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The Left May Not Be Playing Stupid

Posted by Adrienne Ross on March 29, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

When I know I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it. I have no problem whatsoever doing that. Sometimes, however, I’m stuck, and I’m just not sure. Today is one of those days, so help me out. The other day I wrote:

And though I often wonder about the brain power of anybody who would embrace a liberal worldview, the saddest part of this whole nonsense today is that this time they are playing stupid.

I have since come to wonder if perhaps I gave these people more credit than they deserve. Is it possible they are not acting at all? Is this genuine stupidity?

Could the people on the Left and their lamestream media friends really be of the mind that Governor Palin is inciting violence when she discusses reloading? No matter how many times she has stated, even before this current nonsense, that violence is not the answer, they refuse to let it go, insisting that she is responsible for any thuggish behavior on the part of anyone. Could it be that they really believe that people have risen up to fight–literally–because Governor Palin wrote on her Facebook page that conservatives need to reload and target various Liberals come November?

Again, anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that she was referring to the voting booth. Do these people really lack that common sense? This does seem to be the case, for I am observing them still marching down this ridiculous road. They are looking more and more stupid everyday.

The headquarters of the Alaska Democratic Party was vandalized this weekend. Despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Governor Palin had anything to do with this situation, Patti Higgins, state chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, blames her for it.

Joshua Saul of the Alaska Dispatch writes:

The headquarters of the Alaska Democratic Party were vandalized this weekend, an act the party’s leader thinks is due in part to violent feelings being stoked by Alaska’s former governor.

“There has become this inflammatory rhetoric, and Sarah Palin is leading the charge,” Patti Higgins, state chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, said. “In the beginning I didn’t think she knew what she was doing, but now I think she does.”

Stupid or just acting?

You know what, Higgins? I don’t know about all your buddies because, like I said, I’m still trying to figure it out, but I have a feeling you do know what you’re doing. You know Governor Parnell is poised to destroy whichever soul you put up against him, and you’re willing to use anything to ruin his chances, even if it means putting forth completely unsubstantiated claims about the former Republican governor of Alaska. So in all fairness to you, maybe you’re neither stupid nor acting. Maybe you’re just desperate.

Higgins’ comments remind me of what I hear everyday at the junior high school where I teach. “It’s his fault.” “She stole my pencil.” “They don’t like me because of what she said.” When asked for evidence, the response is a childish, “I just know.” This type of immaturity can be better tolerated from twelve and thirteen year old children. However, when adults who ought to know better point fingers and accuse a person of being responsible for a deplorable act, offering no proof at all, it really is inexcusable.

The article continues:

Democratic Party headquarters had been receiving “threatening and menacing phone calls” during the week prior, according to statewide party organizer Dave Metheny, who handled most of the angry calls. Over the past week, Metheny said, he’s fielded about a call a day from various screaming, swearing callers, along with calls from Alaskans who are angry with the party but express it more calmly and rationally. The focus of the anger is, unsurprisingly, the health care reform bill that passed Congress last weekend. When health care reform passed the Senate on Christmas Eve, Democratic Sen. Mark Begich voted in favor of the bill.


“It was a message,” Higgins said. “Random acts of violence are a form of domestic terrorism and they need to knock it off.”

Read the rest here.

One thing that truly sickens me is how readily the Left wants to blame Governor Palin for abetting “terrorism.” Higgins is doing it. Rep. James Clyburn is doing it. However, when the time comes to deal with true terrorism, Liberals somehow cannot bring themselves to call it for what it is. Bill Ayers can’t be called a domestic terrorist, President Obama struggles to call the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist, and when we do acknowledge one, the Obama Justice Department wants to mirandize him. Instead of the Left being outraged by this insanity, they want to play stupid–or not–and focus their attention on a Facebook note Governor Palin wrote encouraging the American people to vote these loons out of office. As she has so aptly expressed, “Our vote is our arms.”

Like Governor Palin, I do not condone vandalism or violence. It’s despicable, and there’s a better way to voice one’s disapproval. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the Democrats were themselves responsible for this vandalism. People are angry and tempers are flaring, for sure. One might say we’re in a bit of a crisis, and we know how Democrats feel about wasting a good crisis. According to White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, that would be unthinkable. Isn’t this a great opportunity to further smear Governor Palin? Perhaps they decided headquarters just had to take one for the team.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time Governor Palin was “targeted” by Alaskans. Since she is so concerned about terrorism, as we all should be, perhaps Ms. Higgins should have a talk with some of the Alaskans in her own party who regularly write incendiary things about the governor that would rile people up, things to encourage others to take action against her and her family. Did she ever tell people like Linda Biegel, who was the official Alaska blogger at the DNC, to “knock it off”? Will she touch base with her fellow Alaskan who is even now tweeting Palin hate speech? What about the Twitter death threats C4P reported yesterday? Threats against the governor have escalated since this nonsense surfaced accusing her of inciting violence. Can we get a “knock it off” memo sent to any of these miscreants?

While we’re at it, can we get the Left to cry foul about the brick thrown through the GOP office in Michigan over the weekend? How about the bricks thrown through windows at GOP headquarters Thursday in Virginia? Does this matter, or do only Democrats’ headquarters matter? Once again, selective outrage prevails. Just in case you need more examples of the extreme violence of the Left that gets buried by the lamestream media, click here for the egg-throwing that took place this past weekend at the peaceful tea party in Nevada, where Governor Palin peacefully spoke about peacefully taking back our country!

Finally, a good teacher is always willing to learn from others. As I fancy myself a good teacher, I will pass on some information I have recently learned. Perhaps the Left, so fond of accusing people of inciting violence, so prone to pointing out cross-hairs, should take a few notes as Devonia Smith of teaches the difference between a survey symbol and a cross-hair:

This is a surveyor’s symbol

This is a cross-hair

She then writes:

What was actually on Sarah’s site, was a map with district markers (surveyor symbols were used). There was noooooooo “gun imagery” at all. These surveyor symbols were used on the map to indicate the districts of Democrats who had voted “Yes” on the Healthcare reform; apropriately used. Being the weiner that many Democrats are, all Weiner saw was “the cross” and he went into meltdown over it. It appears that, afterall, Weiner missed the bulls-eye and now finds himself in the cross-hair of public ridicule.

Interesting…In light of this, does the Left really want to go round for round–because two can play the game.

We live in a very dangerous time. The threat of violence by radicals who hate our country looms. Our soldiers are daily risking their lives for the sake of freedom and safety. Focusing attention on the governor’s use of metaphor and wrongfully accusing her of inciting violence is particularly insulting and unethical in light of this. If it’s being done willfully by lying Liberals playing stupid, “knock it off.” If it is true stupidity and not an act at all, get a clue.

(Assistance provided by C4P editors and contributors and Tracey. Thank you.)

3 Responses to “The Left May Not Be Playing Stupid”

  1. Joy said

    The Left, in its blind hatred of Palin (and the Tea Partiers) will do ANYTHING within its means (if not reason!) to discredit and destroy her. They are hell-bent on that agenda – and no means fair or fowl (particularly fowl!) will be off-limits. If they could get away with methods even more violent and more full of lies & hate, they’d take that path in a heartbeat. Tolerance is so beyond their understanding – let alone acceptance – that we waste our collective and individual breaths demanding that they show more of it. All we have to do is recall just a few short years ago when Bush was still in office and remember the language and actions the Left employed without let-up until the Obamanation was inaugurated. Personally, I look forward to the day when there will be fewer libturds in MY “crosshairs” to spoil the view…

  2. marsha said

    They know exactly what they are doing. They are trying to discredit Sarah with anything they can. They know there are no hidden meanings behind her words, reload at the ballot box and vote them out, pretty simple wording……..and we will do just that.

  3. KansasGirl said

    Apparently the left feels threatened by any opposition, so they use their Saul Alinsky tactics to smear anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian agenda. Ignore the knaves and their hate filled spew, as their sophomoric behavior and their inability to speak the truth, will only aid in their own demise.

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