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Archive for January 31st, 2011

Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional Today-Then Obama Should Resign For Not Concentrating On Human Misery of 17 Million Unemployed

Posted by M.Joseph Sheppard At Palin4President2016 on January 31, 2011

According to Weigal at Slate
A Florida District Court Judge has ruled not only that the Commerce clause in the Obama care bill is unconstitutional but the whole bill is thus rendered unconstitutional.

If this judgement holds when, as surely it will be, appealed to the Supreme Court, and it is unlikely,one would imagine that the conservative majority on that court would overturn the Florida judges ruling,then that is the end of Obamacare.

This is not a time for rejoicing,whilst of course conservatives, and one would imagine, the majority of Americans who polls showed,and the November elections proved, don’t like the bill.

Rather, it is a time of sad reflection. The Obama administration and its allies in Congress spent an almost monomaniacal amount of time and energy getting this bill passed. At the same time millions of Americans were suffering soul destroying unemployment-clearly,as events have proven, the administration should have made getting people back to work and restoring their basic dignity the number one priority-certainly that would have been the expected course for the heirs of FDR.

But no-what happened was the Democratic Party threw off its heritage to bow to the ego of “The One” who was able to say,however temporarily, that he succeeded where previous presidents failed, including Clinton, in getting a health care bill passed.

17 million people were sacrificed on the altar of ego-the honorable thing for Obama to do would be to resign in the face of perpetuating this misery for no good reason.

The only possible thing which might hinder an Obama resignation would lbe the thought of Biden taking over-thus the best course would be for both to go and the Speaker to take over-which would simply be a reflection of what the country advised it wanted in November.


For Governor Palin’s remarks about Obamacare, see her Facebook notes:

Obamacare = Stray Dog, So Says President
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fact-checking Obamacare Summit
Friday, February 26, 2010!/notes/sarah-palin/fact-checking-obamacare-summit/325582403434

With a Stiff Spine America Must Stand Against Obamacare
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lies, Damned Lies – Obamacare 6 Months Later; It’s Time to Take Back the 20!
Thursday, September 23, 2010!/note.php?note_id=433315368434

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Obamacare Ruled Entirely Unconstitutional

Posted by Adrienne Ross on January 31, 2011

By Adrienne Ross –

Roger Vinson, A U.S. District Judge in Florida, has ruled Obamacare unconstitutional, not part of it either–the whole thing. Many have challenged its constitutionality from the beginning. Governor Palin, for one, has often referred to it as “the mother of all mandates.” Once again, this is America, and in America people cannot be forced to purchase anything. I reported here that U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson in Richmond, Virginia ruled that President Obama’s “health-care legislation goes beyond Congress’s powers to regulate interstate commerce.” It did not address other provisions of the bill. Today’s ruling, however, renders the entire bill unconstitutional.

The Conclusion (emphasis added):

The existing problems in our national health care system are recognized by everyone in this case. There is widespread sentiment for positive improvements that will reduce costs, improve the quality of care, and expand availability in a way that the nation can afford. This is obviously a very difficult task. Regardless of how laudable its attempts may have been to accomplish these goals in passing the Act, Congress must operate within the bounds established by the Constitution. Again, this case is not about whether the Act is wise or unwise legislation. It is about the Constitutional role of the federal government.

For the reasons stated, I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the Act with the individual mandate. That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to address the problems and inequities in our health care system. The health care market is more than one sixth of the national economy, and without doubt Congress has the power to reform and regulate this market. That has not been disputed in this case. The principal dispute has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here.30 Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.


In closing, I will simply observe, once again, that my conclusion in this case is based on an application of the Commerce Clause law as it exists pursuant to the Supreme Court’s current interpretation and definition. Only the Supreme Court (or a Constitutional amendment) can expand that.

Read more here.

This is not over. It will be challenged and will probably go all the way to the Supreme Court. It’s good to know, however, that the Constitution still matters in this country. Had the Obama administration listened to the American people, and to Governor Palin who called it early–rather than choosing to ram health care down our throats in this manner–things could have been vastly different.

(h/t Whitney)

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Exciting New Blog: Alaskans4Palin

Posted by Sarah Palin Web Brigade on January 31, 2011

One of our authors launched an exciting new blog last night called  Alaskans4Palin.  It features a gorgeous banner with a photo of Governor Palin with Lake Lucille in the background.  Judging by the initial posts on the blog, there is a lot of talent there also.  Tracey Porreca is administrator of Alaskans4Palin and also publishes her own personal blog, Finding Myself in Alaska.

Tracey and her fellow Alaskan bloggers started the new blog to show the support for Sarah Palin that exists in Alaska.  The liberal media in Alaska is snugly in the Democrats’ back pocket, so its coverage of Governor Palin is largely biased.  Take for example, the snide article (which I will not link to) that the Alaska Dispatch wrote about the new pro-Palin blog. 

It is refreshing to see statements such as this one by Tracey coming unfiltered from Alaska:

Alaskans, I am here to tell you that Sarah Palin is the real deal. We live in a difficult time, where information is so readily available and yet it is up to the individual, now more than ever, to be diligent in regard to where they get this information. In a time when media and political collusion can lead to corruption, Sarah stands as a true patriot with a servant’s heart. She desires only to see that the Great Land and our great country stand on a solid foundation. The constitutional principles that this great state and this great nation were founded upon are the very rock upon which she stands. Her faith in God, her love of her family, this state and its people, and her moral compass will not allow her to fall into the trap that has swallowed so many of our “leaders.” I support her because she is true to herself, to the people of Alaska, and to the people of this country. My hope is that through this site, you might realize what I and so many Alaskans who support Sarah Palin already do – she is a leader whom we can all stand firm in knowing will do what is right for Alaska and this country, no matter her future calling.

Welcome to the Sarah Palin blogging community, Alaskans4Palin!  We look forward to reading articles about Governor Palin from a conservative Alaskan perspective.

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Politico’s Andy Barr Caught Red-Handed “Making Things Up” About Sarah Palin

Posted by Gary P Jackson on January 31, 2011

Above: Andy Barr. Lying, corrupt, left-wing hack.



By Gary P Jackson

The corrupt, left wing media is at it again. Andy Barr, a “journalist” reports an absolute lie at the so-called “political news sitePolitico. At least this time he names a source, highly unusually for a website that’s famous for smearing Sarah Palin, and others, by quoting “unnamed sources.”

Barr used the lie to further the blood libel that somehow Sarah was responsible for the mass murders in Tuscon, even though that has been totally discredited. This is what Barr writes:

Palin retreats, won’t reload

Palin’s putting the safety catch on her references to weapons in the wake of Rep. Giffords’s shooting.

Continue Reading

Her speech last night to the Safari Club in Reno was closed press, but thanks to the Reno Gazette-Journal’s David Jacobs putting his ear to a closed door, we’re hearing the former Alaska governor’s new line.

Palin dropped the “reload” phrase from her routine, telling the audience of hunters “don’t retreat, stand tall” — a shift from her now infamous and well-known “don’t retreat, reload” line that played on a loop on cable in the after the Tucson shooting.

In the wake of the tragedy, Palin came under attack for having put Giffords’s district in crosshairs on her website.

In Reno, Palin also spoke in favor of gun rights and of her love of hunting, telling the crowd that hunting and fishing is part of American “exceptionalism.”

This is, of course, not true. Almost as soon as this BS story broke, a member of Free Republic, SFMom, posted that she attended the event and Sarah not only used her and her dad’s trademark line: “Don’t retreat, reload” but used it several times.

Rebecca Mansour, who works for Sarah, confirmed via Twitter that the Politico story is “inaccurate” and Sarah indeed used her trademark line.

Is it just me, or is anyone else just a little pissed off this twerp put the word: “exceptionalism” as in AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM, in quotes?

How cosmopolitan of Barr.

Now some people may be asking “what’s the big deal?

Well, there are several. One, this lie creates the false narrative that maybe somehow Sarah feels guilty for an event she had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH, or that maybe she is somehow “effected” or even “cowed” by the attacks on her from the vile left wing media, and the democrat party.

It also gives Barr a chance to continue the lies and blood libel from the Tuscon shootings. To plant that little seed again, that Sarah IS responsible, AND now maybe realizes it herself. That’s how these corrupt bastards work.

We make it habit of never believing a single thing written on the pages of Politico …. ever. We always consider anything they write an outright lie, unless it can be verified through many other sources, independently.

It should be noted that while Barr himself may not have been a member of the left wing media conspiracy known as JournoList, Politico is lousy with corrupt JournoListers. Many who have conspired to write false stories about Sarah Palin, and cover up damaging stories about Barack Obama.

The bottom line is: Sarah Palin has NOT retreated and has ALREADY reloaded. She’s loaded for bear and ready to take on the entire bunch.

This little story does, however, serve to remind Americans nationwide that our media is corrupt, and can no longer be trusted.


After we wrote this article, a bunch of people took to Twitter to tweet the news story around. Corrupt “journalist” Andy Barr scrubbed the website Politico of the story altogether.

Barr has NOT publicly apologized to Sarah Palin though.

You can encourage Barr to do so on Twitter. His handle is @AndyBarr34

Free Republic and other websites reported Barr’s false story as fact, so you can still view what Barr wrote, even though he threw his bogus nonsense down the memory hole


As the night rolls on, this just gets sadder for “journalism.”

Barr has restored the link to his original lie, but NOW his story reads:

Palin retreat? She’s reloading

Palin’s firing back after a Nevada newspaper reported she put a muzzle on her trademark “Don’t retreat, reload!!” phrase in the wake of Rep. Giffords’s shooting.

Her speech last night to the Safari Club in Reno was closed press, but the Reno Gazette-Journal’s David Jacobs put his ear to a closed door.

He reported Palin dropped the “reload” phrase from her routine, telling the audience of hunters “don’t retreat, stand tall” — a shift from her now infamous and well-known “don’t retreat, reload” line that played on a loop on cable in the after the Tucson shooting.

But Palin aide Rebecca Mansour denied that the former governor dropped the line, suggested to her by her father.

The governor actually did use the phrase ‘Don’t retreat, reload,‘” Mansour told POLITICO in an email. “She also said, ‘Don’t retreat, stand tall.‘”

Her father, Chuck Heath, was present at the speech yesterday, and the crowd cheered when she pointed to her Dad and repeated this favorite saying of his,” the aide added.

Compare the two stories.

Notice how Barr STILL refuses to apologize for his lie?

More diabolically, since he scrubbed the first story, someone who did not see the original story might get the idea that Barr is just a good old boy “objective” reporter who is merely reporting both sides of the story.

Notice he has no problem throwing the local reporter, who had no clue himself what Sarah did or didn’t say, right under the bus.

This is how the corrupt media works. They lie all day long, and when caught red handed, just erase the lie like it never happened.

BTW, Barr DID leave up the nearly 400 hate-filled comments from the left wing loons that read Politico. Make sure you read those. They represent the “cream of the crop” of the democrat party.

These sort of people do not deserve to have a job in the news business. At best Barr should be asking diners if they want fries with that burger. He represents everything that is wrong with journalism, as does the corrupt left wing publication that employs him.

Again, feel free to let Barr know how you feel.

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Palin: Obama’s recycled rhetoric no longer inspires hope

Posted by loricalabrese on January 31, 2011

Sarah Palin continues to position herself as a presidential candidate, firing back at Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address.

“His theme last night was WTF — ‘winning the future,’ ” she told Greta Van Susteren last Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record.” “I thought, okay, that acronym — spot on. There were a lot of WTF moments throughout that speech.”

Many in the mainstream media were judgmental of Palin’s use of the acronym, some even going so far as labeling it un-presidential-like. However, I think many Americans were thinking that exact same thing, which is why I admire Palin for having the gravitas to come out and say it. And for those who think the former Governor can’t back up her words, Palin stepped to the plate on Thursday with a lengthy and critical Facebook note that was spot-on, pointing out many of Obama’s WTF moments.

In the note, Obama’s Message to America: The Era of Big Government is Back, Now Help Me Pay for It, Palin breaks down the SOTU speech, showing how disconnected the government is from the people and proving that “Real leadership is more than just words; it’s deeds.”

Palin boiled down the President’s State of the Union address to one message: “The era of big government is here as long as I am, so help me pay for it.”

“The President glossed over the most important issue he needed to address last night: spending,” Palin said. “He touched on deficit reduction, but his proposals amount to merely a quarter of the cuts in discretionary spending proposed by his own Deficit Reduction Commission, not to mention the $2.5 trillion in cuts over ten years suggested by the Republican Study Committee. And while we appreciate hearing the same President who gave us the trillion dollar Stimulus Package boondoggle finally concede that we need to cut earmarks, keep in mind that earmarks are a $16 billion drop in the $1.5 trillion ocean that is the federal deficit. Budget cuts won’t be popular, but they are vitally necessary or we will soon be a bankrupt country. It’s the responsibility of a leader to make sure the American people fully understand this.”

Palin added, “As it is, the American people should fully understand that when the President talks about increased “investments” he’s talking about increased government spending. Cut away the rhetoric and you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases.”

Palin reminded Americans of Obama’s past promises–his promise to make job creation his number one priority, while also cutting the deficit, eliminating waste, easing foreclosures in the housing markets, and making “tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.”

“What did we get?” Palin asked. “A record $1.5 trillion deficit, an 84% increase in federal spending, a trillion dollar stimulus that stimulated nothing but more Tea Party activism, 9+% unemployment (or 17% percent if you include those who have stopped looking for work or settled for part time jobs), 2.9 million home foreclosures last year, and a moratorium on offshore drilling that has led to more unemployment and $100 dollar a barrel oil.”

As Palin continued to tackle the lack of jobs, the issue of hitting job-creators with a tax increase, and Obama’s “half-baked ideas on where to spend our hard-earned money in pursuit of “national greatness,” it’s clear to anyone that Obama’s view of American exceptionalism is completely different than that of Palin’s.

“He couched his proposals to grow government and increase spending in the language of ‘national greatness,’ Palin said. “This seems to be the Obama administration’s version of American exceptionalism – an ‘exceptionally big government,’ in which a centralized government declares that we shall be great and innovative and competitive, not by individual initiative, but by government decree. Where once he used words like ‘hope’ and ‘change,’ the president may now talk about ‘innovation’ and ‘competition’; but the audacity of his recycled rhetoric no longer inspires hope.”

As published on

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Palin: Hunting is part of America’s exceptionalism

Posted by loricalabrese on January 31, 2011

Sarah Palin hit one of the key early presidential primary states Saturday night, delivering the keynote address to the Safari Club International 2011 Convention in Reno, Nevada and as reports, ‘Palin kills it in Gun Country.’

Safari Club International is an international organization composed of hunters and claims to be the world leader in protecting the freedom to hunt, so it was no surprise that the Safari Club snagged one of the most sought after speakers on the circuit for their event–Sarah Palin. Palin delivered a 40-minute speech to about 2,500 members that ran the gamut from the delicate balance between hunting and fishing to second amendment rights to responsible conservation to the importance of local governments in setting policy.

Palin said, “The best (management) is local” not “bureaucrats thousand of miles away” in Washington making the decisions.”

Later in her speech, she would address some of those decisions, mentioning “this recent talk coming from the White House,” as she put it, “about President Obama’s attempts to perhaps infringe further upon our Second Amendment rights.” As boos erupted to that infringement, Palin added, “Here’s how I figure it. Remember that weird guy in Wisconsin was so angry, so upset, watching a Palin win slot after slot each week on Dancing with the Stars that he shot Bristol through his TV? He blasted his Panasonic? Well, I’m thinking, ‘Imagine more gun control. Then he’d have to attack his Panasonic with a butter knife.'”

Of course, Palin got some of the biggest cheers from the crowd when she stressed how her family hunts to fill their freezer.

“My family loves animals in the wild—and also next to the mashed potatoes…For most of these frou-frou, chi-chi types, the extent of their experience is in the Tiki Room at Disneyland…We eat organic—we just have to shoot it first. And it comes wrapped in fur, not cellophane.”

Last year, former President George W. Bush offered the keynote address, but this year, Palin proved that she personally understands the importance of protecting the environment and that hunting and fishing are part of America’s heritage and the country’s exceptionalism.

As published on

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The White House 3 a.m. Phone Rang. A Man Answered – It Should Have Been A Capable Woman-Palin

Posted by M.Joseph Sheppard At Palin4President2016 on January 31, 2011

“Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt”

So says Haaretz Newspaper in Israel. There is no need to go into great historical detailed analysis, the basic facts are that the inexperienced President Obama made the liberal wishy washy decision to go soft on Islamicism in his fatal Cairo speech.

Then when push came to shove he didn’t make the all out effort to temper the Mubarak regime, nor did he stop his foot in mouth VP Biden from saying Mubarak wasn’t really a dictator. Can anyone now say that Palin as VP could have possibly been any worse than Biden?

Now the US is flip flopping all over the place, pleasing nobody and possibly laying the groundwork for a radical islamicist regime which will add to the coming “ring of Islamicist states” as the predicted outcome by an Imam yesterday.

Hillary Clinton warned about having an inexperienced empty suit in the White House to take the 3 a.m. call. This struck a note with the Democratic party voters but it came too late in the campaign to change the outcome-sadly.

I would prefer to have the other woman, Palin, in the White House at this time, or rather, two years ago, but Clinton would have been better,if we had to have a Democrat, than what we now have.

Can we hold together for another two years?

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