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Posts Tagged ‘Family Guy’

Youth Poisoned Against Palin

Posted by Adrienne Ross on May 30, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

If we’re going to “take our country back,” we’d better be sure we figure out a way to take our children back. The garbage they have been fed is stinking, and I smelled it in my classroom Friday. It took all the strength I could muster to remain calm and handle it quickly and professionally. I managed, but I was boiling inside.

Here’s what happened during my second period class.

I always take time to acknowledge holidays and observances. As Monday is Memorial Day, I talked briefly about honoring U.S. military who lost their lives, the greatness of our country, and the freedoms our military provide for us. Then I showed them a short video tribute to our troops with Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to Be an American” playing in the background. The students were very respectful during the video, which is saying something considering this particular class.

When the video ended, I was going to my computer to turn it off. However, because I was playing it from my playlist, it immediately proceeded to the next video in the playlist, which was a Governor Palin video. Before I could stop it, the jeering began and spread throughout the classroom.

“Who cares about Sarah Palin?”

“Oh, be quiet!” another student said to the Governor.

“Nobody cares about no Sarah Palin!”

It erupted simultaneously and surprisingly. Laughter filled the classroom.

I was headed to the computer but was totally thrown by the outburst. The co-teacher in the room with me said to the student who asked who cared about the Governor, “I do” or something similar, and the student said, “You do?”

I was simply trying to move on because I knew this wouldn’t end well if we stayed where we were. As if their distaste for the Governor didn’t run deep enough, another student added to it when he said, “She doesn’t like ‘South Park,'” which didn’t endear her any to his classmates. I corrected the students to tell them it was actually “Family Guy” to which he was referring.

The co-teacher said, “That’s because they made fun of her son.” The students then had questions about that situation, and we both quickly explained that they had chosen to make fun of the fact that Trig has Down Syndrome. This did grab their attention because we have just been talking about special needs in light of a novel we just finished reading. Last year, I wrote about this novel and how Trig influenced my introduction of it. You can read about that here.

Upon hearing the context of her comments about “Family Guy,” one student obviously didn’t approve of what “Family Guy” had done and said, “That’s messed up!” (A good sign; there is hope!)

I ended the outburst by simply saying, “I know what kind of person she is. Those of you who have a problem with her don’t even know why. Now, getting back to where we were…”

I purposely moved on quickly, but my heart was racing, my blood boiling, and my mind reeling. The sad thing about all this is that their reaction was so strong, yet it’s true that they personally didn’t have a clue why. They couldn’t even distinguish between “South Park” and “Family Guy,” both of which gross me out personally. Regardless, they not only didn’t know which show it was, they didn’t know what the situation was.

The other students who were obviously enraged by her brief presence on the screen have clearly been fed garbage, perhaps at school as well as home. This reminds me of my conversation with a student last year who insulted Governor Palin and learned by the end of the day that the very things the Governor represents are the very things she, herself, believes. She didn’t seem to know that, though. She did by the time I led her little by little through the facts throughout the course of that day, though! Here’s an excerpt of that post where I wrote about that episode:

Okay, now to my point. I started class the following day with a Sarah Palin quote that the students had to journal about. They had to write what they thought the quote means, state whether or not they agree with it, and connect it to The Giver. Then I would call on students to share their journals with the class. The quote was, “I believe the truest measure of any society is how it treats those who are least able to defend and speak for themselves.” You’ve probably heard Sarah speak these words. If not, view the video clip here.

As I walked around the room looking over students’ shoulders as they wrote, I noticed that the first thing one of my 7th grade girls wrote was, “Finally, this woman says something that makes sense!” She then continued to write about how she agrees with the statement and how it relates to the book in the horrible treatment of the defenseless baby who was released. Reading her paper, I could have let her have it right then and there! Instead, I simply said, “If you listen to her, you’ll discover that she makes sense quite a bit.” She and I exhanged smiles, and I determined that I would take up the issue with her–wisely–later.

Read the full post to find out what happened with that student by day’s end by clicking here.

As a person who spends endless hours with students, it saddens me to see that they have been fed nonsense that will not only shape their own lives, but eventually the direction of the nation. The Left has advanced their agenda in part by depicting the Governor and other conservatives as racist, hateful, and ignorant. Those lies have infected our children, and it will take a heavy dose of truth to cure it. It’s become increasingly difficult to reach them, but we must continue to fight for America and the souls of our children, whether from the inside or the outside. The game the Left plays has an impact that is frightening and dangerous, to say the least. I don’t have all the answers to the questions about how to stop the bleeding in our children. I wish I did. All I know to do is confront the lies when they manifest.

This is precisely why in the fall I fought against the display hanging in the library window in my school district, the display that promoted the Governor Palin book banning lie with the obvious intent to poison our students against her. Read about that battle, in order, here, here, and here. Despite the hate mail that came my way, taking on this battle was the right thing to do. Those who argued that the librarian’s actions were no need for concern–and some Left-wing loons actually did make that argument–are themselves party to the poisoning. This spirit will run rampant if we don’t figure out a way to fight back, and if the hearts and minds of our children aren’t worth the fight, what is?

I have joined the plethora of common sense Americans who have awakened out of sleep and are now crying out, “We want our country back!” But I know we won’t succeed without reaching out also to our youth, for they have been targeted, truth-starved, and poisoned. The message of faith, family, freedom, and country that Governor Palin embodies is exactly what our children need. God help us reach them with it.

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Family Guy Actor: “That [Joke] Bothered Me Too”

Posted by Adrienne Ross on February 25, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

Whereas some people have come out to tell Governor Palin to lighten up about the “Family Guy” episode, insisting it was just a joke and she needs to get a sense of humor, one “Family Guy” actor has come out to express his objection to the joke. Good for him!

Lisa de Moraes of reports:

Not everyone who works on Fox animated sitcom “Family Guy” is standing in solidarity with its Valentine’s Day episode’s Sarah Palin gag.

Cast member Patrick Warburton told TV critics Wednesday he objected to the joke.

“I know it’s satire but, personally, that [joke] bothered me too,” Warburton said on a conference call to promote his other primetime show, CBS’s sitcom “Rules of Engagement,” which returns for a fourth season on March 1. (On “Family Guy” Warburton does the voice of the wheelchair-bound police officer, Joe.)

“I know that you have to be an equal-opportunity offender, but there are some things that I just don’t think are funny.”

The former Alaskan governor/GOP vice presidential contender and her daughter Bristol lashed out at the show and at “Fox Hollywood” network over the episode, in which a teenaged girl character with Down syndrome say her mother was a former governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin’s youngest son has the same condition.

Series creator Seth MacFarlane shrugged it off with a statement about the show being an “equal-opportunity offender.”


Warburton appears to be the first person involved with the show in any way, shape, or form who has publicly broken ranks.

“Look, I have fun. I like Seth. He’s got a great comic mind and I think that the show can be fantastically funny. But I do believe that it can be hurtful at times,” Warburton said in response to a question about the episode posed by WaPo Team TV’s “Family Guy” bureau chief Emily Yahr.

Warburton is to be commended for speaking up on behalf of decency, something that so many others seem to lack whenever it comes to the Palins. It’s not easy to take the stand that he has taken when others have voiced an entirely different perspective. Not many others would do it. As for me, if I’m going to call out those who do wrong, I’d better be just as willing to thank those who do right–and I am. I extend a big “thank you” to Warburton for being man enough–and just plain human enough–to do the right thing.

Read the full article and all of Warburton’s comments here.

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Eddie Burke: Critics and Family Guy think Palins are Hillbillies

Posted by Adrienne Ross on February 23, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

Eddie Burke is the man. He calls it like he sees it. He’s not worrying about who will stroke him for what he has to say or fretting the vitriol that liberals will throw his way. He stands up for what he believes.

In case you don’t know, Eddie hosts the #1 radio talk show in Alaska, heard on, where he discusses all things Alaska and all things conservative. He is also a friend of the Palins and does a good job standing by them and calling out the haters.

I had the honor of meeting Eddie first in Alaska this past summer, and he’s been a friend ever since. He’s had me on his show many times, the most recent being last week to discuss the tasteless “Family Guy” episode, which showed disrespect to Trig Palin and the Palin family.

Eddie wrote an op-ed this week for Red County about that same “Family Guy” show. Did I say he’s the man? He’s the man! He rendered what can easily be termed both a smackdown and an analysis of what’s behind Palin Derangement Syndrome, as evidenced by the television “joke” and other heartless attacks.

Eddie wrote:

Making fun of Sarah Palin’s last born child, Trig, is repulsive! Let’s think about it. If you had a Down-Syndrome Child, and you were attending a public sporting event, would anyone in his or her right mind publicly make fun of your child? No way! Then why would a national TV show make fun of this child?

Would they yell out jokes about your oldest teenage daughter? No! Would the broadcaster ask if your daughter wanted to have sex with one of the players? No! Has a Vice-Presidential Candidate’s children ever been made fun of and mocked like Sarah Palins have? The answer remains the same: No!

Is it right that a scumbag radio Host, Dan Fagan, in Anchorage would say that Track Palin graduating from Army boot camp is “No big deal?” I don’t know about you, but every person raising his or her hand in a time of war IS a big deal to me.

If you mildly agree with what I’ve written, then, you must be asking yourself, what in the world is going on here? Why are Sarah Palin’s children treated differently?

What a good question. If you’ve asked yourself this question before, good for you. If you never have, ask yourself why not? Now answer honestly.

Eddie does ask the question–and he answers it. It’s a sad conclusion he comes to, but I believe he speaks the truth, which is actually what makes it so sad.

Here is the answer: Sarah and Todd Palin are nothing more than a bunch of Hillbillies from Alaska with a Down-Syndrome child. Yes, I know-your drink just went down the wrong pipe. Secondly, if you’re supportive of Sarah’s policies then you are a dumb hillbilly too. This is what the “left” and most in the media think about the Palins AND us.

You see, people make fun of individuals because they think they deserve it, or some make fun of those who are weak and cannot defend themselves. Also, people are often made fun of because it’s the “cool” thing to do. But when has it ever been popular to make fun of a mother’s Down-Syndrome child? Never!


As a small radio “host” I look for material to air and think about how I might address a certain subject. Sometimes I might consult with my producer and get his thoughts too. But my show is unscripted and spontaneous, which leaves me open to say the wrong thing or wish I had said something differently.

Family Guy is a large production with many staff members; it’s big time! You may be wondering what point I’m trying to make. They discussed the skit. There is a script. There was opportunity to change their mind. Many people were engaged about the material and how it would be said. It was premeditated. After all that, they still decided it was okay to run down a mother’s baby who will never understand or be able to defend what they said about Trig. They just did not care. Getting the laugh justified the means.

Why would they do this? Why is this child a target? Why does this continue? The liberal blogs out there say it’s because Sarah has brought “Trig out on stage.” She has “exploited Trig.” “Sarah has used Trig as a “political prop.” Are you kidding me? Because a mother is proud of her child and refuses to hide him, they say she’s using him?

Lets flip the coin and say Sarah never was public with Trig? Then, the “left” would say Sarah is hiding Trig, and she must be ashamed of him.

Eddie hit the nail on the head. Regarding Governor Palin, it’s a no-win situation with some people–and if you’ve been anywhere on this planet in the last two years, you know that’s true. If the haters weren’t saying she’s exploiting Trig, they’d be saying she’s hiding him. She’s doing neither. She’s his mom. He’s her son. She’s simply loving him–just like you love those closest to you.

So, Eddie, what does this come down to?

I was hoping to close this op-ed with some profound answer or a solution to this disgusting situation, but unfortunately there is not much to be said about liberals’ behavior and their hypocrisy. Here is one thought that I think is true: The left cannot stand that Sarah is Pro-Life. They are mad that she did not abort Trig; furthermore, they are mad that Sarah and Todd are so proud of Trig and that God chose them to share this child with the world.

Liberals and many in the media cannot stand the fact that millions of us all across this country find a connection with Todd and Sarah Palin. These socialists think the Palins are stupid, ignorant people from some swamp behind a beer brewery. There is a huge hypocrisy and double standard when it comes to the Palins as Fox News Anchor, Greta Van Susteren recently wrote about here.

Keep up the fight, my friends! Never quit and always push back. The enemy appears to be strong, but they are weak at the core. As Sarah Palin has said, “This battle is more important than me.” It is about a deep set of differences between what our Founders have written and what these progressives want America to become. Americans have always fought and died for freedom for others, but there will be a time when we must fight for our own freedom! Are you ready?

Ready, Eddie!

Eddie Burke’s op-ed deserves a complete read. Please click here to do so.

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Nothing Wrong With Palins’ Sense of Humor; It Just Isn’t Funny

Posted by Adrienne Ross on February 19, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

Hotair’s Allahpundit took up the “Family Guy” subject today, citing those who have asserted the Palins cannot take a joke. As you’ll recall, the episode involved a girl with Down Syndrome who identified herself by saying, “My mother is the former governor of Alaska.”

Along with everyone else who understands that enough is enough of this seemingly never-ending Palin harassment, I have denounced the show’s tasteless use of Trig in their “comedy” act.

Days ago, Governor Palin issued a statement via Facebook, which included Bristol’s sentiments.

Since then, she has simply continued doing what she does: be a voice of common sense conservatism at a time when sound judgment is seriously lacking in the current administration. Following the “Family Guy” episode, this week alone the governor has issued a detailed analysis of the failure of President Obama’s stimulus bill one year later, highlighted Sean Duffy’s “campaign to unseat the author of the stimulus,” and brought more attention to the global warming hoax and the president’s unsound economic commitments. The governor has not initiated any further comment about the “Family Guy” episode.

I, however, want to make the point that it’s not the Palins’ sense of humor that is to be called into question here, so let’s not flip the script. It’s the tasteless decisions of “Family Guy” that need examination.

Concerning a commitment to laughter, one look at Trig reveals he is full of joy. The Palins are obviously raising him to hold dear the qualities of humor and happiness. All children deserve as much.

What Trig doesn’t deserve, however, is to be the butt of jokes on a show that admittedly specializes in being offensive, and neither Trig, nor anyone else, deserves to be the topic of a song designed to insult people with special needs, which was the case in that same “Family Guy” episode.

Here are the words to the song sung on Sunday’s show:

You’ve got to look your best tonight, you tubby little parasite
‘Cause there’s a lovely lady and she’s waiting for you.
And though her pretty face may seem
A special person’s wettest dream
Before you get to see it there are things you must do.
We’ll try a tie, and boutonniere of yellow.
A rose that shows that you’re a classy fellow.
With a posh panache of Jefferson at Monticello,
Busting out a mile with style.
I know you just can’t wait to stare
At all that luscious orange hair
But boy before you touch a single curl
You must impress that ultra boomin’,
All-consumin’, poorly groomin’
Down syndrome girl.
On any normal day you reek
As if you’re on a farting streak,
Your fingers up your nose and you are dripping with drool.
But if you want a lady’s love,
You’re better off by smelling of
A gentleman’s cologne instead of sneakers and stool.
A squirt, a spurt of something just for Ellen
And you’ll see that she will find you so compellin’.
And she does because the only smell that she’ll be smellin’
Won’t be comin’ from your bum.
You want to take that little whore
And spin her on the dancing floor
But boy, before you do a single twirl –
You must impress that effervescing,
Self-possessing, no-BS-ing
Down syndrome girl.
Her eyes are emerald portals to a secret land of love
And her smile is like the sweetest summer flower.
Her kiss is so inviting, and her hugs are so delighting.
And what makes them really nice is that they’ve got a little spice
Because they’re tighter than a vice and they go on for an hour.
My boy, between the two of us we’ll get you on that shorty bus.
And then you’re going to take it for a whirl.
Now go impress that super-thrilling,
Wish-fulfilling, Yoo-Hoo-spilling,
Ultra-swinging, boner-bringing,
Daily singing, ding-a-linging
Stupefying, fortifying,
Stimulating, titillating,
Kitty-cat impersonating,
Mega-rocking, pillow talking,
Just a little crooked walking,
Poorly pouting, boobies sprouting,
For some reason always shouting,
Fascinating, captivating,
Happiness and joy creating
Down syndrome girl

(H/T C4P)

No, the Palins don’t have a problem with humor; they are indeed raising Trig to laugh and be happy. And I like a good joke as much as the next person myself. I just don’t find the “Family Guy” episode particularly funny or complimentary.

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Family Guy: Equal Opportunity Jerks (UPDATED W/ Fox CEO Contact Info)

Posted by Adrienne Ross on February 16, 2010

By Adrienne Ross

I do not watch “Family Guy” for one simple reason: I’m not a fan of puking my guts out and, no doubt, the show would create that kind of reaction from me. I’ve seen enough previews to know that it is the kind of thing I simply would not find humorous. I’ve seen their mocking of Jesus, for example, and frankly, I don’t give place to that in my home.

Therefore, had it not been the subject of many a blog and email yesterday, I would not have known about Sunday’s episode that alludes to Governor Palin and her son, Trig.

In the episode, a feisty girl with Down Syndrome has a date with a teenage boy. Forgive me for not knowing the names of any of the show’s characters. Like I said, I have an aversion to puking; thus, my ignorance of the culture of “Family Guy.”

As I began watching the video clip yesterday, I was scratching my head, for if there is any appeal at all to the show, I am completely oblivious to it. No, let me be honest: there isn’t any. What I found was something that both angered and saddened me.

Upon demanding that she be asked about her family, the special needs character identifies her mother as “the former governor of Alaska.” Without the use of names, it is an obvious reference to the Palins, as Trig has Down Syndrome and Palin is the former Alaska governor.

Much has been discussed, and even more written, about this episode. Even leftists acknowledge that this is below the belt. You can see the clip for yourself by clicking here. Personally, I cannot figure out why the Palin reference is necessary. I cannot figure out how it adds to the storyline. It certainly doesn’t contribute to any humor that a good archaeologist might manage to dig up somewhere in this show.

“Family Guy” has taken a shot at Palin before. During the 2008 campaign, Palin and McCain were portrayed as Nazis. As insulting as that was, there is a major difference between that piece of trash and this one. That one went after adults. Sunday’s attack? That attack involved a child. That attack revealed, as Bristol Palin so wisely stated, “that they’re heartless jerks.”

As far as I’m concerned, personal attacks are just asinine. Nonetheless, we adults have learned to just plow through them. However, when people’s children are placed on the chopping block, a line is crossed that simply cannot be tolerated.

Let me remind you: Barack Obama told the media early in his candidacy to leave his children alone. He was right to make such a request/demand–and everyone obeyed. Children of public figures should be off-limits. Governor Palin’s children deserve the same respect President Obama’s children have been given, which is the same respect every child deserves.

So in the name of decency, “Family Guy”–and everyone else who has declared a never-ending hunting season on her children: “Leave Governor Palin’s children alone!

But what does the show’s creator have to say?

The Times asked “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane for an interview regarding the matter. But he opted to send a statement via his publicist: “From its inception, ‘Family Guy’ has used biting satire as the foundation of its humor. The show is an “equal-opportunity offender.”

Really? Well, if he wants to be “an equal opportunity offender,” then he deserves “an equal opportunity” response from the people. If this is his only means of getting laughs, perhaps the show needs to find some new people who understand that there’s no comedy in demeaning a special needs boy and his mother.

I am calling on all of us to contact the sponsors of Sunday’s show to tell them exactly how we feel about the disgusting, heartless sense of humor displayed on “Family Guy” Sunday night.

Governor Palin wrote in her Facebook note that this “felt like another kick in the gut.” It’s time we kick back. You are consumers; therefore, you are powerful. Use that power.

There will be those who will say contacting sponsors, boycotting companies, and making our voices heard are over the top. To those people I say look at the clip of “Family Guy” mocking Trig–an innocent, precious gift from God who means as much to his family as your children and loved ones mean to you. Now tell me it’s over the top!

Here’s the contact information (Be sure to contact Fox):

Fox News: Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO, News Corporation – 212-852-7000

Fox Broadcasting Company – 310-369-1000

YUM! Brands (Pizza Hut) – 502-874-8300
Red Bull North America Inc. – 310-393-4647
Mars, Inc. – 703-821-4900
Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. – 800-331-4331
Bally Total Fitness Holdings Corp. – 773-399-1300
Pfizer, Inc. – 212-573-2323
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company – 312-644-2121
Universal Pictures – 818-777-1000

(H/T thedesignconservative)

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Leave Governor Palin’s Children Alone! (UPDATED with Gov. Palin’s Facebook Note)

Posted by Adrienne Ross on February 16, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

I do not watch “Family Guy” for one simple reason: I’m not a fan of puking my guts out, and no doubt the show would create that kind of reaction from me. I’ve seen enough previews to know that it is the kind of thing I simply would not find humorous. I’ve seen their mocking of Jesus, for example, and frankly, I don’t give place to that in my home.

Therefore, had it not been the talk of the day, I would not have known about last night’s episode that alludes to Governor Palin and her son, Trig.

In the episode, a feisty girl with Down Syndrome has a date with a teenage boy. Forgive me for not knowing these characters’ names. Like I said, I prefer not puking.

The special needs character identifies her mother as “the former governor of Alaska.” Without the use of names, it is an obvious reference to the Palins, as Trig has Down Syndrome and Palin is the former Alaska governor.

There has been a lot written and much discussed today about this episode. Even leftists see this as below the belt. You can see the clip and decide for yourself by clicking here. Personally, I cannot figure out why the Palin reference was necessary. I cannot figure out how it adds to the storyline. It certainly doesn’t contribute to any humor that might be found somewhere in this show. All I have to say is this: Barack Obama told the media early in his candidacy to leave his children alone. He was right to make such a request/demand–and everyone obliged. Children of public figures should be off limits. Governor Palin’s children deserve the same respect President Obama’s children have been given, which is the same respect every child deserves.

So in the name of decency, “Family Guy” (and everyone else who has declared a never-ending hunting season on her children): “Leave Governor Palin’s children alone!

UPDATED with Governor Palin’s Facebook note:

Fox Hollywood – What a Disappointment

People are asking me to comment on yesterday’s Fox show that felt like another kick in the gut. Bristol was one who asked what I thought of the show that mocked her baby brother, Trig (and/or others with special needs), in an episode yesterday. Instead of answering, I asked her what she thought. Here is her conscientious reply, which is a much more restrained and gracious statement than I want to make about an issue that begs the question, “when is enough, enough?”:

“When you’re the son or daughter of a public figure, you have to develop thick skin. My siblings and I all have that, but insults directed at our youngest brother hurt too much for us to remain silent. People with special needs face challenges that many of us will never confront, and yet they are some of the kindest and most loving people you’ll ever meet. Their lives are difficult enough as it is, so why would anyone want to make their lives more difficult by mocking them? As a culture, shouldn’t we be more compassionate to innocent people – especially those who are less fortunate? Shouldn’t we be willing to say that some things just are not funny? Are there any limits to what some people will do or say in regards to my little brother or others in the special needs community? If the writers of a particularly pathetic cartoon show thought they were being clever in mocking my brother and my family yesterday, they failed. All they proved is that they’re heartless jerks. – Bristol Palin”

– Sarah Palin

* bumped

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