, Sarah knew this and took it to heart, rejecting the establishment and imploring all Tea Party Americans to stick to our guns and support the candidates who truly embrace our first principles.

Even when it was unpopular, Sarah supported true patriots like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and now it’s time that we throw our support behind her.

That’s why I need you to sign our petition today to draft Sarah to run in the upcoming U.S. Senate race in Alaska. Will you visit this link and join me in signing it?

When you think about it, Senator Sarah Palin just makes sense.

Who would be better to stand up, simultaneously, to the hyper-liberal arrogance of Harry Reid and the cool indifference of the establishment to our values?  Who would be better to stand arm-in-arm with Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in defense of our Constitution?

he answer, of course, is Sarah, the proven Maverick who stood up to the special interests in Alaska and has been a tireless advocate for our Tea Party values ever since her introduction to the national stage.

So will you stand with her by signing our petition to draft her into the U.S. Senate and, after signing, consider making a contribution so that we have the resources necessary to back her up if she needs it?

Visit this link and add your signature to our petition.

The establishment declared war against the Tea Party long ago, and election day is only getting closer. It’s 100% crystal clear that Karl Rove and his loser buddies will stop at nothing to make sure we lose.

Let’s show them we’re serious about fighting back by drafting Sarah Palin. Visit this link and sign our petition today.


Todd Cefaratti                                             

Freedom Organizer

P.S. What better way is there to show the establishment we mean business than to nominate Sarah Palin for U.S. Senate? By signing our petition, you can make a bold statement that you’re tired of the wishy-washy sellout establishment and ready to put a real leader in the Senate chamber. Visit this link, sign your name to our petition, and tell Sarah that you’re ready for her.


The Tea Party Leadership Fund is a leader in this freedom movement putting your nationwide support into local action. Learn more.
Paid for by The Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  Contributions from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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Gov. Palin praises her sister Heather for athletic prowess and humility

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 26, 2013

Posted on Governor Palin’s Facebook page today:

I love inspirational people like my sister Heather! For her 50th birthday she just decided she’d up and run a marathon thousands of miles away in New Orleans after such limited time and even more limited training opportunities in freezing cold snow-covered Alaska all this long, long winter. Heather works full-time with children with special needs in the Anchorage School District, plus she works we…ekends in a dental office and conducts tours for Alaska Wildberry Tours, in addition to helping at the family-owned business, Bruce’s Muldoon Chevron gas station. And she and her husband raise three busy kids! Heather helps out with all the nieces and nephews (thank you for stepping in so often for Todd and me, Heather!), too. She helps answer my mail and fends off pesky reporters who unfortunately bug her to try to get to me to do more of their bugging.


So, Heather decided to fly to New Orleans by herself.  She hasn’t traveled like that since college. She went to the race with no support. I was ticked at her that she was missing the birthday party we were throwing for her that weekend (well, it was a combined party to include the annual after-Iron Dog celebration for Todd, plus her birthday… we’re always killing a few birds with one stone), but I forgave her because when she texted me her plan she was already on her way to the airport, so there was no backing out. She’s the one who bakes the magical homemade chocolate cakes for our parties, but we forgave her for the missing magic at the party anyway.


We all texted her after the race.


“I did ok,” she humbly offered. “Hurt like heck, naturally, died a thousand deaths, but it was decent, I guess. Glad I did it.”


We congratulated her and left it at that. Then my sister Molly went over to Heather’s house today and sees Heather’s plaque from the New Orleans Rock ‘n Roll marathon for her OUTSTANDING 26.2 mile performance! She ran a 3:42:27 and placed second in her age group! (She’d forgotten to mention all that!) Heather’s always been a great athlete, and we all share a love of running, hiking, streaming sweat through Bikram, and anything active outdoors, but none of us can keep up with her! (She can do three sets of push ups, 70 at a time, and finish with an additional 30; BOY push ups! I crumble at the thought.) She’s truly an inspiration. And so humble…


But the coolest thing about all this today, besides finally finding out her kick-butt race time, was re-reading her most recent group text to the family. It wasn’t about her fitness prowess, or how busy she is, or her overcoming obstacles that others use as excuses to avoid getting outside and enjoying all that our beautiful states have to offer. It wasn’t about her being able to qualify for the Boston Marathon (which we hope she’ll run someday, just like our dad did back in the 80’s!) Instead, Heather texted a proud mom’s moment.


Her son, our nephew, has autism. Karcher will always add another dimension and perspective to the family’s life. The road has not been easy and may never get any easier. But we’ve all said Karcher is our red-headed angel that God knew to place with Kurt and Heather because they’re gifted enough to handle all He allows. The Bruces are amazing. (And Heather will want to wring my neck for bragging about her. Or she’ll arm wrestle me into oblivion to teach me a lesson.)


Heather’s text today explained that she doesn’t have the typical Facebook page to brag about her kids like so many do, but she wanted to share a recent wonderful accomplishment — not her own, but her son’s.


Karcher will be graduated from East High School next month in the Top 10% of all students! He was given a University of Alaska Scholars Award, and he also won an “Excellence at East” award for his amazing progress through such challenging high school years, especially through the relentlessly and sometimes inexplicable difficult social situations a child with obvious challenges must endure. His teacher and the principal signed the award certificate. It encouraged Karcher to reach for the stars and always be proud to be an East High Thunderbird! Native tradition tells us that the thunderbird represents an indomitable spirit. That describes Karch.


Add to that spiritual description: inspiration, example, athlete, heroine… and you’ve got his mom, our sister Heather!


– Sarah Palin

Share · 11 hours ago

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Gov. Palin: Take a look at the racist and eugenicist origins of Planned Parenthood

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 26, 2013

Posted on Governor Palin’s Facebook page today:

Sarah Palin · 3,537,843 like this

3 hours ago ·
There’s no such thing as a coincidence. Today I’m looking forward to speaking at a pro-life women’s resource center in Nevada. I intend again to remind women that we are strong enough and capable enough to choose life and work together to create a culture that empowers everyone to live to the fullest. How ironic that on this same day President Obama will be headlining a gala event for the highly controversial and repeatedly discredited organization Planned Parenthood. He’s the first sitting president to speak to them, but then again he’s also the first president who is so radically pro-abortion that as a state senator he refused three times to vote in favor of legislation that would simply provide medical attention to babies born alive from botched abortions. Considering the role Planned Parenthood has played in looking the other way while the mass murdering abortion doctor Gosnell butchered babies born alive from his horrific infanticide procedures and abused his women patients, it’s perhaps not surprising that this same president sees nothing wrong with allowing his name to be so openly associated with this organization.
Please take a look at the following excerpt from Jonah Goldberg’s book “Liberal Fascism” for information about the racist and eugenicist origins of Planned Parenthood, then ask yourself again why in the world our president would “bless” the cruel underlying efforts of an organization like this. Do you want him to spend your family’s hard earned tax dollars funding this culture of death? Surely there are people of good conscience within Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion centers who will feel the imperative within themselves to find other ways to help women in their time of need. There are so many better answers than merely eliminating the most precious, promising ingredient we have on earth – innocent human life. May efforts to cull the defenseless and vulnerable not be “blessed,” instead may God bless those who decide that respecting a culture of life in America is the only way to get us out of the mess we’re in.
– Sarah Palin


Margaret Sanger, whose American Birth Control League became Planned Parenthood, was the founding mother of the birth-control movement. She is today considered a liberal saint, a founder of modern feminism, and one of the leading lights of the Progressive pantheon. Gloria Feldt of Planned

Governor Palin also posted these tweets at about the same time:


Bristol also called out Obama on her blog today and included a link to a petition to defund Planned Parenthood:

The President Makes History

April 26, 2013  By Leave a Comment

… But not in a good way.

According to the American Center for Law and Justice:

Today, President Obama will become the first sitting president in American history to address Planned Parenthood at its annual conference.

That’s right; the President of the United States is addressing the nation’s largest abortion provider, the leader of the death industry, just weeks after it argued for the right to kill a child born after a botched abortion.

He is addressing Planned Parenthood even as it attempts to profit off abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s trial for murdering babies born alive, arguing for even less regulation of abortion clinics.

President Obama is sending a message.

Let’s send our own.

If you’d like to sign the petition to defund Planned Parenthood, please click here.  Though we’re not able to call the President and explain to him why his catering to the abortion giant is reprehensible, at least we can send him a message — loud and clear.

And let’s pray that this terrible practice of killing babies is stopped in America once and for all.

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Palin to Speak at Cost of Freedom Tribute in Buckeye, AZ

Posted by Jackie Siciliano on April 25, 2013


Sarah Palin will appear with Governor Jan Brewer in Buckeye, Arizona as a featured speaker for the “Traveling Wall”, a tribute to Vietnam Veterans.  According to a Yahoo News article that was released earlier today, the Traveling Wall is an 80% replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, DC.  The wall will be on display May 9th-12th at Earl Edgar Recreational Facility and there is a schedule of events here.

h/t Michael Sheppard

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Gov. Palin Asks Who Gave the Order for the Latest Attack on Christianity in Our Military

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 23, 2013

Tweeted by Governor Palin this afternoon:


From the article by Todd Starnes at FOX News Radio that she linked to:

Army Removes Bible Reference from Scopes

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Army Removes Bible Reference from ScopesApr 22, 2013

By Todd Starnes

The U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes, Fox News has learned.

Soldiers at Fort Wainwright in Alaska told Fox News they received a directive to turn in their scopes so the Bible references could be removed.


The scopes were made by Trijicon and referenced New Testament passages in John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The verses appeared at the end of the scope serial numbers – “JN8:12” and “2COR4:6.”

“The biblical verse (JN8:12) must be removed utilizing a Dremel type tool and then painted black,” read instructions on how to remedy the matter.

After the letters and numbers were scrapped off, soldiers were directed to use apply black paint to ensure the verses were totally covered.

“The vendor etched those inscriptions on scopes without the Army’s approval,” Army spokesman Matthew Bourke told Fox in a written statement. “Consequently, the modified scopes did not meet the requirement under which the contract was executed.”

Bourke said the vendor agreed to remove all Bible references on future deliveries.

“Some of these scopes had already been fielded,” Bourke explained. “Corrective measures were taken to remove inscriptions during the RESET/PRESET process in order to avoid a disruption in combat operations.”

A similar issue came to light during a 2010 investigation by ABC News. At the time the Army and Marine Corps said they were unaware of the biblical markings.army2

Trijicon did not return phone calls seeking comment. A company spokesman told ABC News in 2010 that the inscriptions had always been on the sights and there was nothing wrong or illegal with including them.

The company told ABC they believed the issue had been raised by a group that is “not Christian.”

One of the Fort Wainwright soldiers who received the order to remove the inscription told Fox News that hardly anyone was aware of the religious reference.

“It blows my mind,” the solider said. “It doesn’t help the Army do its mission to take off a biblical reference.”

The soldier, who is a Christian, said he had to comply so “someone doesn’t get offended.”

Read more.

Two weeks ago, Todd Starnes wrote about another attack by the military on Christianity.  From his article at Town Hall:

Last week, Fox News reported that an Army training instructor told a Reserve unit based in Pennsylvania that Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism were examples of religious extremism. The Army categorized that episode as an isolated incident.

Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance, told Fox News that the latest revelation is proof of a much larger problem within military leadership.

“We’re concerned that this is more than an isolated incident,” he said. “We’d like answers. Is there a policy in the military concerning people of faith?”

Crews said that soldiers have religious liberty – and they should not be punished for being members of respected religious groups.

“This is part of a trend that is concerning us,” he said. “Several in the military have this belief that evangelicals and people who hold to traditional values seem to be a problem and need to be monitored.”

Perkins, a Marine Corps veteran, said it’s clear that “Army Values” have indeed changed.

“And it’s the values of Evangelicals and Catholics,” Perkins said. “It’s not the values of the vast majority of those serving in our nation’s military. I think it’s the values of this administration trying to superimpose upon our military.”

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, now an executive vice president of the FRC, told Fox News that all Americans should be concerned about the contents of the email.

“If this is the action of a single Army lieutenant colonel, it needs to be investigated,” he said. “On the other hand, if what he reflects is a shifting policy or attitude of the Army or DOD, then I think it is a much bigger issue.”

Boykin served more than 36 years in the military before retiring in 2007. Since 2008 he said he’s seen withering attacks on religious liberty.

Among the incidents:

-A War Games scenario at Fort Leavenworth that identified Christian groups and Evangelical groups as being potential threats;

-A 2009 Dept. of Homeland Security memorandum that identified future threats to national security coming from Evangelicals and pro-life groups;

-A West Point study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center that linked pro-lifers to terrorism;

-Evangelical leader Franklin Graham was disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service because of his comments about Islam;

-Christian prayers were banned at the funeral services for veterans at Houston’s National Cemetery;

-Bibles were banned at Walter Reed Army Medical Center – a decision that was later rescinded;

-Christian crosses and a steeple were removed from a chapel in Afghanistan because the military said the icons disrespected other religions;

-Catholic chaplains were told not to read a letter to parishioners from their archbishop related to Obamacare mandates. The Secretary of the Army feared the letter could be viewed as a call for civil disobedience.

But Boykin called the newly-uncovered email the most “egregious” attack.

“That kind of rhetoric is isolating the institution of the military from a large sector of the American population,” he said. “This is an attack not only on the Christian faith, but on fundamental, traditional American values.”

Crews said the military is getting their information on domestic hate groups from the Southern Poverty Law Center. And the email written by the lieutenant colonel referenced the organization.

“This is disturbing that the military would use this list composed by the Southern Poverty Law Center when these organizations that are highly esteemed and respected in the evangelical community,” he said.

The Chaplain Alliance filed a Freedom of Information Act request – asking if the SPLC list had been widely distributed in the military or if had been used in a formal manner.

The response they got from the Dept. of Defense left Crews troubled.

“They told us they had no record of the SPLC list being used,” he said – even though the email clearly proves otherwise.

“This is part of a trend that is concerning us,” he said. “We believe it is more widespread than the military is acknowledging. We keep getting calls from military personnel telling us of their issues.”

David Jeremiah, the pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, was among the first to publicly support the FRC and AFA and denounce the attack.

“For it to be coming from a left wing political group is one thing, but for it to be coming from our own government is unconscionable to me,” he told Fox News.

Shadow Mountain is an evangelical mega-church near San Diego – attended by many military families. Jeremiah said he suspects there is a significant disconnect between the Pentagon and the rank and file troops.

“There are so many good and godly people in the military who would be appalled to think that their leaders would be saying things like this,” he said. “The attempt on the part of the social engineers of our day to secularize our culture is in full swing. Everything they can do to remove God, the Bible and morality from the marketplace is being done – not subtly but overtly.

Read more.

It is clear that faith and prayer have played an important role for our military, especially in time of war.  The First Principles Press website writes:

In 1775, John Adams wrote Rules for the Regulation of the Navy of the United Colonies of North America to create good order and discipline of a newly organized military charged with defeating the most powerful military force in the world.  His first principle defined “Exemplary Conduct;” his second principle directed prayer and divine services twice a day.  The US military was established upon virtue, honor and patriotism, and prayer and worship twice a day—these are the military’s First Principles, because Adams understood armed men needed a unifying moral foundation especially those trained to search and destroy and charged with defending the American way of life.


“The Studies in Social Psychology in World War II Series,” produced by the Social Science Research Council, was one of the largest social science research projects in history.  Volume II, The American Soldier, Combat and Its Aftermath, Princeton University Press, (1949), reported data on the importance of prayer to officers and enlisted infantrymen.  Prayer was selected most frequently as the soldier’s source of combat motivation.  The motivation of prayer was selected over the next highest categories of “thinking that you couldn’t let the other men down,” and “thinking that you had to finish the job in order to get home again.”  From the responses, “did not help at all,” “helped some,” and “helped a lot,” 70% of enlisted men in the Pacific Theatre (n = 4,734), and 83% in the Mediterranean theatre (n = 1,766) responded “helped a lot,” as did 60% of Infantry officers (n = 319).


The problem of suicide in the military reflects a loss of moral support to a soul not girded by the prayers and moral support that carried our soldiers, who fought without medication, through bitter battles like Normandy.  First Principles Press is telling this present generation about the military’s first principles, the moral support previous generations could readily access, the availability of prayer and the brand of valor seeded long ago in the US military’s first principles of virtue and prayer.  Endowed By Their Creator:   A Collection of Historic American Military Prayers 1774-Present is a collection of hundreds of years of evidence for the benefit of leader-led military prayer from the War for Independence to the present conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We ask every church in America to distribute Endowed By Their Creator to servicemen and women and their families and friends.  Together, we must tell this generation to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (II Timothy 2:1-4).

America’s first and most famous general, George Washington, delivered the same message to his troops when he wrote in his Orderly Book on July 9, 1776,

The blessings and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger.  The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man will endeavour to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.

Read more.

Before the 2008 election, Pastor Steve Foss shared what he considered prophetic insight concerning that election, including the following.

I want to put this deep in your spirit. I am speaking as a prophet. The words I’m about to tell you are “thus saith the Lord”. If Barack Obama is elected, the attacks against free speech, against those who believe differently than he does, and the systematic use of the government and laws to silence the voice of fundamental Christians will be unlike anything ever seen in this nation before.

You can read the rest here.

Never before in America’s history have we seen attacks like this on Christianity in our military.  In fact, the opposite has been true.  Many will remember when President George Herbert Bush asked America to pray during Desert Storm and the resulting low number of casualties.  And politics aside, who can forget FDR’s prayer on D Day after the troops had landed on Normandy Beach:

Almighty God: our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.
Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.
They will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph.
They will be sore tried, by night and by day without rest – until the victory is won. The darkness will be rent by noise and flame. Men’s souls will be shaken with the violences of war.
For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and good will among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home.
Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.
And for us at home — fathers, mothers, children, wives, sisters and brothers of brave men overseas — whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them — help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice.

Read more.

It is clear that the Christian faith and prayer have been part of our national discourse for most of our nation’s history.   No longer can Christians afford to be silent as the government and the institutions it controls or influences take away our religious liberties one by one.  It is imperative to stand up and be heard before it is too late.  One important place to make our voices heard is at the ballot box.  Sitting home because we despise the corruption in our government and in politics only makes the problem worse.  There are candidates worthy of our vote each election, and we need to lend our support to getting them elected.   And most important of all, we need to pray for our country.  God bless America!

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Happy 24th Birthday, Track Palin!

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 20, 2013

Click on photo to view slideshow.

Today is Track Palin’s 24th birthday.  We at SPIB want to wish him a blessed birthday and many more to come.  We wish you success in all your endeavors and safety at all times.  May the Lord encamp His angels about you always.

As far as we know, Track is still on his second deployment in Afghanistan.  Except for his role in Sarah Palin’s Alaska, Track has stayed out of the public eye most of the time since he was introduced to America in 2008.  But then again, he’s been overseas a good portion of that time.  This past year, though, we’ve seen photos of him on his trips home to visit his family. 


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Mark Steyn: In America, all atrocities are not equal.

Posted by Dr. Fay on April 20, 2013

Governor Palin posted the link to this article by Mark Steyn at National Review on her Facebook page earlier today.

April 19, 2013 7:27 PMT

The ‘Co-exist’ Bombers

This must disappoint David Sirota.

By Mark Steyn

Dzhokar Tsarnaev (left) and Tamerlan Tsarnaev in surveillance footage from April 15

This has been a strange and deadly week in America. On Monday, two bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon, the first successful terrorist attack on a civilian target on American soil since 9/11. And yet a mere two days later, Boston’s death toll was surpassed by a freak fertilizer accident at a small town in Texas.

In America, all atrocities are not equal: Minutes after the Senate declined to support so-called gun control in the wake of the Newtown massacre, the president rushed ill-advisedly on air to give a whiny, petulant performance predicated on the proposition that one man’s mass infanticide should call into question the constitutional right to bear arms. Simultaneously, the media remain terrified that another man’s mass infanticide might lead you gullible rubes to question the constitutional right to abortion, so the ongoing Kermit Gosnell trial in Philadelphia has barely made the papers —


“Doctor” Gosnell seems likely to prove America’s all-time champion mass murderer. But his victims are ideologically problematic for the media, and so the poor blood-soaked monster will never get his moment in the spotlight.

The politicization of mass murder found its perfect expression in one of those near-parodic pieces to which the more tortured self-loathing dweebs of the fin de civilisation West are prone. As the headline in Salon put it, “Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American.” David Sirota is himself a white American, but he finds it less discomforting to his Princess Fluffy Bunny worldview to see his compatriots as knuckle-dragging nutjobs rather than confront all the apparent real-world contradictions of the diversity quilt. He had a lot of support for his general predisposition. “The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic extremist attack,” declared Dina Temple-Raston, NPR’s “counterterrorism correspondent.” “Officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There’s the Columbine anniversary, there’s Hitler’s birthday, there’s the Oklahoma City bombing, the assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.” Miss Temple-Raston was born in my mother’s homeland of Belgium, where, alas, there were more than a few fellows willing to wish the Führer happy birthday back when he was still around to thank you for it. But it was news to me it was such a red-letter day in the Bay State. Who knew? At NPR, “counterterrorism” seems to mean countering any suggestion that this might be terrorism from you know, the usual suspects.David Sirota’s column appeared on Tuesday. By Wednesday he got his wish, not re the Boston perp but with the Ricin guy, a man who (in further echoes of those first days after 9/11) mailed poison-laced letters to a Republican senator and the Democrat president. The would-be Ricin terrorist turned out to be not a jihadist from Yemen or Waziristan but an Elvis impersonator from Mississippi whom Senator Wicker had once booked as entertainment for a friend’s party. Kevin Curtis is not just your run-of-the-mill Elvis impersonator, but a seven-time finalist in the prestigious “Images of the King” competition. Yet he is, in fact, the second Elvis impersonator to be mixed up with Ricin, following the arrest last year of Michael Conley in a Florida motel room after a showdown with cops in which he brandished a vial of white powder at them.


Twenty-four hours later, Mr. Sirota had a second feather in his cap. The two suspects in the Boston bombing turned out to be Caucasian males — that’s to say, males from the Caucasus, specifically the North Caucasus, Chechnya by way of Dagestan. Unfortunately for his delicate sensitivities, the two Caucasians were also Muslims. They were alumni of Cambridge Rindge and Latin, one of the oldest public schools in America and latterly one of the most “diverse,” boasting (being the operative word) students from over 80 countries. The Tsarnaev brothers had spent most of their lives in the United States, and lived the diversity dream. They seem to have had a droll wit when it comes to symbolism: Last year, the younger brother took his oath of citizenship and became an American on September 11. And, in their final hours of freedom, they added a cruel bit of mockery to their crimes by carjacking a getaway vehicle with a “Co-exist” bumper sticker. Oh, you must have seen them: I bet David Sirota has one. The “C” is the Islamic crescent, the “O” is the hippy peace sign; the “X” is the Star of David, the “T” is the Christian cross; I think there’s some LGBT, Taoist, and Wiccan stuff in there, too. They’re not mandatory on vehicles in Massachusetts; it just seems that way.

I wonder, when the “Co-exist” car is returned to its owner, whether he or she will keep the bumper sticker in place. One would not expect him to conclude, as the gays of Amsterdam and the Jews of Toulouse and the Christians of Egypt have bleakly done, that if it weren’t for that Islamic crescent you wouldn’t need a bumper sticker at all. But he may perhaps have learned that life is all a bit more complicated than the smiley-face banalities of the multicultists.

It’s very weird to live in a society where mass death is important insofar as it serves the political needs of the dominant ideology. A white male loner killing white kindergartners in Connecticut is news; a black doctor butchering black babies in Pennsylvania is not. When the manhunt in Boston began, I received a bunch of e-mails sneering I was gagging for it to be the Muzzies just as hungrily as lefties were for it to be an NRA guy, a Tea Partier, a Sarah Palin donor. But, actually, I wasn’t. On Monday, it didn’t feel Islamic: a small death toll at a popular event but not one with the resonance and iconic quality the big-time jihadists like — like 9/11, the embassy bombings, the U.S.S. Cole. After all, if the jihad crowd wanted to blow up a few people here and there IRA-style they could have been doing it all this last decade.

On the other hand, it didn’t feel like one of those freelance bumblers — the Pantybomber, the Times Square Bomber — finally got lucky. It feels like something in between, something new. Is it just a one-off? Or a strategic evolution?

Either way, the fatuities of the “Co-exist” bumper sticker are not real. The disaffected young Muslim on the lam in a car with a “Co-exist” sticker is.

Mark Steyn, a National Review columnist, is the author of After America: Get Ready for Armageddon. © 2013 Mark Steyn

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Last week, Governor Palin posted this comment on Facebook:

Sarah Palin · 3,532,760 like this

April 11 at 10:38am ·

“We’ve forgotten what belongs on Page One.”

Kudos to Democrat and fellow Alaskan Kirsten Powers for getting the important truth out there on this horrific story, and for USA Today for printing it. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the mainstream media has once again shirked their journalistic duty in exposing the truth behind this horrific procedure which Planned Parenthood tries to spin as untrue. As many in our party call for “social truces” and encourage candidates to stop talking about social issues, I’d remind them to heed the advice of Lady Thatcher: “This is no time to go wobbly.” If our country does not start to focus on returning to a culture that respects life, how can we ever expect to solve the growing problem of violence? – Sarah Palin

This is the article that she linked to by fellow Alaskan Kirsten Powers on USA Today:

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

Kirsten Powers 8:49 p.m. EDT April 11, 2013

We’ve forgotten what belongs on Page One.

gosnell powers
It’s not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been  precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page. The revolting revelations of Gosnell’s former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart.

“Chaos” isn’t really the story here. Butchering babies that were already born and were older than the state’s 24-week limit for abortions is the story. There is a reason the late Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan called this procedure infanticide.

Planned Parenthood recently claimed that the possibility of infants surviving late-term abortions was “highly unusual.” The Gosnell case suggests otherwise.

Regardless of such quibbles,  about whether Gosnell was killing the infants one second after they left the womb instead of partially inside or completely inside the womb — as in a routine late-term abortion — is merely a matter of geography. That one is murder and the other is a legal procedure is morally irreconcilable.

A Lexis-Nexis search shows none of the news shows on the three major national television networks  has mentioned the Gosnell trial in the last three months. The exception is when Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan hijacked a segment on Meet the Press meant to foment outrage over an anti-abortion rights law in some backward red state.

The Washington Post has not published original reporting on this during the trial and The New York Times saw fit to run one original story on A-17 on the trial’s first day. They’ve been silent ever since, despite headline-worthy testimony.


You don’t have to oppose abortion rights to find late-term abortion abhorrent or to find the Gosnell trial eminently newsworthy. This is not about being “pro-choice” or “pro-life.” It’s about basic human rights.

The deafening silence of too much of the media, once a force for justice in America, is a disgrace.

Kirsten Powers is a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors, a Fox News political analyst and columnist for The Daily Beast.

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Palin: My Tribute to the Clear-Sighted Senator from the Bluegrass State

Posted by Jackie Siciliano on April 19, 2013


Rand Paul (KY-R) has been named to Time’s annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world and Sarah Palin penned the article associated with this honor.  Readers may recall that Governor Palin was named to “Time’s 100 Most Influential People” in 2009.

From Time:

When the Tea Party movement wanted to send a message to the Senate in 2010, it elected a clear-sighted eye doctor from the Bluegrass State. In a D.C. too often defined by the venal equivocations of a permanent political class more interested in consolidating its own power than in upholding the Constitution or defending the common good, Senator Rand Paul is a voice of reason awakening the public to what must be done to restore our prosperity and preserve the blessings of liberty for future generations. His brand of libertarian-leaning conservatism attracts young voters, and recently he inspired the nation with his Capraesque filibuster demanding basic answers about our use of drones. I sent him some caribou jerky from Alaska to help keep up his strength on the Senate floor. There’s more where that came from for this bold Senator with 20/20 vision willing to take a stand for liberty.

Palin is a former governor of Alaska

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