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Archive for July, 2010

Romnesty? Looks Like Mitt Romney Wants The GOP To Help Push Amnesty Quickly So He Doesn’t have To Address It On The Campaign Trail

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 31, 2010

By Gary P Jackson

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a front-runner for the nomination, has signaled quietly to Graham that Republicans must address immigration before the campaign heats up, according to several sources familiar with the conversation.

Looks like noted “Profile In Courage,” Mitt Romney has crawled out of the shadows to tell his fellow GOP elite that they need to get it in gear before 2012, so the issue of illegal immigration doesn’t hurt his already poor chances of a run for the presidency. Basically, he’s asking his fellow elites to help him vote “present” on this issue. Never mind that amnesty will destroy the very fabric of the nation, for Romney, eevrything is seen through the prism of how it benefits him and his naked lust for power. Everything else be damned.

POLITICO, that sanctuary for corrupt Journolisters, is doing it’s job in this piece, as they attempt to bring John McCain, who was once on the amnesty bandwagon, back into the fold. In doing so, they expose fellow traveler Mitt Romney and his actions.

Immigration advocates miss John McCain

His coming back to the table would be a very substantial move and something that could help break the logjam,” said Clarissa Martinez, director of immigration and national campaigns for the National Council of La Raza.

For those that don’t know, La Raza means “The Race.” In other words, this is a racist, supremest organization.

The conversation has to begin with John McCain and Lindsey Graham,” added Angela Kelley, vice president for immigration policy and advocacy at the Center for American Progress. “They are the top-tier Republicans.

Their hope now is that Republican presidential candidates and former operatives under Bush, a reform proponent, can convince GOP congressional leaders that the issue needs to be dealt with before 2012 — or that they could risk alienating the burgeoning Hispanic vote in the crucial swing states of New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and Florida.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a front-runner for the nomination, has signaled quietly to Graham that Republicans must address immigration before the campaign heats up, according to several sources familiar with the conversation.

Graham’s push against birthright citizenship prompted this response on POLITICO’s Arena from Cesar Conda, a former domestic policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney: “If the Republican Party embraces ending birthright citizenship, then it will be assured losing Latino and ethnic voters — and presidential elections for the foreseeable future.

Jason Rose, a Republican political consultant in Arizona, said there’s little chance of McCain backpedaling on immigration reform — even though such a major legislative accomplishment would cement his legacy.

For John McCain to re-engage as he did before on the immigration issue will create a new political vernacular: It would be flip-flop flipper,” said Rose, who resigned from Hayworth’s Senate campaign in March after a contract dispute. “His constituents want the damn fence and they want it now, and he gets it.”

Edmundo Hidalgo, president and chief executive of Phoenix nonprofit Chicanos por la Causa, said that in previous years, McCain demonstrated a willingness to understand and work through issues affecting the Hispanic community. But this month, when Hidalgo met with McCain staff members to push for the DREAM Act, he heard only one refrain: Secure the border first.

There is a disconnect with his priorities and our priorities,” said Hidalgo, whose group sued Arizona over its immigration law. “Although some of us may have a wishful sentiment to see the maverick, at this point, he is John McCain, the enforcer at the border. Those were fond memories.

With the way Hidalgo is talking up McCain’s stance on illegals, he’ll make sure he wins in a landslide, as most Americans are solidly behind Arizona’s new law, and want the border secured, yesterday! Read more of this disgustng mess here.

It amazes me how stupid the Republican elites are. For one thing, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. Most legal immigrants, as well as American born Hispanics are very much against amnesty. Those pushing for amnesty, and the illegals themselves, have little if any regard for America, as witnessed by all of the Mexican flags they carry, and their refusal to even attempt to assimilate, learn English, and so on. This only hurts their chances for success, and all but guarantees they will end up living off of taxpayers, rather than being productive members of society. There is a reason why becoming a United States citizen is hard work, it pays off for everyone in the end.

The radical left is pushing for amnesty for one reason, and one reason only, they see a potential 20 million new democrat votes come this fall.

It would figure that Mitt Romney would be all for amnesty though. Sixty-eight percent of all Americans approve of building a border fence, however Sixty-seven percent of the political class, the ruling class, oppose, as you can read here.

It’s hard not to be sympathetic with decent people who just want a better life, but the fact is, we are a nation of laws, and cannot survive if we pick and choose which laws we enforce. We must completely secure the border, and then we can work on reforming the system. Nothing can happen until we secure that border completely.

Lindsey Graham Can’t be trusted, he is a very reliable vote for total amnesty. Mitt Romney knows this, which is why he is bending his ear. Birds of a feather, and all.

BTW, while Romney is doing everything possible to not have any difficult issues to face, Sarah Palin has consistently stood up against the open borders crowd, and on Thursday took Obama to task again on his total failure to do his constitutionally required duty of securing the border.

Mitt Romney is a political opportunist, and a political coward. If the RomneyCare fiasco doesn’t prove he is unfit to hold office, this most certainly should.

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My Oh My, POLITICO Sure Has A Lot Of Corrupt Journolisters On It’s Staff

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 31, 2010

By Gary P Jackson

It’s no secret that POLITICO is a biased news organization. The online polictical blog is as progressive as they come. Very agenda driven. In our reporting we have already addressed the fact that Journolist members are solidly entrenched inside POLITICO’s upper levels. Something Roger Simon, who calls the website home, tried to downplay.

John Nolte over at Big Journalism isn’t buying it, and has a simply marvelous retort:

You say MSM, I say Politico. You say corrupt, I say Politico.

Today, Politico’s Roger Simon was kind enough to almost scold JournoList for its lasting effect on his precious little profession of journalism. At one point, he and the scrupulously non-partisan Chuck “Fire Glenn Beck” Todd hold hands and commiserate over how this unfortunate JounoList thing is tarring “those of us who don’t practice activist journalism.” If Roger Simon wants to rebuild his precious little profession’s reputation, a good start might be asking his very own publisher some tough questions.

Politico might be an online publication, a part of the New Media, but when it comes to corrupted, left-wing arrogance they make the Washington Post look somewhat honest … somewhat. Part of the reason I reserve a special place in my heart to store up a unique resentment for all things Politico is due to the very fact that they practice their dark arts online. Like a toxic virus they spread over to the Internet where the right (by design) and the left (by accident) are trying to forever kill off the very thing Politico is — wolfish left-wing propagandists hidden in the sheeps’ clothing of “journalism.”

And yet these are the same bastards “journalists” who launched a smear attack on a private citizen for asking Their One a perfectly reasonable question, obsessed over Sarah Palin’s wardrobe (and yet ranked Obama being asked about his relationships with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers as a 2008 top-ten ”media blunder“), and though they occasionally find Levi Johnston worthy of note, Department of Justice whistleblower, J. Christian Adams, remained a ghost up until and including Ben Smith’s factually challenged Nothing-To-See-Here gift to his embattled president.

Oh, and did you know that some of Politico’sjournalists were members of Ezra Klein’s now infamous JournoList, including Mike Allen, Lisa Lerer, and Mr. Ben “I-Got-Yer-Back-Barack” Smith?

And this little juicy nugget of fact raises a troubling question…

What Politico needs to disclose is exactly when their three employees joined JournoList, because now that we know what really was going on there, this Politico article reeks of a cover up.

Written by Michael Calderon in March of 2009 and titled “JournoList: Inside the echo chamber,” even at the time it was written, the thousand-plus worder ranked as another classic example of what Politico does best: write stories about why stories they don’t want covered aren’t worth covering. In other words, like Ben Smith’s Black Panther piece, this is how Politico spikes that which might damage the Leftist narrative.

While reading Calderon’s JournoList expose,’ you can practically hear the staged, self conscious yawn of a man trying to put across the false front that once again those crazy, paranoid right-wing conspiracy mongers have taken him away from oh-so important work to address this nothing-ness.

Calderon’s idea of “journalism” was to interview JournoList members such as Jeffrey Toobin, Eric Alterman,and Joe Klein, who each assure us in their own wrist-flicking way, Tell those silly right-wingers that no one’s pushing an agenda. In 2009 the piece was hilariously obvious in its biased and preordained objective to smoke-and-mirror away concerns about what Ezra’s little coven of left-wingers was up to. But reading it again in hindsight, it stinks to high heaven.

Deep, deep, deep in the article – long after the dull dutifulness of it all is supposed to kill your interest in clicking over to page two, Calderon finally gets around to admitting Politico’s Smith, Allen, and Lerer are members.

And herein lies Politico’s problem.

Now that it’s become crystal clear that at times JournoList was in fact a hotbed for left-wing ideologues to collude over how to kill stories that might hurt Obama, smear innocent conservatives as racist, coordinate lines of attack against Palin, and work directly with the Obama campaign, the question becomes:

What did Politico know and when did it know it?

Three Politico employees were members of JournoList, and yet in March of 2009, Politico published an article where JournoList members claimed nothing improper was going on there — which we now know wasn’t even close to the truth.

There’s only two explanations: Either Smith, Allen and Lerer weren’t JournoList members when this corrupt activity was taking place, or they were, and not only did they not disclose the improper activity but they allowed their employer to print a misleading story.

What did Politico know and when did it know it?

In a truly just world, all 400 plus members of Journolist would join the ranks of the chronically unemployed, but I digress.

Sadly, this is just more proof that it’s almost impossible to trust any supposed news source in this country. I know a lot of folks, myself included, tend to frequent blogs and newsers that mostly agreee with our point of view, but we also need fair and balanced news sources that play it straight. Just the facts, no matter who it helps, or hurts. No agenda, just facts. Until this happens, America is in big trouble.

When consuming news these days, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan: Trust, but verify. And go easy on the trust part, and heavy on the verify part.

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Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund “Flight” in Clarksburg, WV

Posted by Ron Devito on July 31, 2010

US 4 Palin “Fly Sarah from Wasilla to Washington” Campaign
“Sarah” is now in Clarksburg, WV

How to “Fly ‘Sarah’ from Wasilla to Washington”

There is no need to email us donation amounts or post them on comments. As long as you donate through an US for Palin graphic or hyperlink to the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund, we’ll know about it, whether it’s on the US for Palin site or a venue where its content is syndicated.

Let’s help the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund reach new heights and get Gov. Palin to Washington!

Laura had come back from pre-flighting the plane, doing run-up, getting the weather info and filing her flight plan from Lunken Municipal to Clarksburg, West Virginia. “Sarah” was on her laptop posting on her Facebook wall and firing off a Tweet from her Blackberry. “We’ve got some isolated thunderstorms to the southwest of us. They’re far enough to not bother us…best we get going. If the storms come closer, we’re going to have to wait.” “Sarah” agreed, and the pair went to the plane, and Laura got the clearance. They would take off toward the southwest, then turn southeast, overfly York, Kentucky, then turn northeast to Clarksburg.

Laura climbed to 7,000 feet and stayed there for the duration of the flight’s enroute segment. The flight mainly followed the Ohio River – the Mississippi River’s largest tributary as it wound its way through Ohio and Kentucky.

This flight to Clarksburg is a pit-stop to bring “Sarah” closer to Reagan National. It is the last day flight. Reagan National, being one of the nation’s busy airports is no place to be bringing a Cessna 172 during most of the day and even the night. Instrument flights require a reservation 72 hours in advance except between midnight and 6 AM. Not wanting to mix it up with the airliners, “Sarah” and Laura agreed to make the last flight a “redeye.”

“So, Laura, what are you going to do after you leave me in Washington?” “Sarah” asked. “Well,” she said wistfully. “I’m going to meet my husband, then re-position the plane likely in southern New Jersey – the Flying W. From there…I don’t know. We’ve been talking about seeing California. This might be a good time to do it. Then fly along the coast back to Alaska. We could also fly straight back to Alaska. I’d probably go via Toronto, and work my way back to Winnipeg, then reverse our old route – except I’d like to re-enter Alaska via Juneau. It depends on how my husband can structure vacation from his job.”

“Sarah” and Laura talked about these possible trips as the flight progressed. “Sarah” would continue endorsing and campaigning, speaking, writing, hosting and guest-appearing on Fox – for now. “’Sarah,’ I think there is a greater plan for you. I think your place is in a certain building a few miles off the departure end of Runway 1 at Reagan National. The next time my flight is grounded by a Presidential flight restriction, it better be because of YOU,” Laura said. “Sarah” smiled and answered. “Thank you, m’am.”

Entering West Virginia, Laura saw towering cumulus clouds beginning to form. “We’re OK to pass here, “Sarah” she said, but I can see these turning into thunderstorms later.” The flat bottom, and the towering formations were precursors. Laura was instructed to descend head northeast and prepare for the instrument approach to the runway oriented southwest. She prepared the approach, and was instructed to descend to 2900 feet. The Pennsylvania state line appeared on the GPS. Laura marveled at how far this flight had gone. Soon, they would only be 166 nautical miles from Washington – 3178 from Wasilla.

Laura was instructed to turn to the southeast. She could see two large gray clouds and they appeared to be right over the approach to the airport. “See those, ‘Sarah’? Betcha, that’s why I was given this instrument approach.”

Sure enough, as Laura began the approach, the clouds were square in her flight path. As she got the airport’s weather briefing, “few clouds at 100” bothered her. “If we have to go missed, our filed alternate is Morgantown.” “Sarah” agreed. The cockpit went silent except for Laura calling out her usual “1,000 feet”, “500 feet”, “200 feet”, “100 feet,” and minimums on the approach. “Sarah” was familiar with – and agreed with keeping the cockpit sterile of non-flight related conversation during approaches.

The flight entered the clouds and broke out 500 feet above decision height. Laura landed and taxied to tie-down.

“OK, ‘Sarah’ I’m going to review the procedures for flying in DC’s airspace. I know them, but a review is always good. This last leg is going to be the shortest one – but the most important one. ”

“See you here at around 11 PM tomorrow?” “Sarah” said. “Yes. 11 it is.” As they parted, Laura realized that after tomorrow’s farewell, she might never see “Sarah” this close again. The pang nearly left Laura doubled over. She pushed it out of her mind. Those procedures needed a review. Best to focus on the job at hand, and so she did.

If you enjoyed this journey, please sponsor it by

donating to the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund

Last year, the Alaska Fund Trust was established to raise money to defend Gov. Palin against frivolous ethics complaints and lawsuits that were filed against her in a coordinated effort to drive her out of office. On June 24, 2010, the Alaska Fund Trust was replaced by Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund. Those of you who donated to the Alaska Fund Trust will be receiving refunds within 90 days from June 24. You will have the option to re-donate these funds to the new Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund, which is the official, and legitimate fund now in existence. Please re-donate those funds to the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund.

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Palin’s Pipeline: Onward and Upward

Posted by Adrienne Ross on July 30, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

There’s good news today for Alaska and for all of America. “Palin’s Pipeline” is progressing. It’s been a long, drawn-out political battle, and Governor Palin was willing to fight that battle. She deserves credit for the victory. The Anchorage Daily News reports:

The proposed multibillion-dollar natural gas pipeline from the North Slope took a step forward this afternoon with the receipt of bids from potential shippers.

“The Alaska Pipeline Project can report that we’ve received multiple bids from major industry players and others for significant volumes,” said Tony Palmer, TransCanada Corp.’s vice president for Alaska projects, reading from a prepared statement. He declined to deviate from his text.

“We’re encouraged about the future advancement of the project if key conditions can be resolved,” he said. “Although we need to further assess the results, we’re encouraged by the bids received, the interest expressed in our initial open season and shippers’ willingness to take the ongoing steps needed to continue to advance the project.”

AGIA will go down in history as Governor Palin’s baby. Not willing to sit down and shut up, the Governor take on the big wheelers and dealers with one goal in mind–a natural gas pipeline. Progress has not come without ups and downs, however. C4P’s Doug Brady reported on one such up in an article called, “AGIA Moves Forward.” He wrote:

One of Governor Palin’s signature issues while Alaska’s chief executive was the AGIA pipeline project. Yesterday, in another major step forward, TransCanada, the huge multinational pipeline company who is partnering with ExxonMobil to put the plan into effect, formally filed their open-season plan to seek natural gas commitments for the multi-billion dollar project.


This is big news. The state of Alaska has been trying to get this project off the ground for decades. However, the project has been unable to advance due to a toxic combination of weak political leadership, corruption, and spectacular incompetence in Alaska’s legislative and executive branches. This changed dramatically with the gubernatorial election of 2006 and ever since Governor Palin and her team developed the AGIA plan the project has been moving inexorably forward.

However, roadblocks were erected. For example, I wrote about Rep. Mike Hawker’s barricade here, and R.A. Mansour wrote about Rep. Jay Ramras’s opposition here. Let’s not forget, while we’re at it, President Obama’s apparent desire to step in and take credit for it here.

Now it looks like we’re really moving ahead with this all-important, much-needed, long overdue project into which Governor Palin poured herself. This is a cause of celebration–again, not just for Alaska, but for the entire nation.

Doug Brady’s assessment several months ago seems even more fitting today as AGIA moves onward and upward:

That this project has progressed this far is a testament to the commitment Governor Palin and the pipeline team she assembled made on behalf of the citizens of Alaska. Indeed the entire country will benefit from this project as it will help move America in the direction of energy independence, despite the best foot-dragging efforts of the Obama Administration to continue our reliance on foreign sources of energy or unproven “green energy” schemes.

Whitney Pitcher has more on this success here.

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Sarah Palin to Campaign in Atlanta for Handel Before Runoff

Posted by Dr. Fay on July 30, 2010

Governor Palin will be campaigning for Karen Handel in north Metro Atlanta on August 9, the day before her runoff with Nathan Deal for the Republican nomination for governor of Georgia.  My guess is that the event will be at the Gwinnett Arena, where Governor Palin campaigned for Saxby Chambliss before his runoff in 2008 and where she spoke at the P. U. R. E. event this year

Berne Becker at  The Caucus at the New York Times writes:

Sarah Palin is heading to Georgia to campaign for Republican gubernatorial candidate Karen Handel on Aug. 9, the day before the state holds a runoff election.

In a statement released by the Handel campaign, the former Alaska governor called Ms. Handel a strong pro-life leader and said she was hitting the stump in Georgia because Republicans needed to nominate an ethical candidate for governor.

“She will be the 21st century governor Georgia needs to tenaciously address the state’s challenges,” Ms. Palin added.

A spokesman for Ms. Handel indicated that the event with Ms. Palin will be held in the Atlanta area, though where exactly has not been determined. But no matter what the location, Ms. Handel said in a statement that she was thrilled that Ms. Palin was making an appearance: “The energy and enthusiasm she will bring will make a huge difference in the final push to victory in the runoff election.”

Ms. Handel received Ms. Palin’s endorsement just over a week before emerging from a crowded July 20 primary with the most votes. The former Georgia secretary of state will face former Representative Nathan Deal in the Aug. 10 runoff, with the winner facing former Democratic Gov. Roy Barnes in November.

Aaron Gould Sheinin at the Atlanta Journal and Constitution wrote:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will campaign for Karen Handel the day before the Republican runoff for governor.

Handel’s campaign said the details are still being worked out but that Palin would hold an event from noon to 1 p.m. somewhere in the “north metro area, most likely,” spokesman Dan McLagan said.

Palin’s endorsement on July 12 helped elevate Handel to the top spot in the July 20 runoff. Now, she and former U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal will face off on Aug. 10 for the GOP nomination.

“I’m coming to Georgia to campaign with my friend Karen because it is absolutely critical that Georgians nominate an ethical leader and a true conservative to take the fight to Roy Barnes in November,” Palin said in a statement released by Handel’s campaign.  “Karen Handel is a strong, pro-life leader who isn’t afraid to take on the status quo and do the right thing. She will be the 21st century governor Georgia needs to tenaciously address the state’s challenges.”

A Palin visit has always been considered the best chip Handel could play and after weeks of speculation, her campaign confirmed Friday that it will happen.

The timing would appear to be planned for greatest impact. The day before the runoff, Palin’s visit will likely energize an electorate that turned out in low numbers for the primary.

In South Carolina earlier this year, a Palin visit for Republican gubernatorial hopeful Nikki Haley drew 1,000 people with only 24 hours notice.

“I am very excited that Governor Palin is coming to Georgia to help our final get-out-the-vote push,” Handel said in a statement. “The energy and enthusiasm she will bring will make a huge difference in the final push to victory in the run-off election.”

Nathan Deal’s spokesperson went on attack immediately. Karen Handel’s response to Deal’s campaign’s previous attacks is posted on her website here, with a link to the original article.

Posted in Atlanta, Georgia governor's race, Governor Sarah Palin, Karen Handel | Leave a Comment »

Sarah Palin Hammers Obama: Has Time To Go On The View, But No Time To Secure Our Border

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 30, 2010

By Gary P Jackson

Sarah Palin didn’t mince words with Dear Leader Obama over his visit to see the yentas on The View while Rome burns. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has also asked Obama to come to the border on numerous occasions, a plea she repeated last night. So far, she’s been turned down.

Obama is seemingly too busy feeding his oversized ego, vacationing, and playing golf to care about the needs of the American people. I mean really, why should Dear Leader care about mere peasants? He’s got his. Got it made livin’ the Thug Life!

Let ’em eat cake, right!

I’m thinking Sarah Palin is the one who will force Obama’s hand on this deal. Mama Grizzly ain’t happy, and when Mama ain’t happy ….

Meanwhile, Scott Rasmussen reports:

Support for Mexican Border Fence Up to 68%

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Support for the building of a fence along the Mexican border has reached a new high, and voters are more confident than ever that illegal immigration can be stopped.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of U.S. voters now believe the United States should continue to build a fence on the Mexican border. That’s up nine points from March when the Obama administration halted funding for the fence and the highest level of support ever.

Just 21% oppose the continued building of the border fence.

Support for the fence is strong across all demographic groups. But while 76% of Mainstream voters think the United States should continue to build the fence, 67% of the Political Class are opposed to it.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters believe it is possible to end illegal immigration. That’s up slightly from April of last year.

Now only 36% do not think it is possible for the United States to prevent illegal immigrants from getting into the country. That’s down sixteen points since October 2008.

Read more here.

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Newt Expects Sarah to Run in 2012!

Posted by Denise Spencer on July 30, 2010

In an article published by The Hill today, Newt Gingrich is quoted as saying that he fully expects Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012. You can read the complete article here

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Friday that he expects former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) to be among the crowd of GOP presidential candidates in 2012.

Gingrich, himself a potential candidate for president, sized up the field of would-be competitors, detailing which GOP politicians he expects to jump into the race.

All I can say is run Sarah run! We have your back!

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Sarah Palin Endorses “Straight Shooter” Rita Meyer for Governor of Wyoming

Posted by Dr. Fay on July 30, 2010

Complete transcript of Governor Palin’s Facebook Note:

Rita Meyer for Wyoming

Today at 12:40am

I am proud to endorse a straight shooter for Governor of Wyoming. Rita Meyer is ready to put her years of valuable public service to good use in the state’s beautiful capitol.

Before serving Wyoming with distinction as State Auditor, Rita served our nation as a combat veteran of both Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom who achieved the rank of Colonel during her 23 years of service in the Wyoming Air National Guard.

Wyoming is a beautiful, resource-rich, independent state that is ready for Rita. She may not have millions of dollars to campaign with, but she has enough volunteer human resources and is running her campaign the old fashion way – grassroots and gritty! Voters know that Rita has a unique blend of steel magnolia and mama grizzly. Her true grit has not escaped the eye of other Americans who know that at every level of political office we all benefit with commonsense constitutional conservatives in service.

Please join me in supporting Rita by visiting her website at and following her on Facebook and Twitter.

– Sarah Palin

Posted in Facebook, Governor Sarah Palin, Palin Endorsee, Rita Meyer, Wyoming | Leave a Comment »

Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund “Flight” in Cincinnati, OH

Posted by Ron Devito on July 30, 2010

US 4 Palin “Fly Sarah from Wasilla to Washington” Campaign
“Sarah” is now in Cincinnati, OH

How to “Fly ‘Sarah’ from Wasilla to Washington”

There is no need to email us donation amounts or post them on comments. As long as you donate through an US for Palin graphic or hyperlink to the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund, we’ll know about it, whether it’s on the US for Palin site or a venue where its content is syndicated.

Let’s help the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund reach new heights and get Gov. Palin to Washington!

Respectful Distance

Laura could see that “Sarah” was still amped up from her speech at Eureka College the day before, where tens of thousands gathered from points worldwide. Laura knew how “Sarah” felt about having her own space after events and was not about to become the aviation version of the perky one. She maintained a respectful distance, quietly getting the weather briefing, filing the flight plan, pre-flighting the plane, doing the run-up, then shutting down and coming back. Laura, too was not feeling particularly talkative. She wanted to silently savor this moment with her heroine. This trip to Cincinnati would be the last of their long flights together. “Sarah” is 2718 miles from Wasilla with only 362 miles remaining to Reagan National after this flight.

Finally, Laura broke the silence. “OK ‘Sarah’. It’s time.” They walked out to the plane. Laura gave the safety briefing got the clearance and taxied to take-off to the southeast. As they taxied, a C-130 landed.

Laura was cleared to take off and climbed toward her filed altitude of 7,000 feet.

Farewell Peoria and Eureka

The airport, the Illinois River, and the city slipped by. Their flight path would take them away from Eureka’s campus – forever.

Both Laura and “Sarah” felt that pang. Laura would never see the campus again. Watching “Sarah” speak there was a fleeting stop on her life’s journey. She turned to “Sarah” who clearly realized that her travels would take her to many new destinations. On her travels, “Sarah” would visit the world’s leaders and the world’s poorest. She’ll likely visit places full of joy and full of strife; But, that speech in Eureka was once in a lifetime.

A second pang hit Laura – her flying time with “Sarah” was in its waning hours. After this trip, they had two more flights left – with three, maybe four hours between them. Laura pushed it out of her mind. “Enjoy it while you have it,” she thought. The only sound in the cockpit was the steady drone of the propeller. The view was clear. No thunderstorms. No valleys of darkness. Cornfields stretched as far as the eye could see.


As the flight passed over Central Illinois Regional, some cumulus clouds formed bringing turbulence with them. Laura accepted the first jolt, and the second. As the third one hit, she turned to “Sarah” then requested and received an altitude increase to 9,000 feet, her voice quivering slightly – emotional overload from Eureka. There it was smooth. The flight passed Champaign Illinois, and crossed into Indiana. Laura set her watch and the plane’s clock to Eastern Daylight Time. “Sarah” did not wear a watch, but had pre-set her Blackberry prior to shutting it down.


More clouds formed near Indianapolis. As the flight entered Indianapolis’ airspace, the controller vectored Laura for a visual approach to Cincinnati Lunken Municipal Airport’s northeast-facing runway. “Sarah” mentioned the Indianapolis 500 and her trip to the Daytona 500 earlier in the year, something the pair spoke briefly about. Then, “Sarah” turned to Laura. “Thank you, Laura,” she said. “For what?” Laura asked? “For respecting my space when I needed it the most. It did not go unnoticed,” “Sarah” said. Laura turned around and smiled. “My pleasure.”

Arrival to Cincinnati

The instruction came to descend to 2,500 feet. The flat cornfields and farms gave way to rolling hills. A large refinery could be seen ahead along with the Ohio River and Cincinnati International.

The flight would leave Indiana, cross a snippet of Kentucky and enter Ohio.

The flight passed Cincinnati International on a southerly track, then turned east. Downtown Cincinnati came into view.

Lunken was across the river but obscured by trees. Laura found it and was instructed to fly parallel to the runway with it off her right wing. Right now, it was to her left. Laura clicked off the auto-pilot. “Time for some good old fashioned hand-flying,” she said. She turned the plane east for a minute, then turned back to the west, then southwest, setting up the directed right-hand traffic landing pattern. Laura was cleared to land.

She flew over the Ohio River, then turned, descended some, and turned again to line up for the runway. The terrain was rather high, but Laura managed the descent angle and speed and smoothly touched down.

She taxied to parking. Laura did the post-flight checklist and tied the plane down. She turned to “Sarah,” barely able to get the words out:

“You’ve answered your summons. We have one more intermediary flight – Clarksburg, West Virginia.” Laura gulped a mouthful of air and finished, “ then, our final flight will take you to the place where you’ll execute the summons. I know you’re ready.”

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Last year, the Alaska Fund Trust was established to raise money to defend Gov. Palin against frivolous ethics complaints and lawsuits that were filed against her in a coordinated effort to drive her out of office. On June 24, 2010, the Alaska Fund Trust was replaced by Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund. Those of you who donated to the Alaska Fund Trust will be receiving refunds within 90 days from June 24. You will have the option to re-donate these funds to the new Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund, which is the official, and legitimate fund now in existence. Please re-donate those funds to the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund.

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Palin Endorsee Mary Fallin Leading Oklahoma Governor’s Race

Posted by Dr. Fay on July 29, 2010

Chris Cillizza at The Fix reported on a big win for Mary Fallin in the Oklahoma governor’s primary on Tuesday:

Rep. Mary Fallin (R) and Lt. Gov. Jari Askins (D) are headed toward a battle in the fall for the Oklahoma governor’s mansion, setting up a race that will see the Sooner State elect its first woman governor.

Fallin, a two-term congresswoman and former lieutenant governor who has been endorsed by national Republicans including former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, won the GOP nod outright with 55 percent. Her main rival, state Sen. Randy Brogdon, won 39 percent while two other challengers, businessman Robert Hubbard and retired businessman Roger Jackson, were in the low single digits.

Meanwhile, Askins bested state Attorney General Drew Edmondson to clinch the Democratic nod, eking out a 50.3-to-49.7-percent victory that was decided by a margin of about 1,500 votes out of 263,000 cast.


National Republicans hailed Fallin’s victory. “Mary Fallin brings a proven record and a strong vision for an Oklahoma where taxes are low, government spending is under control, and people are more free to make their own choices for what is best for them and their families,” the Republican Governors Association said in a release.

Palin also issued a celebratory message to Fallin via Twitter. “Well-deserved gubernatorial primary victory today, now on to the general. (We can see November from our house!)” she tweeted.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Governors Association issued a statement praising Askins as “someone who has proven that she can win statewide and proven that she is willing to fight for what matters for working families and families who want to get back to work.”

The race to succeed term-limited Gov. Brad Henry (D) has been viewed by most political handicappers as a prime pickup opportunity for Republicans — Oklahoma was the only state where every county voted for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, giving the Republican presidential nominee 66 percent of the vote.

Local further reported today that Fallin is leading Askins by 57-36 in a Rasmussen poll:

Republican Congresswoman Mary Fallin is leading Democratic Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins in the Oklahoma governor’s race, according to a Rasmussen poll released Thursday.

It’s the first look at the governor’s race since Tuesday’s primary.

Fallin had 57 percent of the vote, compared to Askins’ 36 percent.

Fallin defeated State Senator Randy Brogdon and Oklahoma City businessmen Roger L. Jackson and Robert Hubbard in Tuesday’s primary.

It was a much tighter race on the Democratic side. Askins edged out Attorney General Drew Edmondson.

Askins and Fallin will face off in the general election in November.

Posted in Governor Sarah Palin, Mary Fallin, Oklahoma, Palin Endorsee | 1 Comment »