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Barack Obama Sends Out Union Thugs To Attack Sarah Palin

Posted by Gary P Jackson on August 25, 2009

You would think Barack Obama would have learned his lesson after his Alaska Mafia was unable to deter Sarah Palin, despite filing over 20 bogus “ethics complaints” all of which were dismissed as nonsense.

You see, instead of stopping Sarah Palin, Obama only caused Sarah Palin to turn over the power in Alaska to her trusted Lt Governor, who is following her agenda completely. And now Sarah has turned her attention to Barack Obama. As we have written before, the hunted is now the hunter.

Palin, an unconventional politician, has used her power to completely destroy Obama’s credibility in the health care debate. She wrote two short paragraphs on her Facebook page, and sent the democrat/communist party scrambling.

Contained within those two paragraphs were the words “death panels.” Now, folks with common sense understood that Sarah was talking about the entire bill, which contains all sorts of provisions that will lead to health care rationing, and set up panels of “experts” that will decide who will get what kind of care. These are indeed “death panels” by any name you wish to officially call them.

Sarah Palin spoke at length in several of her hard hitting Facebook “op-eds,” which received international coverage, of a Dr Ezekiel Emanuel. Dr Zeke is the brother of Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. Dr Zeke is as close to Dr Joseph Mengele as we will ever see in the United States (hopefully)

Dr Zeke is really Dr Death. He has written that the elderly and the disabled do not deserve health care treatment at the same level as “productive citizens.” In 1996 Dr. Death wrote this:

“This civic republican or deliberative democratic conception of the good provides both procedural and substantive insights for developing a just allocation of health care resources. Procedurally, it suggests the need for public forums to deliberate about which health services should be considered basic and should be socially guaranteed. Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example is guaranteeing neuropsychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason.”

Sounds like something right out of Nazi Germany, huh?

Kim Priestap writes more that you can read here.

The New York Post wrote about Dr Death as well in a story entitled “Deadly Doctors” that you can read here.

One of the things discussed is how Dr. Death defends his insane ideas by saying this:

“Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years”

Now seriously, when you read this, do you think of a doctor, or some truly mad individual? Do you think this man should have the ear of the President of the United States, or should he be receiving some sort of inpatient mental health care?

Well, sadly, this guy, Dr Death, has the ear of the President of the United States.

And let’s not forget the infamous VA “death book” that came in to being during the Clinton administration. President Bush suspended it’s use, and now Obama has brought it back. You can read the book here.

Now Sarah Palin talked at length about all of this. We’ve talked at length about this. These are Dr Death’s own words.

But, in an attempt to silence all dissent, Barack Obama’s newest tactic is to send out the union thugs to attack people.

We’ve already seen the thugs from the Service Employees International Union, SEIU, a union that shares offices with and was founded by ACORN’s founders, attack peaceful citizens who disagree, at several townhall meetings. So it is no surprise that Obama’s union buddies would now try and attack Sarah Palin, the strongest voice in America against Obama.

Now it was Obama’s attempts at destroying Sarah Palin in Alaska that has caused his current situation with her. Sarah was very contented to go home to Alaska after the election, and govern, but Obama, sensing he had a serious competitor for America’s attention, and having marinated in Chicago thug politics, he thought he could take her down.

All I can say is he made an ever so slight miscalculation!

This is Sarah Palin we are talking about, not some two bit Chicago pol. Palin has had a lot more impressive figures attempt to intimidate her than Barack Obama! Just ask all of those from the Frank Murkowski administration that were taken down by Sarah, after her attempts to reform The AOGCC were stalled! Sarah Palin “quit” her powerful post, and took down all of Murkowski’s Republican “good old boy” network.

So who is this union thug group that wants to attack Sarah and how are they gonna do it?

Well, this group is called Americans United For Change. They are a 501c(4) “social welfare organization.”

Now as our friends at Palination point out that while a 501c(4) “charity” may indeed participate in politics, so long as it is not their only activity. Well, as you can see from their website, Americans United For Change is only involved in politics, and nothing else!


Now this group that is likely running afoul of the IRS tax code, is basically using Sarah Palin as a fund raising tool. And they plan on attacking her, and her over 800,000 Facebook followers, by running ads, on Facebook as well as the internet.

So again, who are these people?

Well, the acting director is Tom McMahon. McMahon is the former Executive Director for the Democrat national Committee.

McMahon is in this position because the previous director Brad Woodhouse is now communications director for the Democratic National Committee. He was once communications director for USAction and also helped run Americans Against Escalation in Iraq.

Woodhouse is also a former lobbyist for the George Soros funded

Speaking of Soros, you should know that he helps fund Americans United For Change through his group! Others who fund this group are the SEIU, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

So really, my big question is how these union thugs can get away with seemingly violating the tax code? Sounds like something our fine folks in Congress should look at, huh?

What’s amazing, is all of the democrat/communists keep telling us that Sarah Palin is irrelevant. That she is just a distraction. When this fails, of course, as all democrat/communists are want to do, they throw out the insults. You’ve all heard ‘em. It’s all they got.

If Sarah Palin is so inconsequential, why does this union thug group see the need to run ads attacking her?

If Sarah Palin is so inconsequential, why is she stuck permanently in Barack Obama’s head? I mean he can’t stop talking about “death panels!” He can’t stop thinking about Sarah Palin!

It’s because she is not inconsequential. It’s because Sarah Palin is one of the few national leaders who can cut through the shuck and jive, and simply, concisely, distill it all down to simple terms that make sense. Sarah Palin is a no nonsense leader who has the ability to understand complicated issues and frame them in a way that they average man on the street can relate to, and appreciate.

And unlike most of our so-called leaders, Sarah Palin is not afraid to fight for America, to fight for freedom, to fight for liberty!

Like every other attack on Sarah Palin by Barack Obama and his thugs, this will backfire! The bloom is off the rose on Obama, America sees him for the empty suit, dysfunctional man that he is. Obama’s inability to lead is on daily display for all to see. The American people have lost all confidence in him. So attacking his rivals is only going to make him look even more desperate, and weak.

Now is the time for all good Americans to stand up to Obama and his thugs, and take our nation back. Get it back on track to prosperity. Regain our personal freedoms and liberty, and stop the insane growth of government.

Now is the time to stand up and let Obama and the democrat/communists know that their ideas are insane, and they will not be allowed to destroy America, the greatest nation this world has ever known!

Now is the time to be silent no more!

13 Responses to “Barack Obama Sends Out Union Thugs To Attack Sarah Palin”

  1. […] Barack Obama Sends Out Union Thugs To Attack Sarah Palin […]

  2. Pete Lucchini said

    I tell you what I work on a DOE clean up site and this Stimulus money has turned every one into a crazed money hungry lunatic. More corner cutting, rug sweeping going on than I have ever seen in my four years.
    We need to get back to being Honest on both sides of the room, and if you can’t live with a little less to clean up this mess in the white house and on our streets than move overseas.

  3. patricia said

    I am so tired of the trash that Obama is putting in the white house. What really scares me are the people that defend his ideas. Where do these people come from.

    • GAIL MANZO said


  4. Donald said

    I am grateful for the bravery and stregth that Sarah Palin displayes. She is a true leader, one that I am priveliged to support, hopefully in 2012.

  5. tom said

    Im thug hunting in Wasilla tomorrow at the town hall meeting….. Bring on the union, there the cause for most of the economy problems…. Paying $38.00 a hr to screw a nut on a bolt on a car…. No wonder we are having problems….. High pay and lazy workers locked into jobs for life, cause of unions… I HAVE TO ACTUALLY WORK FOR MY PAY….

  6. tom said

    Surly that is not Joe Biden wearing that union shirt, is it? If so a ethics complante needs to be filed…. For double interests…. WE THE PEOPLE PAY HIS SORRY A–

  7. Donald said

    I believe in, and support Sarah Palin. She is good for America! If she was on a presidential ticket I would vote for her in a hot second!

  8. Jim Knight said

    From day one the biggest question I had was: Who is this guy Obama? Four years ago he was a nothing senator, and suddenly he’s president? John Mcain honored his comittment to fund his campaign in the traditional way, and Obama agreed to the same, but then Obama has hundreds of millions of dollars in his coffers, without any acccountability as to where or from whom it came?

    Wait minute! What’s wrong with that picture?

    A nothing thug senator backed by hundreds of millions that bought the presidency. On whose behalf? Who is the real force pulling the strings here? Certainly not Obama. He’s nothing but a pasty-faced boy who glows in his celebrity: the perfect choice for whomever.

  9. Jay Saccantos said

    We know who the true lion in government is, and it isn’t Dead Ted.
    Sarah Palin needs to run for President, and she needs to pick a decent running mate this time.
    Let’s face it, these states are no longer united, and more than half of the citizenry voted to jump on the government dole-wagon.
    You wanna be on the dole? MOVE TO CANADA!

  10. john maughan said

    sarah please help stop this new gun tax congress in trying to pass as 500 per gun and 5 years if you dont regester your gun what i saw today it will be threw the irs thank you john

  11. sybilll said

    How in the world you got this on Yahoo Buzz! is beyond me, but, good for you! Go Sarah, Go!

  12. Robert Rice said

    George Soros is out to destroy our Country for his own personal gains. The Libs/Damocrats need to see him and BO for what they really are before its too late.

    Go get em Sarah, the real working Americans are behind you 100%.

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