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Posts Tagged ‘madam president’

Total Dominance! Red State Straw Poll: Sarah Palin 52.4% Herman Cain 21.4% Ron Paul 10.2% Rick Perry 7.3%

Posted by Gary P Jackson on October 2, 2011

By Gary P Jackson.

I find this truly and absolutely delicious.

There have been a lot of presidential straw polls since silly season started, some going all the way back to a year ago this month. I’ve seen all kinds of results, but I’ve never seen such a blow-out victory for any candidate.

The website Red State ran an interesting poll in September. They asked readers who their first choice was for the Republican nomination for President, then ask who would be second choice through fifth choice. The results for first choice:

Sarah Palin 52.4% Herman Cain 21.4% Ron Paul 10.2% Rick Perry 7.3% Mitt Romney 2.4% Newt Gingrich 2.0% Michele Bachmann 1.1%. None of the other candidates were able to garner as much as 1% of the vote.

Red State did something different, telling voters they could only vote for a person once. In other words, you couldn’t vote for your candidate for first choice, then go on to vote for them as second choice and so on. They told voters that ballots with multiple votes for the same person would be voided.

It’s no surprise then, that Herman Cain was the overwhelming second choice candidate, with 33.7% of the vote. Newt Gingrich was third choice with 19.9% of the vote. Page four sees Newt again with 16.8%. Page five has Newt once more winning with 13.2%.

Out of the five chances for his fans, Rick Perry never gets more than 9.3% of the vote.

As a Palin supporter, this poll is very gratifying. Red State has been little more than Rick Perry Central since the Texas Governor entered the race. Red State and it’s editor Erick Erickson have been notoriously anti-Palin since day one. In fact, Erickson totally flipped out on Friday as the end of the month, and the media hyped “drop dead date” for Sarah Palin to announce her candidacy came and went. You can read about what Sarah Palin really said here.

On Friday Erickson took to Twitter and used his website to attack Sarah Palin and her supporters on an almost hourly basis. It was rather childish, and as William A. Jacobson pointed out, wasn’t doing his candidate Rick Perry any good. Having dealt with Perry fans, Erickson’s behavior is pretty typical though. In another post Jacobson warned Perry that throwing in with the likes of Erick Erickson will do you more harm than good.

Run, don’t walk, away from people who put their own self-aggrandizement and ego ahead of your campaign’s best interests.

Good advice.

A lot of bloggers wrote about Erickson’s meltdown, but we enjoyed HillBuzz’s Kevin DuJan’s a lot!

Wow. Erik Erikson at Redstate is having a complete mental breakdown on his site today, consumed with his obsessive hatred of Sarah Palin

Read it all here.

Red State and the editor’s obsessions have certainly not helped their candidate Rick Perry, but Perry hasn’t helped his own cause either, and new national polls show him fading fast.

The Red State poll, like all straw polling, is not scientific, but is a good indicator of support. Although not a fan of Red State in any way shape or form, we feel they put in the proper safeguards to make sure this vote is legit.

In these sort of polls, it’s the trends that matter. We’ve watched these straw polls for a year now, and the one take-away is Sarah Palin wins these more often than not, and has a solid base of support that never wavers. We see other candidates get hot and then come crashing down. Sarah Palin stays strong and steady. Her support is real and stable.

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PPP Ohio: Governor Sarah Palin Highest In Favorablilty Ratings: A Key Finding

Posted by Gary P Jackson on August 29, 2011

By Gary P Jackson

Ohio is one of the all important swing states, a must win, if someone wants to become President of the United States. Making a favorable impression on Ohioans goes a long way towards winning over the entire nation.

Though some national polls that over sample democrats and don’t include likely voters [the only reliable group to sample] have shown Sarah Palin has a “favorability problem,” every legit poll that specifically targets likely Republican voters and Republican leaning independents has shown Sarah Palin to have the best favorability among the candidates. This has been consistent since serious polling for 2012 started.

Ohio is no different. Democrat polling firm PPP’s latest poll shows Governor Palin has 65% approval rating as compared to Rick Perry at 50%.

We’re 15 months out from the general election of November 2012, and some 8 to 10 months away from settling the primaries. That’s too far away to use votes as a guide as to who will be the Republican nominee. In fact, history shows those who lead early also peak early, and rarely make the final cut of candidates vying for the nomination. After all, other than a few debates, no one is really campaigning yet.

Favorability is the key this early on. The fact that Sarah’s favorability is always higher than any one else, among the folks who will actually nominate her, is the key. High favorability means people will listen to what she has to say, and once she starts putting forth more of her plans to Revive, Renew, and Restore America, the likelihood of a large, receptive audience is far greater than with any other candidate.

A lot of folks live and die by polls that show supposed vote count, and over a long period of time one can spot certain trends, but the numbers to look at this far out are the ones measuring favorability. Those trends show Sarah Palin is consistently seen in the best light by Republicans and Republican leaning independents.

In my opinion, favorability equates to potential voters. At the very least it means a large group of people who will listen to what a candidate has to say.

In a key state like Ohio this spells trouble, not only for the rest of the Republican candidates, but Barack Obama too.

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Can We FINALLY Put An End To This “Palin Will Sit 2012 Out And Endorse Perry” BS?

Posted by Gary P Jackson on August 9, 2011

By Gary P Jackson

On Friday, Contributing Editor Whitney Pitcher published a great article: Governor Palin–Leading the Fight on Debt and Liabilities. The article highlights Governor Palin’s superior record of budgetary and liability management. Specifically Whitney compares the records of governors Palin, Huntsman, Pawlenty, Romney, and Rick Perry.

Besides being the Central Illinois 9/12 Project coordinator, and Illinois coordinator for Organize4Palin, Whitney is also a top contributor for Conservatives4Palin.

Whitney’s article was also published on Conservatives4Palin’s website. Tammy Bruce tweeted the article, and Sarah Palin read it and re-tweeted:

Now this is significant, as Whitney’s article points out Rick Perry tripled our debt in Texas during his time as governor.

Here’s the side by side comparison:

During the fiscal years for which Sarah Palin exercised budgetary authority as Governor of Alaska (FY08 through FY10)

• Debt outstanding increased 12.7%, or 4.2% per year

• Per capita debt outstanding increased 7.4%, or 2.5% per year

Total liabilities decreased 34.6%, or 11.5% per year

Total liabilities per capita decreased 37.7%, or 12.6% per year

During the fiscal years for which Rick Perry exercised budgetary authority as Governor of Texas (FY02 through FY10)

• Debt outstanding increased 184.2%, or 20.5% per year

• Per capita debt outstanding increased 140.4%, or 15.6% per year

• Total liabilities increased 60.6%, or 6.7% per year

• Total liabilities per capita increased 35.8%, or 4.0% per year

Forget for a minute that under Rick Perry Texas debt has increased a whopping 184.2% or 20.5% per year, look at liabilities.

Under Governor Sarah Palin’s watch, liabilities actually DECREASED 34.6%, or 11.5% per year and liabilities per capita DECREASED 37.7%, or an outstanding 12.6% per year.

Of the five governors examined, Sarah Palin was the only one to decrease her state’s liabilities.

While nowhere near Obama’s runaway numbers, there is no denying that under Rick Perry’s watch, Texas debt and liabilities have grown significantly.

Though one could easily call Sarah Palin the “National Security candidate” or the “Energy candidate” make no mistake about it, Sarah Palin is the Fiscally Responsible candidate.

A lot of folks engage in wishcasting instead of looking at facts.

One of the GOP establishment’s favorite talking points is Sarah will sit 2012 and endorse someone else.

As Perry started dipping his foot in the water, the establishment types and their fan bois have been singing the tune that Sarah Palin would sit things out and endorse Rick Perry. Again, this is wishcasting at it’s finest. [and a bit of propaganda hoping to create a narrative that will stick]

As Ian Lazaran at Conservatives4Palin points out so well:

If Palin is endorsing Perry, why is she re-tweeting an article that slams his inability to control what Governor Palin has described as the “foundation of destruction?”


As Ian also points out, Whitney’s article is also a strong endorsement for Sarah Palin as our next President. Whitney ends her article by saying:

Governor Palin had courage enough to take on pension reform and reduce spending when times were good. Now, with the economy circling the drain, America is in need of a leader who is willing to do the same…again. That is why she has spoken of the need to reform entitlements. That is why she called out President Obama for his hypocrisy and inability to prioritize spending during the debt ceiling debate.

That is why she criticized Governor Romney for weighing in on the debt ceiling only after a deal had been reached. Now is not the time for hypocrisy, incompetent leadership, or retrospective armchair governing. Now is the time for a President who already has “womaned up” and led on a state level and is ready to do the same on a federal level.

Sarah has said that she doesn’t need a title to make a difference, and she’s proven that many times already. She’s said that if a good, solid Conservative candidate came around that she thought could get the job done, she’d gladly step aside. With that said, in every interview, when asked, she’s repeatedly said she doesn’t see anyone that meets her standards. And let’s face it, at this point, we’ve seen all of the candidates and prospective candidates. There is no dark horse candidate who is going to magically appear and save us all. What we have is what we have.

Though Sarah doesn’t need a title to have her voice heard, she does, in fact, need a title to fundamentally restore America.

When it comes to shaping the debate, Sarah Palin has done more from the sidelines than our elected officials have, but to actually lead America out of this incredible mess, she will have to have an office. A big office. An OVAL Office.

Sarah Palin’s record as Governor, Mayor, and Alaska’s top oil and gas regulator is solid proof that she is the right woman for the job. Unlike the rest, Sarah has never wavered from the solid principles that have made the United States the greatest nation on earth.

Accept no substitutes.

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Sarah Palin Wins August Hot Air Straw Poll With Highest Percentage Yet

Posted by Gary P Jackson on August 3, 2011

By Gary P Jackson

Sarah Palin has won every Hot Air presidential straw poll ever presented. And she has won them very convincingly. This month is no different. With 2309 votes Sarah takes 40% of the vote compared to second place Rick Perry’s 33% with 1888 votes. Support for Michele Bachmann has collapsed. She only gets 442 votes, 8%.

This month HA brings back the Vice President question with some interesting results. Congressman Allen West is usually the run-away favorite in these things, but this time Senator Marco Rubio crushes the competition with a solid 32% of the vote. West comes in second with 13%. My guess is the debt ceiling debate changes some minds, as Rubio was out front and center against the deal, and West was for it.

The second choice presidential candidate for those surveyed is Rick Perry, with 24%.

For full results click here.

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Film Creator Stephen Bannon: “Fire From the Heartland” Was Inspired By Sarah Palin

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 27, 2011

By Gary P Jackson

Not long after I hit “publish” on the story about Citizens United’s attempt to pump up Michele Bachmann in Iowa by repackaging the movie Fire From The Heartland, from a movie about conservative women, to a movie about [and “starring“] Michele Bachmann, I got a couple of notes reminding me about the original interviews with the film’s creator Stephen Bannon.

At the time, Bannon was quite clear Sarah Palin was the inspiration for the movie. In fact, Bannon credits Sarah Palin for igniting this fire and inspiring women to get involved. In hindsight, it seems making this movie is what lit a fire in Bannon’s belly to create The Undefeated, a movie that is causing quite a stir nationwide.

From Fox News:

Documentarian Stephen Bannon has made a film called “Fire From the Heartland” which chronicles the stories of several women important to the conservative movement.

No one had ever touched the topic, and in addition, we did it in a way that let the women speak for themselves,” Bannon told Pop Tarts. “I wanted to pick a cross-section of women who would be emblematic – congresswomen, known commentators, and a cross section of Tea Party activists.

The inspiration for the film came to Bannon, who previously produced “Generation Zero,” when Sarah Palin emerged on the national political scene as John McCain’s vice presidential running mate scene in 2008.

I noticed there is a new generation of young, female activists who are at the forefront of this rebellion who are inspired by Sarah Palin. I wanted to tell their stories and I wanted to do it in a way that could be linked back to the founders of the country – Abigail Adams, the pioneer women, the frontier women, Clare Boothe Luce, Phyllis Schlafly,” Bannon said. “If you look at the conservative rebellion, it is women that are at the vanguard – not men, and that has never happened before in this country.”

Fire From the Heartland” features several key female Republican figures, from congresswoman Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming and Jean Schmidt of Ohio, to prominent political voices Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin. But Bannon credits Palin for “re-awakening” the conservative female movement in the United States, and standing tall against what he calls personal attacks brought on by the entertainment community and liberal media.

Hollywood does not understand Middle America and it certainly does not understand, and in fact, despises, the core values of the country. The elite of Hollywood hold it in tremendous disregard. I could not think higher Governor Palin, she is a force of nature and has inspired a generation of women to really get actively involved in politics and more importantly, take their culture back and take their country back,” he said. “I’ve seen it across the country. These women are incredibly inspired, and were not really politically engaged until Sarah Palin came on the scene.

Fire From the Heartland” was made without Palin’s involvement, but Bannon hopes she makes her way to a screening over the coming weeks.

We made this totally independently of any influence so we could tell our story, but I think Governor Palin would love the film, hopefully we’ll get to show it to her,” Bannon said.

Looking at this year’s midterm elections, Bannon predicted Republican gains, but said no real change can come until the Presidential election of 2012.

I think (Obama) is going down the path of destroying the Democratic Party because he has driven out the moderates, and we’re going to have a huge wave of enthusiasm that brings conservatives back in to at least share power,” he said. “But if anybody thinks that November 2nd is going to change things, they’re fooling themselves. It’s going to be a nasty, nasty two years until the Presidential election of 2012, because right now, all we’re trying to do is really stop his administration in its tracks. We haven’t even begun the types of cuts we have to make in federal spending, the types of restructuring we have to do with the federal budget, what we have to do to rebuild our manufacturing base, are so large that people don’t realize what’s in front of them.”

From Bannon’s interview it’s clear who inspired him to make this film, and who, in Bannon’s opinion, has awakened Conservative women, and inspired them to get involved.

Now I know to some all of this may seem petty, and let me once again state that we haven’t found evidence of Bachmann or her team promoting this as a film about her, but what Citizen’s United is doing is not only dishonest, it’s a slap in the face to everyone featured in this great film.

Citizens United is trying to create the impression this is a brand new film about Bachmann, when in fact, it was created last year. We’re not sure if their motivation is to help Bachmann win Iowa, or simply latch on to her as a way of raising money for their own cause, but does it matter?

Even though Sarah Palin was the inspiration, I’m sure she would be the first to say she wasn’t the “star” of this movie at all. Instead she’s point to the strong women featured in the movie: Ann Coulter, Michelle Easton, Michelle Malkin, Deneen Borelli, Janine Turner, Dana Loesch, S.E Cupp, Jenny Beth Martin, Jamie Radtke, Sonnie Johnson, Jean Schmidt, Cynthia Lummis, and Michelle Moore.

Sarah Palin would be celebrating all of the strong Conservative women who are making a difference on a daily basis.

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Despite The Corrupt Media’s Best Efforts, “The Undefeated” Has A Phenomenal Opening Weekend

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 20, 2011

Organize4Palin members in Grapevine, Texas

By Gary P Jackson

So I woke up on Friday morning, the national opening for Stephen Bannon’s hit documentary, The Undefeated, and what do I see? Some cat named Conor Friedersdorf [no wonder he’s bitter] The Atlantic’s pretend “conservative“, phonied up a story about being at the opening of the movie, and no one was there.

The problem with this narrative is this “opening” was at midnight, Thursday night, not advertised, and the movie officially opened on Friday. Yes, I know midnight is technically Friday, but you get where I’m coming from. This bitter little fellow wrote a scathing piece, and of course the rest of the corrupt, blood libel media picked up on it and spread this phony story, hoping to depress turnout. It didn’t work.

As the day rolled on, reports began coming in of sold out shows from coast to coast. Several theaters had to move the film to a larger theater to accommodate the crowds. There were also reports of loud cheering throughout the movie, and in Atlanta, at the end of the movie the audience gave creator Stephen Bannon a five minute standing ovation!

The media was still trying to keep it’s meme going though, with many local stations just flat out lying about the movie and attendance numbers. CNN sent it’s crew to the Atlanta opening trying to ambush attendees.

Reuters dismissed the first sold out show reported, in Grapevine, Texas as insignificant, because “Grapevine is just a small town.” Yeah it’s a “small town” located in the middle of the Dallas-Ft Worth Metroplex. Dallas is the 9th largest city in America, and Ft Worth the 17th. Their combined population, not counting the couple dozen [or more] “small towns” that lie between and around the two cities, the Metroplex combined population is roughly equal to Houston’s, the 4th largest city in the country.So much for Reuters.

As there were two theaters in Texas showing The Undefeated Grapevine and Houston, people had good choices. Both locations drew people from hundreds of miles away. The Grapevine location drew people from Oklahoma and Louisiana, as well as Central Texas, which is over 100 miles away. Houston drew people from South Texas and the Beaumont-Orange area. A nice little drive.

As we watched throughout the day, more and more reports came in as enthusiastic fans filled the seats. While everyone focused on the prime time showings, the ones sure to sell out, we also noticed in many cities the afternoon showings either sold out, or were only a handful of seats away from doing so. This enthusiasm would carry over to Saturday, when even more shows sold out.

Percentage wise, only Harry Potter had a better opening weekend than The Undefeated. This is amazing because Victory Films did no traditional advertising. This was all done via the internet and word of mouth. The Twitter campaign alone was incredible. Obviously Palin supporters worked hard to make this happen as well, knowing this movie is a game changer, and tells the story that no one but long time, hard core supporters know. And even for the long timers, this movie reveals more about Sarah Palin and what an excellent chief executive she is.

There were all kinds of stories of people dragging non-Palin supporters with them to the movie, and many converts being made. Notably one Conservative blogger, Ben Howe, one of the folks who actually believed the corrupt media’s version of Sarah, rather than the truth, has said that both he and his wife felt nothing but shame after seeing the movie, because they now realize how wrong they were to believe the media, and the GOP establishment’s narrative.

This past weekend was nothing short of phenomenal. Bannon is now talking about a larger nationwide roll-out, as well as a deal with Wal-Mart to distribute DVDs.

There was a lot of great reporting this weekend. Here are some links you should check out:

John Nolte: Empty Theater!!!: MSM Currently Brewing Up Phony ‘Undefeated’ Narrative

Larry O’Connor: The Atlantic’s Phony Empty Theater Meme Falls Further Apart

Nicole Coulter: ‘Ambushed By CNN’: Firsthand Account of Lamestream Reporting At Georgia Premiere of ‘The Undefeated’

Jim Hoft:

Josh Painter: How’s ‘The Undefeated’ doing today? Not bad…

The Victory Film Group Has a nice round up of stories here.

Victory Film Group: ARC Entertainment Announces Strong Opening for “The Undefeated,” with multiple sold-out runs and vocal audience support

Top of the Ticket: Sarah Palin documentary ‘The Undefeated’ to roll out to other cities 

Ian Lazaran CNN Concedes the Auditorium Where the Undefeated Was Shown Near Atlanta “Was Packed” and “Sold Out”

Then there is this from Ben Howe: ‘The Undefeated’ Review: A Profoundly Important Game-changer (Especially For Me) Howe was not a Palin supporter when he saw the movie. [on DVD] He had bought into the nonsense spewed by the left, and the Republican elite.

Ultimately, I thought she was the type of political force that was going to be around, needed to be treaded on carefully, but would never have anything substantial to offer to the cause of conservatism other than rallying troops which I still believed was a valuable service.

I thought she hadn’t gotten a fair shake in the media, but I felt confident that I could see through the bias and that I understood who she was, what she had done and what my opinion would probably be about her going forward.

I was entirely incorrect.

I consider the director of “The Undefeated”, Stephen Bannon, to be a friend of mine. He’s advised me in my own fledgling productions. I’ve interviewed him a handful of times on my podcast and we always talk for over an hour effortlessly. When I heard he was making this film, I immediately wanted to interview him, but I assumed that everything I knew about Palin would simply be confirmed by watching this.

We popped the film into our DVD player, and sat back to watch. One thing I had no doubts about was that Stephen Bannon would make a visually impressive, compelling film that would stir emotion. I was pleased to see that he used his trademark method of letting the people directly tied to the events tell the story (I often find narration cumbersome) adding their own particular emotions and perspectives to the narrative. These were all things that I expected and Bannon did not disappoint.

The film moves at a breakneck pace while still laying out a level of detail that brings you so close to the events, you feel like you personally experienced them.

Even had the substance not convinced me that I had Mrs. Palin pegged wrong, the film itself would most certainly have scored high for me as my all important test was passed: Did I look at my watch? No I did not.

In short, the execution of this film is excellent.

But what had me and my wife blown away by the time it was over, was the avalanche of information and perspectives that had been hidden from us over the years. As I would like for you to listen to my interview with Steve, I will not get into the substance of what caused the change. I want you to hear it for yourself.

I pride myself on my ability to know when something is baloney, almost instinctively. On Sarah Palin, I was so incredibly hoodwinked that the one word that my wife and I agreed described how we felt after watching it, was shame. Yes of course invigoration, satisfaction and all the other things you experience when watching a good film, but about how we had handled our vetting of Mrs. Palin, shame was the word that best described it.

Shame for not bothering to look up her record. Shame for not reading her story. Shame for turning the channel when she came on the TV. Shame for not listening to people that we had a great deal of respect for like Andrew Breitbart, Tammy Bruce, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

As Breitbart points out in the film, the greatest shame is that while this woman was savaged to degrees you may not even realize yet, some of us sat back and let it happen. For me to buy into the media template and not defend someone who’s only offense was being a conservative, is the absolute antithesis of what I stand for, and something that I shall never allow to happen again.

Read more and listen to Ben’s great interview with Stephen Bannon here

The bottom line is this movie, in a short time, with nothing but word of mouth advertising, via Twitter and Facebook, is a great success.

It is indeed a game changer. Palin supporters are making a point of taking their non-Palin supporting friends and neighbors to see the movie. Not only are these folks seeing the real Sarah Palin for the first time, they are learning why they should support Sarah. You can bet these converts will go out and find other people to convert as well. This is why the media has been working so hard to make people think no one is going to see the movie, or that the movie sucks. They understand just how powerful Bannon’s movie is, as well as how powerful Sarah Palin is.

Bannon made this movie because our media is corrupt, and carries the water for Obama and the democrat party, and lie about important events that effect the nation. The actions by this corrupt media this weekend prove his point.

The Undefeated is showing at these 10 theaters throughout the week. There are multiple showings daily, and senior discounts. If you haven’t yet seen The Undefeated go, and take a few friends. To check show times, order tickers, and so on, click here.

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In Colorado: Ticket Pre-Sales For “The Undefeated” On Par With “Harry Potter”

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 9, 2011

By Gary P Jackson

An interesting update on ticket sales from the Highland Ranch, Colorado theater that is premiering The Undefeated next Friday. Ian Lazaran tweets: the percentages of pre-sales for The Undefeated and the new Harry Potter movie are running the same for the 15th.

This shows a keen interest in folks who want to learn more about the real Sarah Palin vs the one made up by the lamestream media. The producers have released a new trailer for the move that samples some very powerful moments. Check it out here.

The Undefeated is premiering in select theaters nationwide next Friday, July 15. To find the location nearest you, and order tickets, click here.

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Video Trailer From “The Undefeated”: Daughter.Wife. Mother.Warrior.

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 9, 2011

The Undefeated Teaser Trailer from Dain Valverde on Vimeo.

By Gary P Jackson

Watching this preview brings a tear to my eyes. The kind of tears when you experience a championship win, or watch an inspiring movie. The kind of tears when you are inspired. This new teaser from the movie The Undefeated is just that powerful, and a small look at how the entire movie will effect you.

In this clip you will see Tammy Bruce, Kate Obenshain, Sonnie Johnson, former Palin staffer Meg Stapleton, Mark Levin, and Andrew Breitbart. As you will see, the “warrior part of this segment in the movie has to do with how Sarah took on the highly corrupt Alaska Republican Party, including the self named Corrupt Bastards Club. [These Bastards proudly wore caps with “CBC emblazoned on them!] She also took on Big Oil and as Meg Stapleton has said, actually starred down a top oil executive in the airport once, when he told her she didn’t know who she was messing with!

As we’ve said before, this is a must see film. If you are already a strong supporter of Sarah’s, this will only re-affirm why you support her in the first place. If you’re on the fence, this movie should change your mind. Even if you don’t care for Sarah, something tells me going to the movie may cure you of that. Sarah Palin is a woman of strong character and convictions. Someone who everyone should respect, even her foes.

Andrew Breitbart wrote this today at his Big Government website:

The much anticipated Sarah Palin documentary by filmmaker Steve Bannon comes out in theaters next Friday, July 15th. People can now see the trailer for the first time. I’ve now seen the film three times and one thing that stands out is how Sarah Palin has always been on the offensive and refuses to apologize for who she is. Subsequently, there are tens of millions of Americans who not only relate to her, but her ballsyness contrasts more with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party. If Sarah Palin doesn’t run for the Presidency, someone in the Republican Party should take note on what real leadership looks like.

Democrats who watch this will see somebody they wish they had on their side—and they did once, in Alaska. Governor Palin stood up to the deservedly vilified ExxonMobil whose criminal misconduct with the Exxon Valdez was exacerbated with years and years of legal wrangling and deep-seated corruption that Governor Palin took on directly. Bannon’s movie is not a woe-is-her exercise in victimology; it’s a jarring look at how entrenched politicians and entrenched media can distort reality to maintain the status quo.

I have built a brand and a mission based upon pointing out media distortion and lies. I have never seen a greater disparity between the media Sarah Palin and the real one. Mainstream media types who have seen this movie are admitting as much but claim that it’s Sarah Palin who drastically changed into a completely different person. No, this was a manufactured Palin, manufactured to destroy her in the pursuit of protecting Barack Obama.

Rebels of all stripes who come to this film with open eyes will be inspired by a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a warrior who took on the system and won.

I couldn’t agree with Andrew more. The Undefeated premiers in theaters nationwide on July 15. Click here to get tickets to a theater near you. This is not a movie you want to miss.

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Sarah Palin’s Not So Secret Weapon In Iowa

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 8, 2011

Craig Bergman, a state tea party stalwart who has worked in politics for 20 years, including stints on the Alan Keyes and Ron Paul presidential campaigns, said that Palin is well positioned to make some serious noise. “Her grass-roots support is times 10 what Ron Paul’s is,” Bergman said. “The Ron Paul people are very intense but narrowly focused, whereas Palin attracts lawyers, doctors, soccer moms, business people, young people, all across the gamut. They’re not as rabidly intense, but there are many, many more of them.

Bergman predicted that Palin would be the front-runner in Iowa “the minute she declares,” which he expects her to do, in part to preserve her political brand that he says will die out if she instead sticks to the cable-TV and paid-speech circuit and lets down the devoted supporters who are counting on her candidacy.

People are looking for someone who is a leader — someone who will take the fight on the issues to Obama,” Bergman said before dismissing the idea that Palin would suffer from being perceived as unelectable. “A lawn chair could beat Barack Obama with 10 percent unemployment and $4 a gallon gas. That means Jon Huntsman could do it; that means probably anybody but Mitt Romney, because RomneyCare is so demotivating.

By Gary P Jackson

Every day we hear the media and establishment Republicans whine about Sarah Palin and how they think she won’t run for the presidency. Trying to create a false narrative notwithstanding, they base this on the fact they think things must be done a certain way or else. Well, we all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

We have, so far, one of the weakest fields of candidates ever assembled for a presidential primary. None of these people are of presidential timber.

A significant number of them should be running for the democrat presidential nomination, based on their leftist ideology. {Romney and Huntsman lead that parade]

Obama is weak, and can definitely be beaten, but that’s the problem.

Almost any candidate that isn’t a drooling idiot, or has views that are too extreme [like gays are barbarians who must be cured] can give Obama a good race. This is a problem because we may very well end up with a liberal like Romney as our nominee, and even if we win, we lose.

If Obama is a bullet train to disaster, Romney … as well as most of the field … is AMTRAK going in the same direction. In other words, guys like Romney will simply continue on it the same direction Obama, has us going, but at a slower pace.

Look, we go after Obama because he is down right evil. Communists always are. But the fact is, politicians on both sides of the aisle have been slowly moving us toward disaster for years. Too much spending, too much regulation, too many out of control government agencies, like the EPA. It’s not just the fault of the democrats, the establishment Republicans have been willing, enthusiastic partners.

It’s for this reason 2012 represents a once in a lifetime opportunity to actually change course, and restore America. To stop corruption, end wasteful spending, balance the budget, become energy independent, and create millions of jobs.

To do this, we cannot “settle” for whoever the media and our “betters” in the GOP tell us to choose. We need a dynamic leader with proven ability to do what must be done. Someone above reproach, with an unimpeachable character, and an unwavering belief in the greatness of the American people, and our ability to overcome anything, with the right leadership.

That someone is Sarah Palin. Though the GOP’s “thought leaders” have pronounced that Sarah Palin is not running, everything she is doing says the exact opposite.

As you know, in February Sarah hired Michael Glassner as her Chief-of-Staff. Glassner is a heavy hitter. His specialty is logistics and he managed Bob Dole’s presidential campaign. He also managed Sarah’s vice presidential run.

In May, Sarah hired Peter Schweizer a fellow at the Hoover Institution, as her new foreign policy adviser. Schweizer is the author of many books on Reagan, Bush and penned a book on the financial crisis. He literally wrote the book on how Reagan won the cold war.

Now with all of her speaking engagements, extensive travel, and other activities, one might justify hiring one of the best in the business as Chief-of-Staff, but what hockey mom from Wasilla needs a foreign policy adviser, especially one of Schweizer’s caliber?

The One Nation Tour, the new movie, combined with strategic hirings all point to a presidential run.

So do the efforts on her behalf in the state of Iowa. Scott Conroy has written a great piece on the extensive network set up in Iowa by Organize4Palin members Pete Singleton and Michelle McCormick.

PELLA, Iowa — Last December, Michelle McCormick penned a letter to Sarah Palin, addressed it to her political action committee, and dropped it in the mail.

An unassuming 28-year-old north Texan who works in the oil and gas industry, McCormick had experienced a family crisis similar to the one that had befallen Palin’s family when the former Alaska governor’s daughter Bristol became pregnant in 2008. McCormick wanted to let Palin know that how the vice presidential candidate handled the situation while in the national spotlight helped guide McCormick through her own family difficulties.

McCormick didn’t harbor much hope that she would get a response, but about three weeks later she received a personal reply from Palin.

Six months later, McCormick now spends every weekend (and an increasing number of weekdays) in the nation’s first voting state of Iowa attending GOP Central Committee meetings, collecting names of activists in counties across the state, and doing other volunteer organizing in advance of a Palin presidential campaign that she considers inevitable.

If she was willing to take the time to respond to somebody who is a nobody in Texas, that just shows me what kind of heart she has,” McCormick told RCP. “She’s a very high-profile individual, and she’s got a lot of people making demands on her, and I thought this is someone I really want to help get into the White House.

McCormick is one of the more devoted members of a dedicated nationwide group called Organize4Palin, in which an all-volunteer effort is setting the groundwork for a Palin presidential launch that its members believe is only a matter of time.

Although Organize4Palin purports to have active chapters in over 30 states, the backbone of its operation is in Iowa, where Palin would likely have to win the caucuses in order to remain a viable candidate, if she were to enter the race.

It’s not cheap, but I try to budget and don’t go on extra shopping trips, and I don’t have cable,” said McCormick, who has been staying in inexpensive hotels and supporters’ homes during her travels across Iowa since March. “We do have a pretty big caffeine budget.”

McCormick said that she is “100 percent” sure Palin will run for president, and is considering moving to Iowa full time while she awaits an announcement. If she does move to the Hawkeye State, McCormick would be following in the footsteps of Peter Singleton, a 58-year-old California lawyer who has been leading the charge in Iowa, where he has made his home for the past eight months.

When Singleton first visited the state in August 2010 — with a vague notion of planting seeds for Palin ahead of the caucuses that were still a year-and-a-half away — he was so unfamiliar with the political environment here that he had to Google “election AND Iowa” before plotting his initial moves ahead of the midterms that November. Almost a year later, Singleton is no longer a political novice.

I’ve probably met with 1,000 people in this state in one-on-one meetings or a couple people at a time,” he said. “The one-on-one meetings and the two- and three-people meetings are the heart and soul of what we’re doing, and believe me, the other guys don’t do that. They take a radically different approach.

Singleton has become such a fixture in Iowa politics that he is often confused for a SarahPAC staffer when conducting his work. While professing certitude that Palin will seek the presidency, Singleton is equally emphatic that he has had no direct involvement with the potential candidate.

Asked about a phone conversation he was overheard having with Palin aide Rebecca Mansour a few hours before the pro-Palin documentary, “The Undefeated,” premiered here last Tuesday, Singleton paused for several seconds before offering a nothing-to-see-here explanation.

Rebecca and I are friends,” he said, explaining that they met years ago on the website “She was probably asking me what the crowd was like and how things were going.

At the cookout that followed the premiere of the film, it was clear that it was Singleton — and not any paid Palin staffer — who was running the show as he dealt with logistics and worked to introduce attendees to one another.

With just a short time to prepare the event, Singleton showed off the reach of his Iowa rolodex as he took the lead in cultivating an invitation list that resulted in nearly 1,000 Iowans attending the barbeque outside the Pella Opera House. The crowd included local residents and rank-and-file Palin supporters, who mingled with a few prominent state Republicans, including 2010 GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob Vander Plaats and Secretary of State Matt Schultz.

Schultz told RCP that he received his invitation only the day before the event from Richard Rogers, who identified himself as the Organize4Palin regional director for Polk and Story counties.

When I’ve been around the state at different events, I’ve seen different volunteers for Organize4Palin where they’ve set up booths and have tried to get people interested,” Schultz said. “I thought the event was very well organized. I was impressed with how Governor Palin stayed around and met with a lot of people and didn’t just come and leave. . . . I enjoyed the movie and my impression of her increased as a result.

This is a fairly long and detailed article, read it all here.

Peter Singleton, Sarah Palin’s man in Iowa. Photo: Wall Street Journal

Pete Singleton was interviewed by the UK Telegraph’s Tony Harnden at the world premier of The Undefeated in Pella, Iowa:

Sarah Palin will run for the White House in 2012 and conduct an “unorthodox, grassroots campaign the likes of which you’ve never seen“, according to the man who has spent the past eight months organising for her in Iowa.

Speaking to me after the premiere of the film “The Undefeated” in Pella, Iowa, Peter Singleton, a California lawyer who has been assiduously courting Republicans across the state where the first contest of the 2012 election will be held, said it was “unthinkable” she would remain on the sidelines.

She’s the right person at this time,” he said. “If you look back at Churchill’s time, in 1938 Churchill was unelectable, in 1940 he was indispensable.

I can’t see her sitting this one out,” he said. “The stakes are too high. It goes back to 1940. Can you see Churchill sitting it out? It’s unthinkable. Can you see George Washington in 1776 sitting it out? Unthinkable. He wanted to be back on his farm but they said we need you to be president of the republic.

Mr Singleton, 56, tall and urbane, is a man of considerable mystery. He represents the national Organize4Palin group and has been ubiquitous in Republicans circles building up a network for the former Alaska governor, whose presidential intentions have kept Americans guessing for months.

[ …. ]

It was Mr Singleton who telephoned Beth Hill, director of the Pella Opera House, last Thursday to ask her whether “The Undefeated“, a full-throated defence of Mrs Palin and her career, could be shown there. He then visited to look at the auditorium and put Stephen Bannon, the film’s director on the phone to speak to her.

Peter came here and he found our town reflected Sarah Palin’s small town, conservative values,” she said. Mr Singleton was also instrumental in distributing the 332 tickets for the film as well as inviting 1,000 Iowans, including many key Republican leaders in the state, for a barbecue afterwards.

When I asked about his involvement, Mr Singleton said that he was an old friend of Mr Bannon and he had been just one of “a bunch of people” who had helped set up the screening.

[ …. ]

After the film, Mrs Palin and her husband Todd were mobbed by hundreds of supporters amid shouts of “your record is golden, when’s the sequel” and “we need you in the White House, Sarah“.

Asked about the movie as she signed autographs and posed for picture, she said that there was “vindication in it” but “beyond the vindication of my record personally and my team’s record it is a wonderful story about American values“.

It went some way, she added, to presenting the reality of her time as Alaska governor and her life. “There are so many false narratives out there about Todd about our kids, about my record, about my team that has worked so hard together that there is never going to be a way to absolutely set the record straight.

Mr Singleton also spoke about narratives that were incorrect. “The narratives are: she’s not running; she’s about to endorse another candidate; it’s too late for her to get in; she’s going to run as a celebrity candidate; she’s got no support here; support is attenuated; she’s yesterday’s news,” he said. “All that is comically inaccurate.

Mrs Palin, he said, would work to connect with Iowans. “Her support is latent. When she runs, whether she wins or loses will be dependent in part on how well she campaigns.

It’s not like all she has to do is announce and then do a couple of rallies. It doesn’t work and way and it shouldn’t . She will need to work diligently and campaign. Her people are going to have to campaign in every town and every county. That’s what we’re doing.

For her part, Mrs Palin told RealClearPolitics that she would commit “110 percent” to the Iowa caucus process if she does run for president.

Mr Singleton predicted Mrs Palin “will have hundreds of thousands of volunteers, 10 times more than any other candidate and I think that’s why she’ll win“.

Read more here.

Organize4Palin is strong all across the nation, and getting stronger. O4P has set up chapters in over 30 states and is looking to have a 50 state ground game by the time the primary season starts. Karen Allen, the driving force behind Organize4Palin, works tirelessly to support Sarah Palin, and has helped create a grass roots effort the likes of which we’ve never witnessed before.

Thanks to Karen’s efforts, along with ever single member of O4P, Sarah Palin will have a ready made ground game the second she announces her candidacy. A ground game made up of patriots who want to see America restored to her greatness, and the corrupt Ruling Class dismantled, disgraced, and destroyed.

A ground game that will be victorious. 

You can become a part of Organize4Palin and make history by clicking on the lead photo, or clicking here.

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Sarah Palin Is Still The GOP’s Biggest Star And Only Leader

Posted by Gary P Jackson on July 1, 2011

By Gary P Jackson

Craig Robinson of The Iowa Republican has a great recap of the Pella. Iowa world premier of The Undefeated

Here are some excerpts:

Pella took center stage as Sarah Palin made a visit to the community of 10,000 to view a new documentary about her political life, “The Undefeated.” Below are my thoughts about what took place there yesterday.

The Setting

The setting couldn’t have been more perfect. The City of Pella is worth a visit at any time of year, especially in the early spring when its millions of tulips are bloom. But even after the tulips are gone, the vibrant city known for its Dutch heritage still impresses those who stop in the southern Iowa town.

The heart of the city is populated with locally owned stores. There isn’t a big box store in sight of the downtown. Instead of cars being lined up at a Starbucks, people grab their coffee at Smokey Row. People travel from near and far to get Dutch letters and baked goods from the Jaarsma Bakery. If sweets and baked goods are not your forte, there is always Ulrich’s Meat Market.

Pella was the perfect setting to unveil the new Palin documentary, The Undefeated, because, in many ways, it could be said that the community of Pella is undefeated.

[ …. ]

The community, which has 2400 more registered Republicans than Democrats, embraced the movie premier and Palin visit. The day before her visit, the movie producer and other advance staff could be heard laughing throughout the downtown with public safety officials. As always, the community of Pella put its best foot forward as the spotlight shined upon its picturesque city.

The Movie

Last week, I talked to a member of the media who had seen a preview of “The Undefeated” and was unimpressed. Most of the complaints were technical in nature. They were also offended by the unrated version’s language that opens the movie. The movie begins showing the vicious attacks on Palin, most of them from the liberal elite from Hollywood. The version shown in Pella was lightly toned down with the offending curse words being bleeped out, but the effect of displaying the vitriol this woman faced, mostly just for the fact that she’s a conservative woman, was still shocking and a bit overwhelming to watch.

My initial thought while watching the movies was, where was this three years ago when Palin was on the Republican presidential ticket? The movie does an excellent job of telling the story of Palin’s political career, the odds she faced, the victories she achieved, and the price that she ultimately paid.

After watching the film, you come away with a better understanding of what Palin did in Alaska that thrust her into the national spotlight. The documentary showcases the victories she achieved in the first 20 months as governor. Then it shows how, after being demonized by the liberal left, she was no longer able to accomplish anything.

The Star: [emphasis mine]

Palin was amazing in Pella yesterday. As she and Todd made their way though various shops in the downtown area, onlookers would stop to say hello, ask to take a photo, or get an autograph. Palin took it all in stride. Even though she is a huge media sensation, she is somehow able to remain grounded. Nothing illustrated that more than the bug splattered Chevy Malibu that they drove to Pella.

The media couldn’t help but try and compare Palin to Michele Bachmann, who officially launched her presidential campaign on Monday. They both connect to people, and both have star power, but having seem them both in Iowa in the span of 24 hours, it’s clear that Palin will always be the original female GOP star. That’s not an insult toward Bachmann, but Palin’s star shines brighter.

I thought it was pretty remarkable that Palin, who is a national political phenomenon, came to this small Iowa town, strolled through the town square, watched a two-hour movie with 300 plus locals, and then spent several hours meeting people and shaking hands at the cook out that followed the movie premier. The people just flocked to her in Pella last night, and she handled it all with grace.

Palin must have posed for a thousand photographs last night. In addition, she also autographed hundreds of books, tickets, and even a baseball. While she could have left at any time, she patiently worked through the crowd until she hit the door of her car. The crowd loved her. Nobody went home disappointed.

Read more here.

This article hits the nail on the head. Sarah Palin has a rare quality that we will need to win in 2012. She’s undeniably a media superstar. She can draw a crowd anywhere. She connects very well with people. And lets face it, if she’s in town, she’s the story, the media all but ignore other candidates, and even the President of the United States, if he’s close by.

But there’s more to Sarah Palin than that, she was also a superstar Governor. She had the highest approval rating of any Governor, and possibly any elected official, in the entire United States. She did this by working hard and getting things done. She took on corruption, including corruption among Republicans and Big Oil. She cut spending by record amounts. And she did it in good times, while her legislature was begging her to spend, spend, spend.

You know, we look at a few Governors out there today trying to cut spending, and get excited, but we must remember, these Governors have no choice. Their states are on the verge of bankruptcy. Alaska was flush with money, but Sarah foresaw a time when it wouldn’t be. She was way ahead of the curve. Her insight left Alaska with a $12 billion surplus.

Sarah even cut her own staff, famously getting rid of the cook and other staff at the Governor’s Mansion. She also refused a pay raise [taking her from $125,000 to earning $150,000 per year] the legislature approved for both her and the Lt. Governor. [who also refused] All-in-all, Sarah cut the executive office budget by $1 million, as compared to the previous two Governor’s spending.

Sarah also got huge things done like ACES and AGIA. The former revamping the way Big Oil paid Alaska for the oil they take out of the ground, the latter putting in place the mechanism to create a natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the lower 48, the largest construction project in North American history, and a 30 year dream of the Alaskan people.

Sarah got more significant things done in her time as Governor than most Governors and even most Presidents do in their entire careers.

You combine the media savvy of Sarah Palin with the abilities as the best Governor/CEO in the country and you have a winning package, not only for 2012, but for many decades to come.

You see, the thing Sarah Palin is able to do, that no other politician in the country can, including Obama, is excite people to the point of truly wanting to get involved. Those familiar with Organize4Palin, know that thousands of volunteers nationwide are building a ground game for 2012, just on the HOPE Sarah Palin will run for President. These aren’t paid staffers. They are regular people who see a real leader and are willing to work hard to do anything to help her win.

But, there’s more. Sarah Palin has a profound effect on young people, boys and girls. Witness Youth for Palin, a growing group of real patriots whose writing we’re proud to feature here. These young women and men are excited about Liberty and Freedom. They will be the future leaders of our country.

As someone who still has great reverence for Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin really excites me in a way no other can. She is the embodiment of Reagan. We know she’s studied Reagan since her youth. Now she’s using her star power to get younger folks, who didn’t have the pleasure of living when Reagan was President, to understand the principles he used to save America after the turbulent Carter years. She’s also reminding the older folks as well.

Simply put, Sarah Palin is today’s gold standard of Conservatism and leadership. She has the ability to not only revive the Reagan Revolution, but create her own as well. As great as Reagan was, I firmly believe Sarah Palin has what it takes to raise the bar even higher. Sarah’s unique pioneer roots, as well as her natural ability as a CEO, give her something we only see once, maybe twice, in a lifetime.

Sarah Palin can connect with the common man, because she’s one too. She can also stand with the world’s great leaders because she is one of them, too. Few can claim this sort of power and ability. And Sarah has the charisma and star power to bring the nation with her as she works to fundamentally RESTORE the nation to it’s founding principles.

I rarely trust politicians or put an ounce of faith in them. I trust Sarah Palin completely and have faith in her. I’ve been following Sarah’s career since her earliest days as Governor. A lot has happened since then. I’ve never been disappointed in how she’s handled whatever came her way. She’s proven to have a certain ability to always do the right thing, even when it was incredibly hard.

Sarah has also proven, without a single doubt, that she is one of the best tacticians out there. She has a political savvy that not only wins elections, but also wins hearts and minds. She proved as Governor that she could get things done by working with the democrats, without having to compromise her principles. The last President we had who could do this was Ronald Reagan. Reagan got incredible things done with a democrat Congress. Sarah got incredible things done facing not only democrats, but a hostile Republican Party. [sending their buddies to prison helped that along]

With Sarah Palin as our nominee, not only will she beat Obama in a landslide, her coattails will be long. Sarah proved in 2010 she can deliver. We saw one of the biggest nationwide political re-alignments in our nation’s history, and Sarah played a huge part in this.

There are a lot of democrat Senators up for re-election in 2012. With the leadership and star power Sarah has, we can win enough of those seats to have a strong Republican majority in Congress. With this majority, Sarah will be able to restore our nation. She will put us on a path of energy independence. Real energy independence. She’ll put in policies that will grow our economy and create jobs. Good jobs. Durable jobs. Most importantly, she will slash spending like you have never though imaginable. She’ll ride herd over wayward RINOs, and get a lot of democrats on board as well. Sarah won’t be bashful cutting any and all wasteful spending.

Leadership in Washington is almost non-existent. You don’t even have to take your shoes off to count how many real leaders are in our nation’s capitol, and none of them are at the top. Leaders like Sarah Palin do not grow on trees. When they come along, it is our duty as Americans to see they are put in office. Sarah Palin is the key if we want to see America restored. No one else has what she brings to the table. No one has the mix of star power and natural ability to govern, and govern well.

This is Sarah Palin’s time. This is our time too.

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