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Posts Tagged ‘Al Sharpton’

Governor Palin’s Policies and the Black Community–Part I

Posted by Adrienne Ross on February 1, 2011

By Adrienne Ross –

February is Black History Month, and as I have already been planning to address how Governor Palin’s principles and policies greatly benefit the Black community, there is no better time than now for Part I.

It is unfortunate that so many on the Left seek to paint conservatives in general, and Governor Palin in particular, as racists at worst and racially out of touch at best. They have created and cultivated the narrative that liberals have the road map for leading Black people to the Promised Land, while people like Palin would much prefer we still worked the plantation. They suggest that the pro-Constitution, pro-limited government, pro-personal responsibility, and pro-fiscal restraint message is one designed to ignore, isolate, or inhibit people of African descent, as if any of those things are anathema to the Black community. They have successfully–at least up until now–managed to convince some 90% of Blacks that they are the answer to their every question and that they can take us where we need to go. On the other hand, conservatives, they say, are committed to forming a blockade to impede our progress, and therefore are our biggest problem.

Their assertions play on the emotions of those who refuse to look at the facts. For too long the far-Left has gotten away with making claims for which they have no evidence. I have dealt with questions about why I, a Black woman, support Governor Palin and what she stands for. I have dealt with some rather unreasonable people who have hurled insults at both the Governor and me. These arguments have no substance, as one surely noticed here when I appeared on Sistah Talk TV and was asked how I could call myself a Black woman when I supported Governor Palin. Not one iota of evidence of racism by Governor Palin, the tea party, or Republicans was offered. All that was presented was a whole lot of attitude.

So let’s move past all the charged unsubstantiated claims and hysterical emotion, and let’s deal with the facts instead.

I have said a multitude of times that what Governor Palin stands for is of benefit to all Americans, but absolutely essential for the Black community. If America is in jeopardy because of the policies of this current administration–and it is–the Black community is at an even greater risk. So how exactly does Governor Palin’s policies, principles, and practices serve the Black community? I will deal with several issues over several posts. Today, I’ll deal with what is, without a doubt, the most important issue of all.

Governor Palin’s name is synonymous with pro-life. Some love her for this, while others despise her for the same. Love her or hate her, you can’t deny this: she has not only talked the talk; she has walked the walk. She has lived out her commitment to the sanctity of human life. I stand juxtaposed with the 90% of Black Americans who vote Democrat every time, but my stand is nothing compared to Governor Palin’s. Her life story stands juxtaposed with the fact that 90% of Down Syndrome pregnancies end in abortion. She has annihilated the argument that was sure to come: “Governor, you have never been in such a situation, so you don’t know what you would do.” She has been there, and we all know what she has done–with no regrets.

Abortion is a world problem, surely an American problem, and most notably a Black problem. Its impact on the Black population is astounding, as it is responsible for the fact that we are on a journey from which we cannot return if we continue at this rate of speed. shares the following chart and video clip which document the countdown to extinction for Blacks as a result of abortion:

I marvel at politicians and so-called leaders in America who are adamant about supporting Planned Parenthood and the pro-choice movement. Planned Parenthood, of course, was started by Margaret Sanger, racist and eugenicist, who was committed to the destruction of the Black population. Planned Parenthood’s current racist agenda has been exposed several times, yet they still receive federal dollars. Almost 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in Black neighborhoods. That was always the plan. Yet we have fallen for it lock, stock, and barrel. Instead of railing against this gross injustice, instead of condemning this blatant racism, and instead of doing everything possible to stop its progress, Black leaders would rather point their fingers at conservatives. They would rather call Governor Palin a racist, even as they align themselves with the anti-Black, dangerous, and mind-blowing game plan of the abortion industry. And yet they ask me how I could call myself a Black woman and support Governor Palin? Perhaps I should pose a question to them: How dare they, purporting to care about the plight of others, accuse anyone of racism when they themselves are participating in the destruction of a whole race of people?

Governor Palin has endured unseemly criticism, verbal attacks, and character assassination, yet she has stood up for life. She has challenged America to embrace a culture a life. In so doing, she has proven herself to be more a lover of Black people than the 90% of Blacks who seem unconcerned about this issue and continue to vote for other unconcerned people in their Party.

And where does President Obama, so loudly praised as the first Black president, stand on this issue? Surely he, of all people, knows the facts, the statistics, the history behind the abortion industry. Surely he stands up for the Black community. Think again.

Take a look at then-candidate and Senator Barack Obama addressing Planned Parenthood about his commitment to abortion and the Freedom of Choice Act, which is just sick–at least to anyone who has a modicum of respect for the sanctity of life.

President Obama, who is brilliant, or so his supporters daily tell us, doesn’t bat an eye giving his blessing to a practice that has snuffed out more Black lives than the various other dangers and causes of death in the Black community–combined.

Now watch Governor Palin as she addresses Obama’s radical view on abortion. The difference is glaring. As you listen to her, ask yourself the following question: which one of these leaders do you think is more a friend of the Black community? President Obama’s Harvard University education, with all its prestige, still left him void of the basic understanding of when a baby is entitled to human rights. Such an answer, he says, is above his pay grade. Give me Governor Palin anyday, for my people’s very survival depends on it.

Abortion is an issue of humanity and morality for all people, yes. Life must be deemed valuable, no matter the color. However, with a mere cursory research into the facts, no one can deny its impact on the Black community in particular–a systematic impact that has proven successful because we, as a people, have done what Governor Palin will not do: we’ve sold out and locked arms with others who have sold us out. I’m reminded of the classic, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. When Ruth discovers she’s pregnant, she goes to see the “doctor” about an abortion because her marriage is already strained. Lena, the matriarch of the family, expects her grown son, Walter, to put a stop to it. So consumed with his own dreams, Walter remains silent. Lena then declares:

I’m waiting to hear how you’d be like
the man your father was.

Your wife said she’s going to
destroy your child.

I’m waiting to hear you talk
like your father…

…and say we’re a people who give
children life, not who destroys them.

I’m waiting to see you stand up
and look like your daddy…

…and say, we gave up one baby
to poverty. We ain’t giving up another.

I’m waiting!

If you be a son of mine,
you’ll tell her.

Walter never does say anything, and in disgust, his mother spits:

You’re a disgrace
to your father’s memory.

This is where I come from–a people who believed in life, ancestors who, more than anything, wanted life for their children, who risked their own lives for it. How far we have fallen. And to the extent that we have allowed the horror of abortion to set us on the path of extinction, we, too, are a disgrace to the memory of our forefathers and foremothers.

Later, when offered money not to move into a White neighborhood, Lena tells her son:

Son – I come from five generations of people who was slaves and sharecroppers – but ain’t nobody in my family never let nobody pay ‘em no money that was a way of telling us we wasn’t fit to walk the earth. We ain’t never been that poor…We ain’t never been that – dead inside.

Planned Parenthood offers us close proximity, what they call health care, and a way out. They offer us a service, tell us it’s for our own good. All it costs us is our soul–and our future. I’m inclined, however, to agree with Lena: surely we ain’t that poor or that dead inside.

As a people, we have many challenges to overcome, obstacles to climb. Governor Palin would call this “less than ideal circumstances.” We must, nonetheless, stop these voices from speaking death and destruction into our lives, and still the hands so ready to perform it. Race baiting liberals, quick to call out racism where it does not exist, have shown their true colors, and have assented to the racism that does exist. yes, Black people have agreed with those who have deemed us unfit to walk the earth. We may never say so, but the old adage still rings true: actions speak louder than words.

I honor Governor Palin because in her fight for life and in her refusal to sit down and shut up on this issue, she has shown herself to be a friend of the Black community in ways that even the Black community has not been a friend to themselves–and surely the people they’re voting for have not been friendly. We’ve been duped, bamboozled, played.

Why is Governor Palin good for the Black community? It should be obvious. You can keep the Left’s racist agenda, you can keep Al Sharpton and Company, you can keep Hillary Clinton, and you can surely keep President Obama, who ought to know better, as Rick Santorum pointed out and was excoriated as a result. Santorum stood by his comments and took Al Sharpton apart in a debate on “Hannity.” What a shame that Sharpton was calling Santorum’s comments racist when all he was doing was fighting for the lives of Black babies. It’s sickness to the nth power when the self-appointed civil rights activist is arguing with Rick Santorum’s support of the rights of Blacks within the womb. Can you say hypocrisy?

Yes, you can keep all these people who ignore the horrors of abortion and the effect it has on the Black community; I’ll take Governor Palin’s policies, principles, and practices anyday.

It’s Black History Month, and as you see the commercials, hear the music, and watch the celebrations sure to come, even as the Left continues to masquerade as the pro-Black Party, and even as they persist in painting Governor Palin and conservatives as racist conspirators of hate, wade through all of the nonsense and you’ll see the truth. America needs Governor Palin, and the Black community needs her even more–for many reasons. Her respect for the sanctity of all human life is just one of them, but what an important one it is.

Take some time to digest more information from

Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.

This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated “Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America’s Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member.”

A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had any abortions.

Check out this short video at

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Video – Governor Palin: I Hope Dr. King Would Be So Proud of Us

Posted by Adrienne Ross on August 28, 2010

By Adrienne Ross –

The National Review reports Governor Palin’s backstage comments at the Restoring Honor Rally when asked about how Dr. King would feel about today:

I hope that Dr. King would be so proud of us, as his niece Dr. Alveda King is very proud as a participant in this rally,” Palin says. “This is sacred ground where we feel his spirit and can appreciate all of his efforts. He who so believed in equality and may we live up to his challenge.

I believe Dr. King would indeed be proud of what took place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial today, in spite of what Al Sharpton had to say. It is quite a shame, albeit not a surprise, that Sharpton would use his rally, not far from the Lincoln Memorial, to bash the efforts of Glenn Beck, Governor Palin, and Dr. King’s own niece, Dr. Alveda King, among others.

Unlike Sharpton’s tactics, those involved in the Restoring Honor Rally were all about unity, hope, and faith in God. Not even the usual hot air from Al Sharpton was able to quench the fire and excitement of those present and those watching from home. And of course, those at the Lincoln Memorial were not spewing any hatred toward the Dr. King rally taking place nearby, but they did have plenty of good things to say about Dr. King, his dream, our nation, and our troops.

(h/t Damien)

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